
Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

author:Senior science popularizer


"Humans may live in a virtual world."

Musk's sharp words aroused people's curiosity, but this sentence has been known to most people in the movie "The Matrix".

In the movie, humans live in an electronic world where machines connect their brains into a giant network, and humans no longer need to live on a dangerous planet, but in a large virtual environment.

However, such a virtual environment has made the development of the entire human civilization stagnant, and most people's living conditions are immutable, and it is difficult for people to feel fulfilled in such a life.

And we live in a virtual world, is there such a possibility?

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

1. The accuracy of physical laws.

In the process of human development, there are constantly scientists exploring some unknown areas, and in these fields, there are many questions, the biggest of which is, what exists in the universe?

The American physicist Stephen Hawking once proposed that "all material is composed of the smallest elementary particles and the fundamental forces in the universe".

Among such particles, there are four elementary particles, namely: (1) quarks; (2) lepton; (3) photons; (4) Gluon.

These four elementary particles are divided into two parts according to the forces they act, namely: (1) two interacting forces, in which the molecules are called gluons.

The other two elementary particles are not subject to force.

Among these four elementary particles, there are two elementary particles that are not affected by strong interaction forces, namely: (1) leptons and (2) photons.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

Among these two kinds of elementary particles, the photon is the elementary particle with no charge, and the photon is only a particle with a small weight, so the photon can not be affected by the force, but can flow freely in the universe, so the photon can be understood as a kind of magical matter, this matter is a basic property in the universe.

With the continuous progress of science and technology, people are constantly exploring the mysteries of the universe, people are constantly discovering the atomic structure and molecular structure of matter, and they are constantly researching, so with people's continuous research in this aspect, many new substances are also constantly discovered.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

So people came up with the idea of studying the composition of these substances and the forces they produce together, and looking for the relationship between them.

Therefore, after many studies, it is found that both the electromagnetic force and the weak interaction force follow a law, that is, the electromagnetic force and the weak interaction force are gradually merged and changed, and at the same time, in the process of merging these two forces, the properties of matter have also changed.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

In this process, many different kinds of particles will be gradually produced, which are called elementary particles, and at the same time, the elementary particles are constantly divided, and finally the elementary particles are divided into four kinds of elementary particles.

The process of the appearance and disappearance of these particles is also constantly changing, and this change is produced in the process of interaction force, so people have further studied this phenomenon and found that this phenomenon is a very common phenomenon in the process of cosmic development.

When people slowly observe this phenomenon, they find that there is a huge energy in the center of countless stars in the universe, and at the same time, a huge gravitational attraction will be generated.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

Under the action of this gravitational force, many planets move around each other, and at the same time, in the process of the movement of these stars and planets, a new force is formed, that is, gravitational force.

The magnitude of this force depends on the mass and distance between the two objects, so in the universe, this force is generated between many stars and planets and nebulae, so this is also a force that exists in the universe.

So under the action of these two forces, a new force, the weak interaction force, is generated, and at the same time, under the combination of the electromagnetic force and the weak interaction force, another force is generated, that is, the strong interaction force.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

These four forces are the four basic forces that exist in the universe, and when people continue to explore the relationship between these four basic forces, they have also found that these four basic forces are very similar to each other, and at the same time, there is a commonality between these four forces, that is, there is a law of mutual transformation between these four forces and elementary particles.

This law has been studied in the form of mathematics, and some substances have been explained, and even the way matter interacts has been studied in the form of mathematics.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

2. Phenomena in the universe.

However, in the universe, there are still many, many strange phenomena, and people are constantly discussing these phenomena, but human beings have not yet discovered what a phenomenon is, and these phenomena are like bugs in the universe, so physicists believe that human beings live in a virtual world.

But most of these bugs are still people's speculations, and there is not enough rigorous research on this kind of bug, but in the process of guessing these bugs, there is no bug that can go against common sense, but can reasonably explain this phenomenon, so people think that there may be many bugs in the universe, but none of these bugs are accurately recorded as a phenomenon that violates common sense.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

However, in the study of matter by physicists, many bugs have been found, and these bugs can reasonably explain its existence, but there is no special phenomenon, but the reason for the existence of these bugs is because people have done enough research on these substances, so these phenomena have been discovered.

In the process of scientific development, physics still has certain limitations and shortcomings, but this deficiency may be slowly solved with the development of science.

But physicists will continue to discover these bugs and study them further.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

3. The development of virtual reality technology.

With the rapid development of Internet technology, virtual reality technology is also developing rapidly, but will this speed of development have an impact on people's lives?

Human beings are increasingly dependent on the development of science and technology in their daily lives, and at the same time, the development of science and technology has also brought convenience to human beings, but people's ways of thinking and behavior are slowly changing.

Recently, there is a new device, it is the "air touch screen", this device has been sought after by people after the sale, but when people use this kind of equipment, they no longer need to touch the screen with their hands, but they need to gesture at a specific distance in the air, but once people are addicted to the development of this high-tech, they will gradually give up their previous habits, and gradually become lazy.

Therefore, in the process of this change, people will gradually escape from the real world, become more and more immersed in the virtual reality world, and at the same time, they will gradually get lost in the virtual reality world, and human life will gradually become boring and lifeless.

In Liu Cixin's novel "The Three-Body Problem", a scene of human civilization being swallowed up by the virtual world is envisioned, and everyone wastes time in this virtual reality world, but this virtual reality world can not bring spiritual pleasure to human beings, but makes human beings gradually give up the exploration of the real world, thus making human beings lose an ability, which is very important, and this ability is also one of the most important abilities of human beings, that is: the ability to create.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code

However, under the loss of this ability, human civilization gradually stagnated, and human life became immutable and lifeless.

So in our lives, don't just see reality, and at the same time, don't just see the virtual world, or keep your feet on the ground and go your own way.

Musk's words are astonishing: the universe may be virtual, and the human world is just a string of code


In order to allow human beings not to be swallowed up by virtual reality technology in their future lives, it is necessary to explore solutions in this regard.

Therefore, in this regard, it is still necessary to explore, gradually find a reasonable direction for the development of this technology, and at the same time do not let the development of this technology surpass human cognition.

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