
Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

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In early winter, Li Jiaxiang sat alone in the living room in a daze. He is 72 years old and has been retired for 10 years.

Some time ago, he went back to the hospital for a routine physical examination, and the doctor told him that his blood lipid and blood sugar indicators were slightly abnormal, and advised him to pay attention to diet and exercise.

The old man didn't take it to heart when he heard it, he lived as usual, three meals a day, often played cards with friends, and occasionally went to the park for a stroll.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

The day before yesterday, Li Jiaxiang went to the hospital for another reexamination. This time, the doctor's tone was much more serious.

"Mr. Li, the results of your physical examination this time are not ideal, your cholesterol is high, your blood sugar is also exceeded, if you don't change your lifestyle, it is likely to develop high blood pressure and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

I recommend that you reduce your diet and do more aerobic exercise from now on, as it will do you a lot of good for your body. "

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

Li Jiaxiang couldn't help but be a little worried after hearing this. He knew that these problems might not be a big deal, but if they did evolve into more serious diseases, they would be troublesome.

He quickly jotted down the doctor's advice and decided to adjust his routine starting tomorrow.

Back at home, Li Jiaxiang turned on the computer and began to consult relevant medical information. He found that according to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the daily food intake of the elderly over 55 years old should be appropriately reduced, with a recommended energy intake of 1800-2000 kcal [1].

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the rationality of the dietary structure, eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, choose high-quality protein, and appropriately supplement vitamins and minerals.

Also, it's important to do regular aerobic exercise. Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week significantly improves cardiovascular health in older adults [2].

Li Jiaxiang remembered that the doctor said "do more of these 3 things", which should refer to diet management, aerobic exercise and adequate sleep.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

Thinking of this, Li Jiaxiang felt a little guilty about his lifestyle.

He does eat too well and exercise too little, which leads to physical problems now.

He is determined to start tomorrow, strictly control his diet, insist on walking and exercising every day, and ensure that he sleeps more than 8 hours a day.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

Early the next morning, Li Jiaxiang began to act. He first carefully inspected the food in the refrigerator and cupboards in the kitchen, cleared out all the high-fat and high-sugar snacks, and ate some vegetables, fruits and lean meats instead.

For breakfast, he only eats a bowl of porridge, and at noon he chooses a light fried greens and a boiled egg.

After lunch, Li Jiaxiang put on sportswear and took a slow walk on the fitness trail in the community. He tried to keep his pace brisk, taking deep breaths as he walked, feeling the crisp autumn weather. After the walk, he did some simple stretching exercises in the park.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

After returning home, Li Jiaxiang immediately took a shower, changed into comfortable pajamas, and lay down on the sofa to take a nap. After a while, he fell into a restful sleep.

In this way, Li Jiaxiang insisted on a new lifestyle for a week. He found that eating on time every day, exercising moderately, and ensuring sleep did improve his physical condition significantly.

His blood sugar and lipid levels have decreased, and he is more energetic than before.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

A month later, Li Jiaxiang came to the hospital again for a physical examination. The results of the examination showed that his blood lipid and blood sugar levels had basically stabilized within the normal range.

The doctor praised him sincerely: "Mr. Li, your conditioning effect is really amazing!" Adhering to a healthy diet, moderate exercise and good sleep can indeed prevent and control various metabolic diseases common in the elderly to a large extent.

Hopefully, you will be able to maintain this healthy lifestyle all the time. "

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 55, you should eat less and do more of these three things, and many old people don't care

Since then, Li Jiaxiang has paid more attention to his physical health. He insisted on walking for one hour every day and exercising, and strictly controlled his diet, trying to eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods.

When friends get together, he also takes the initiative to remind everyone to pay attention to diet and exercise, and encourage each other.

The health management of the elderly really needs to start from the details of life. Only through a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and good sleep habits can we better prevent and control various chronic diseases and embrace a healthier and happier old age.


[1] Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022 Edition), National Health Commission, June 2022.

[2] Lee IM, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, et al. Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. The Lancet, 2012, 380(9838):219-29.