
Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

author:Duck Duck shares new things

Today's sharing: Chinese who love to watch lively all their lives [Bixin]

Two days ago, there was a man downstairs who drank too much, came to find a woman estimated to be a relationship problem, from more than 10 o'clock has been shouting until the early hours of the morning, the nearby neighbors called the police once and the police came once, he still did not leave, continued to shout downstairs. My husband and I listened to it in the window, and the two of us put on our clothes and pants and said to go out to throw out the garbage, and then stood downstairs to watch the excitement. Later, my husband saw that the time was too late, so he stood next to his face to watch the excitement and persuaded a few words, and then the man who drank too much became more and more excited, and rushed upstairs to find a woman's frame and slammed the door or something, so I called the police, and then the police came, and the man's parents also came. After watching the excitement for a while, I went home to sleep [tears running]

Your Ruko's mentality feels terrible [tears]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 还真炸啊! Over the years, more and more people have done what they say [awkward smile] [embarrassed laugh]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 好了,现在轮到我们好奇了[看]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 我跟我老公去酒吧,就喜欢蹲在门口看人打架,人要看啊倆啊倆就假装也吵架[捂脸]默契的很

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬前年在烧烤店吃饭,看见有交警设卡查酒驾,我们几个就在边吃边看,看着看着有个闯卡的给人正常行驶的车撞了,我朋友就过去给人出馊主意:不舒服就躺下,该去医院检查就去医院检查,他是酒驾你别怕。 [Look]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

Hahaha, the dog is really unlucky [covering his face]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬有一次在路边打车 ,身后的小情侣在闹别扭 ,女的在哭 ,男的在发火 ,吵的啥我忘了 ,当时我想仔细听又不好意思回头 ,上车了都还在侧耳听[泪奔]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬我前天在产后康复中心二楼做康复,然后听到一楼有人骂街! The therapist and I both stood up and opened the window to see that my grandson was sick and hospitalized, and my grandmother didn't take care of it, nor did she visit, but only cared about helping her daughter, and then my daughter-in-law's mother scolded the street here!

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 我隔壁邻居那对夫妻经常吵架,一吵架就大吼大叫的。 Because they all have a big terrace, I take a chair and prepare some fruit and melon seeds, and sit on the balcony to listen to them. I was really anxious to see that woman quarreling, that logical thinking really didn't work, I really wanted to call her to guide her on how to argue. [covers face]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

I went with my mother to buy melons, and then the stall owner and the seller quarreled, and the owners of several stalls around all watched the excitement, and the stalls were all gone [crying silently]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

My husband went straight, there was a driver double solid line U-turn and hit our car, next to the two drivers to see the excitement and hit again, when the two drivers called insurance, the back group of drivers watched the excitement and rear-ended, 20 minutes three accidents [cover face] [cover face] on this Thursday

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 在三亚旅游 ,大半夜民宿楼下俩伙人嗷嗷对骂,为了抢一个车位,一个喝多了一个很清醒 ,三个劝架的,旁边卖鱿鱼的都来了 ,我一个翻身拿起了买的芒果,跑到阳台上猛猛观看[捂脸]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

My husband, when I was pregnant with my big treasure, it was eight months, we went to the cake shop, and the two girls fought in the cake shop, and he quickly sent me to a safe place, and squeezed over to watch the excitement by himself [covering his face] [covering his face]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 有一次上厕所出来,听见男厕所突然嗷的好大声,我好奇在门口站着想着听听动静,要不要帮忙啥的,然后不多久,涌入一批消防员还有110还有大厦保安叔叔,我正准备走,帽子蜀黍问我可不可以描述一下事情经过,我正说着呢男生抬出来了,因为派出所就在隔壁楼就让我跟着去了,那家伙,我是好市民,帅蜀黍又有需要,可不得过去一下,结果等我回公司, Everyone's eyes were like brass bells chasing me, and the overwhelming female leaders of the company seemed to be playing hooligans in the men's toilet and were taken away [smile]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

It's good, and I watch the excitement while drinking [Bixin]

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

‬ 那你俩结婚以后更快乐,不怕没共同语言,俩人天天蛐蛐快乐不行了

Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad


Laughing can't live, how much do Chinese love to watch lively? Netizen: I still watch robberies abroad

Genes that Chinese can't lose in their lives: anti-Japanese, anti-drug, making fun [tears] and growing vegetables [covering face]

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