
Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

author:Onigiri says things

In ancient Chinese mythology, the story of the Fengshen Bang can be described as a household name, outlining a magnificent battle between heaven and earth. And among these many gods, have you ever heard of Yin Jiao?

Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

From ancient times to the present, Chinese myths and stories have always been fascinating. In particular, the story in "Romance of the Gods" perfectly integrates history and mythology, making people feel the imagination and creativity of the ancients. Today, let's talk about one of the characters, Yin Jiao, whose story is full of twists and tragedies, and also reflects the cruelty and injustice of the society at that time.

Yin Jiao was originally the son of the king of Shang, and according to the theory of blood, he had an indisputable inheritance. The good times did not last long, due to the bewitchment of the nine-tailed fox Su Daji, the temperament of the king of Shang changed greatly, and the government became more and more tyrannical, which affected the fate of Yin Jiao. Yin Jiao and his brother Yin Hong were forced to leave the palace, and their childhood was almost spent in exile, which made the prince, who was supposed to grow up in fine clothes and food, taste the suffering of the world early.

Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

The development of the story is even more confusing, and Yin Jiao was later taken to the Taoyuan Cave of Jiuxian Mountain by Guang Chengzi, one of the twelve golden immortals who explained the teachings, to practice. When the war drums of King Wu's war sounded, Yin Jiao was sent down the mountain by his master and became involved in the war against his father. In the end, in a melee full of politics and power games, Yin Jiao was forced to stand on the opposite side of the Shang king.

In the final stage of the gods, Yin Jiao's fate took a dramatic turn again. When the list of gods was opened, the gods from all walks of life were seated, and Yin Jiao was named Tai Sui, a position that was not trivial, and it was said that his position gave him the right to influence the fate of the other 365 gods. Such an ending is not only a satire of his fate, but also extraordinarily heavyweight.

Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

The story of Yin Jiao is not only a narrative of personal joys and sorrows, but also a deeper reflection of the cruelty and ruthlessness of the society at that time. An heir to the throne, because of political changes and family tragedies, finally turned around and became a member of the divine realm. His life was full of ups and downs, full of unpredictable and uncontrollable factors.

And in the layout of the god list, the position of each god has its own unique meaning and power. Yin Jiao was named Tai Sui, which means that he is in charge of the flow of time and the change of years, and this power is extremely important in mythology. He has changed from a prince on earth to a young man who controls the fate of the gods, and this transformation can't help but make people feel the impermanence of fate and the mystery of heaven.

Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

In the narrative of "Romance of the Gods", the image of Yin Jiao is complex and profound. He is both a victim and a fighter who constantly strives for survival and development in the face of adversity. From his story, we can see a microcosm of an era, a timeless theme about power, affection and betrayal.

Let's think about it again, is Yin Jiao's life the best portrayal of that turbulent era? A prince who should enjoy the glory of the royal family, but because of political changes and the decline of the family, he has stepped into a road full of thorns. Each of his choices is not only a personal choice, but also an inevitable product of the entire era.

Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

The story of the Fengshen Bang is far more than just ancient mythology, it is deeply rooted in the cultural soil of that era, reflecting people's deep thinking about fate, justice and power. The fate of Yin Jiao is like a mirror, reflecting the fears, hopes and dreams of the people of that era.

Now, when we revisit these ancient stories, we can't help but think that these myths give us not only a distant history, but also a deep insight into human nature, power and destiny. The story of Yin Jiao reminds us that the challenges and choices faced by human beings in the face of fate are actually similar, both in the past and in modern times.

Fengshen, how old is Yin Jiao's title of Tai Sui? Yuan Shi Tianzun: He has the final say on the year-end bonus

The story of Yin Jiao is a legend of ups and downs, which not only makes us feel the joys and sorrows of a prince, but also deeply touches on the theme of human nature and fate. Through his story, we see the deep understanding of the ancients about destiny, justice, and personal choice. Fengshenbang is not only a mythological work, it is more like a mirror image, reflecting the brilliance and darkness of human nature. Such a story is not just an echo of antiquity, it is also a reminder that in any era, when faced with adversity and choice, our attitudes and decisions will define our destiny.