
What does the word "retort" read? Do you know how to pronounce it correctly? What do "rice retorts" and "rice cakes" mean?

author:A guest history said

Today, we're going to explore a very distinctive Chinese character – 甑 (zèng). This word may seem complicated, but in fact, there are many interesting stories and meanings hidden behind it.

First of all, what does the word "retort" read? The pronunciation of "甑" is "zèng", and the tone is descending, which means that the tone is decreasing. This word may not be common to non-specialists, but it has an indispensable place in traditional Chinese culture.

What does the word "retort" read? Do you know how to pronounce it correctly? What do "rice retorts" and "rice cakes" mean?

So, what does the word "retort" mean? In ancient times, a "retort" was a type of cooking utensil, similar to a modern steamer, and was often used to steam food.

It is made of pottery or copper and has many small holes in the bottom that can be placed on a pot or mustache to heat food by steam. Imagine that in ancient times, a family sat around the fire, and the smell of rice wafted from the retort, what a warm and harmonious picture it was!

Next, let's talk about "rice retorts" and "rice cakes". As the name suggests, "rice retort" is a retort used to steam rice. In ancient times, it was an indispensable cooking utensil in the kitchen, and people used it to steam various grains such as rice and millet. The "retort cake" is a traditional snack, the main ingredients are glutinous rice, red dates, etc., after steaming, it presents a soft and glutinous sweet taste. This snack is especially popular in the Northwest Territories, where people make retort cakes to celebrate festivals or festive occasions.

What does the word "retort" read? Do you know how to pronounce it correctly? What do "rice retorts" and "rice cakes" mean?

In addition to its practical value and cultural significance, the word "甑" also contains a philosophy of life. In ancient society, retort was a must-have cooking utensil for every household, and it witnessed people's hard work and yearning for a better life day after day.

When smoke rises, the day is coming to an end and the family gathers around for a delicious dinner. This simple and beautiful way of life makes people yearn for it.

To spice things up, let's imagine a time-traveling scene: if you travel back in time and become a skilled chef.

What does the word "retort" read? Do you know how to pronounce it correctly? What do "rice retorts" and "rice cakes" mean?

You wield a big spoon and steam all kinds of delicacies in the retort. The aroma is overflowing, attracting diners from all over the world. They taste your food and are full of praise. And you, on the other hand, have left behind a legendary culinary story in this ancient era.

In modern life, although "retort" is gradually replaced by modern kitchen appliances, the traditional culture and gastronomic feelings it represents are still deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Whenever we use a modern rice cooker or steamer to cook food, we might as well think about the "retorts" that once accompanied our ancestors, and feel the culinary wisdom and gastronomic emotions that have been passed down for thousands of years.
