
What does "迤逦" mean if you don't read yě lì, or tuō lì, and what does it mean?

author:A guest history said

In the world of Chinese characters, there are always some words that make people unforgettable at first sight, such as "迤逦" that we are going to discuss today. First, though, it's important to clear up a common misconception – the correct pronunciation of the word is neither "yě lì" nor "tuō lì".

In fact, "迤" is pronounced "yǐ" and "逦" is pronounced "lǐ", and they combine to form this beautiful and poetic word "迤逦" to read yǐ lǐ.

What does "迤逦" mean if you don't read yě lì, or tuō lì, and what does it mean?

The word "迤逦" has its own meaning when it is separated. The character "迤" has the meaning of "oblique" or "extended", while "逦" gives people a sense of "continuous".

When they work hand in hand, they form a continuous, winding picture. Imagine a path that winds through a field lined with golden wheat fields and verdant forests.

Now, let's go back to the words themselves. In fact, "迤逦" and "逦迤" are similar in meaning, and both are used to describe the appearance of twists and turns.

But in actual use, "迤逦" is more common and more pleasant. These two words are like twins, and although they are similar in appearance, they have slightly different personalities. "Twisting" is more likely to describe a continuous, graceful extension, while "Twisting" is more often used to describe the twists and turns of the terrain.

What does "迤逦" mean if you don't read yě lì, or tuō lì, and what does it mean?

So, what does it mean to be "endless"?

"Endlessly" is a more vivid expression. Imagine a stream that meanders down from a mountain with an endless stream of water, and that's what "Endless Flow" paints. It can be used not only to describe the continuity of natural scenes, but also to the continuity and continuation of certain emotions, thoughts or events.

Speaking of fun, let's take a "roundabout" trip. Imagine you're walking along a winding mountain road lined with mountains and trees, with the occasional birdsong and stream in the distance. Such a journey is not only a physical challenge, but also a baptism of the soul.

What does "迤逦" mean if you don't read yě lì, or tuō lì, and what does it mean?

And "meandering" is such a poetic word, which reminds us of those winding paths, endless mountains, and all the beautiful and continuous things in life.

In this fast-paced era, we should perhaps learn to slow down and enjoy those "unexpected" landscapes. Whether it is a mountain trail or a city street, they all have their unique "meandering" beauty.

Next time, when you walk on the road, you might as well pay more attention to the scenery around you, and maybe you will find more "beautiful" beauty.

In the process of exploring the beauty of "迤逦", we can not only feel the charm of Chinese characters, but also discover more neglected beauty in life. Let's feel and cherish these "moments" with our hearts!