
What's going on? It feels like the balls are cold! What is the normal temperature of the scrotum in summer?

author:Po talks about health

With the arrival of summer, as the temperature rises, people become more sensitive to changes in the temperature of various parts of the body. Especially for men, the temperature change in the scrotum may cause some discomfort, such as the feeling of "cold balls". From the perspective of physiology, this article will popularize the normal temperature of the scrotum in summer and its regulatory mechanism.

What's going on? It feels like the balls are cold! What is the normal temperature of the scrotum in summer?

Physiological significance of scrotal temperature

The scrotum is a part of the male reproductive organs, and its main function is to protect the testicles and maintain the right temperature to ensure normal sperm production. Spermatogenesis requires an environment that is slightly lower than body temperature, usually between 34-35 degrees Celsius. Therefore, temperature regulation of the scrotum is essential for male fertility.

Changes in scrotal temperature in summer

During the summer months, the temperature regulation mechanism of the scrotum becomes more active due to the increase in the outside temperature. The scrotal skin is rich in sweat glands, which dissipate heat by sweating; At the same time, the skin folds of the scrotum can increase the surface area and help with the heat dissipation. In addition, the muscles of the scrotum can adjust the distance from the body by contracting and relaxing, further regulating the temperature.

Self-perception of scrotal temperature

The feeling of "cold balls" may be due to the effective temperature regulation of the scrotum. When the scrotum feels too hot, it dissipates heat by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow; Conversely, if the temperature is too low, the blood vessels will constrict, reducing blood flow in order to maintain the temperature. This self-regulating mechanism allows the temperature of the scrotum to remain within a relatively stable range.

What's going on? It feels like the balls are cold! What is the normal temperature of the scrotum in summer?

How to protect the scrotum in summer

  1. Dress appropriately: Choose breathable underwear and loose outer pants to avoid local overheating caused by tight clothing.
  2. Keep it clean: It is easy to sweat in summer, so pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the genitals to avoid the growth of bacteria.
  3. Avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures: Try to avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures, and if necessary, take appropriate cooling measures.
  4. Drink plenty of water: Adequate hydration can help regulate body temperature and boost metabolism.

Thermoregulation of the scrotum in summer is a natural physiological process, and by understanding its mechanism, we can better protect this important reproductive organ. Remember, proper temperature is essential for sperm health, so it is essential to take the right steps to maintain the proper temperature of the scrotum. Through reasonable lifestyle habits and clothing choices, we can effectively reduce the discomfort caused by summer and maintain good health.

What's going on? It feels like the balls are cold! What is the normal temperature of the scrotum in summer?