
To show the deeds of youth and highlight the demeanor of youth, this propaganda group was established

To show the deeds of youth and highlight the demeanor of youth, this propaganda group was established

From "Green Power" to "Qing Power", the "Qing Xiaolian" discipline and law propaganda activity in Minhang District and the May Fourth Youth Day theme activity in Yuanqiao Town were held in Xingdu Theater in Yuanqiao Town a few days ago. Under the guidance of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Minhang Youth League District Committee took the lead in setting up a "Qingxiaolian" discipline and law propaganda group at the district and town levels.

To show the deeds of youth and highlight the demeanor of youth, this propaganda group was established

At the event site, young people from all walks of life interpreted youth stories with "green words" through preaching and sitcoms, combined with learning, work and life experience, fully demonstrating the deeds of youth, highlighting the demeanor of youth, and contributing to the strength of youth.

To show the deeds of youth and highlight the demeanor of youth, this propaganda group was established

Light up the city with creativity and light up the way forward for young people. The Youth League Committee of Zhuanqiao Town and the "Chasing Light" Youth League of Southwest Engineering School started the firefly lighting action.

To show the deeds of youth and highlight the demeanor of youth, this propaganda group was established

At the event, the "Qing Xiaolian" outstanding discipline and law lecturer and the "Qing Xiaolian" discipline and law propaganda outstanding organization award were awarded.

To show the deeds of youth and highlight the demeanor of youth, this propaganda group was established

The event also released the 2024 "Young and Small" empowerment project. In the future, the Minhang Communist Youth League will focus on the construction of a clean and honest Minhang, actively participate in the construction of a clean culture in the new era, help the high-quality development of Minhang's "one south and one north", and use "green words and green words" to tell the "words and words", so that young cadres can follow the path and achieve steady and far-reaching results, from "green power" to "clean power", and inject youth power into Minhang's construction of a modern main urban area that is innovative, open, ecological, humanistic, livable and safe.