
Eating a man's heart does not rely on coquettishness and sex!

author:Persistent orange Ue
Eating a man's heart does not rely on coquettishness and sex!
Eating a man's heart does not rely on coquettishness and sex!
Eating a man's heart does not rely on coquettishness and sex!
Eating a man's heart does not rely on coquettishness and sex!
Eating a man's heart does not rely on coquettishness and sex!

Affection is not tied to the wind and moon

The moonlight is hazy, sprinkled like a light veil on the bluestone slabs of the Jiangnan water town. The breeze is light, with a hint of coolness, blowing away the hustle and bustle of the day. I stood alone in front of the window, looking at the quiet night, but my heart was full of indescribable thoughts.

"If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." As I chanted this poem, I couldn't help but think of him, the man who made my heart move. We met by chance, and I was deeply attracted by his gentleness and erudition. However, I also understand that it is not easy to truly enter his heart.

In those days, women always seemed to be inseparable from coquettishness and sex in order to win the hearts of men. However, I firmly believe that true love should not be bound by these superficial things. I will use my sincerity and wisdom to conquer his heart.

Our first meeting was at a literary gathering. He is dressed in a long shirt, with a good demeanor, and he reveals an extraordinary temperament when talking and laughing. I sat quietly in the corner, watching his every move. Every little detail of him makes me feel excited. At that moment, I knew that I had fallen into a deep obsession with him.

However, I also understood that winning his heart was not something that would happen overnight. I need to show my talent and charm so that he can see what sets me apart from other women. So, I began to work hard to learn poetry and songs to improve my literary literacy. Whenever there is a literary gathering, I always actively participate in it, exchange ideas and share insights with him.

"Qingqing Zijin, relax my heart. But for the sake of the king, he has been groaning so far. "At a party, I expressed my heart to him. He didn't speak, just looked at me silently, with an inexplicable glint in his eyes. I know that he has felt my sincerity and affection.

However, what really moved him was not my poetic talent. It was the support and help I gave him when he was in trouble. It was a stormy night, and he was distraught about business. When I learned about it, I immediately rushed to his house to give him advice and solve problems.

"Why do you care so much about me?" He looked at me with doubts in his eyes.

"Because I like you and don't want to see you hurt in any way." I answer frankly.

He was silent for a moment, then held my hand tightly, his eyes shining with gratitude and tenderness. At that moment, I knew that I had managed to enter his heart.

However, to truly settle a man's heart, it is not enough to rely on these. I also need to show that I am independent and strong. In those days, women were often seen as appendages to men, without their own independent status and rights. However, I firmly believe that women should also have the right and courage to pursue their dreams.

So, I started a career in women's education and founded a girls' school. As a principal, I am committed to nurturing the cultural literacy and independence of women. My school gradually became famous in the water towns of Jiangnan, attracting more and more women to come to study.

When he found out, he was very supportive of my career. He told me, "You are a woman of vision and courage, and I am very proud of you. "I feel extremely relieved and proud to hear his compliment. I know that my efforts and perseverance have been recognized and supported by him.

However, what really impressed him was my performance in a crisis. At that time, a serious plague occurred in the water town of Jiangnan, and many people were on the verge of life and death. I did not hesitate to devote myself to the fight against the plague, personally delivering medicine and water to the people, and taking care of their daily life and food. My actions have touched countless people and made him see my strong and brave side.

"You're such an amazing woman!" He looked at me with admiration and love in his eyes.

"I just did what I was supposed to do." I replied lightly.

However, my heart was filled with satisfaction and joy. Because I know that I have earned his love and respect by my actions.

Time flies, time flies. In the blink of an eye, we have walked hand in hand through countless springs, summers, autumns and winters. Looking back, I can't help but feel emotional: true love is not maintained by coquettishness and sexuality, but by the sincerity, support and respect of both parties. I am glad that I did not cater to him with superficial things, but conquered his heart with my sincerity and wisdom.

Today, we are still in love with each other, facing the ups and downs of life together. I believe that in the days to come, as long as we hold hands with each other, we will be able to go through the ups and downs of life together and create a better future together.