
Is menstruation also good for women? Many people don't know about these benefits!

author:Po talks about health

Menstruation, a physiological phenomenon that comes every month, is often accompanied by discomfort and inconvenience for many women. However, menstruation isn't all negative, and it actually comes with some unexpected benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits of menstruation that may not be well known to the general public.

Is menstruation also good for women? Many people don't know about these benefits!

1. Strengthens the immune system

During menstruation, hormone levels in a woman's body change, and this change helps to boost the immune system. Studies have shown that during menstruation, a woman's white blood cell count increases, which helps the body fight infections. In addition, menstruation also helps to remove aging cells and waste products from the body, thus maintaining the efficient functioning of the immune system.

2. Boosts metabolism

During menstruation, the metabolism in a woman's body accelerates. This is because the body needs to expend more energy to process and expel the endometrium. This accelerated metabolism helps burn fat and has a positive effect on weight control and maintaining a healthy weight. At the same time, during menstruation, the body's need for certain nutrients also increases, which helps to promote the body's absorption and utilization of these nutrients.

Is menstruation also good for women? Many people don't know about these benefits!

3. Improves cardiovascular health

During menstruation, estrogen levels in a woman's body decrease, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Estrogen helps keep blood vessels elastic and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, during menstruation, the body releases some beneficial hormones, such as endorphins, which help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure, which improves cardiovascular health.

4. Helps with mental health

During menstruation, hormonal changes in a woman's body affect not only the body, but also the psychological state. Some studies have shown that during menstruation, women may experience mood swings, but this can also help release stress and tension. Menstruation can serve as an emotional release mechanism to help women better cope with the stresses and challenges in life.

5. Promotes bone health

During menstruation, calcium metabolism changes in a woman's body. While there may be a slight loss of calcium during menstruation, this loss stimulates the body to produce more calcium, which helps maintain bone health. In addition, during menstruation, the body's need for calcium increases, which helps to promote calcium absorption and bone formation.

Is menstruation also good for women? Many people don't know about these benefits!


Menstruation is not just a physiological process, it also brings a range of health benefits. By understanding the benefits of menstruation, we can view this natural phenomenon more positively and take steps to alleviate the discomfort that comes with menstruation. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, and getting enough sleep, can help regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce menstruation-related problems. At the same time, regular gynecological examinations are also an important means of maintaining women's reproductive health.

Menstruation should not be seen as a burden on women, but rather as a sign that women's physiology is functioning properly. With a scientific attitude and the right knowledge, we can better understand menstruation and its positive impact on women's health. Let's embrace this natural process and be thankful for the health benefits it brings us.

Is menstruation also good for women? Many people don't know about these benefits!