
Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

author:The melancholy little prince


Zhao Liying's "relieved" life

Zhao Liying, behind a name, carries the expectations and love of countless audiences. Different from the youth of the past, her temperament now seems to have passed through the long river of time, with calmness and brightness after the vicissitudes of life.

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

In public, she is no longer just a sweet girl on that screen, but a mature woman who embraces reality and enjoys life. Her sharing on social platforms is no longer limited to work achievements

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

It shows more of her happy time with friends, intimate contact with nature, and the little joys of daily life. Such Zhao Liying seems to be telling everyone that happiness is actually very simple, and it is hidden in every ordinary moment.


Netizens responded enthusiastically to this change. Someone said, "Reading Zhao Liying's Weibo, I learned how to find a moment of peace in the busy." Others jokingly stated

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

"Brother Chao (Zhao Liying's nickname) is now not only the queen of ratings, but also a life expert!" This positive attitude to life has not only influenced her fans, but also made more people start to re-examine their lifestyles.

Zhao Liying's new drama "In the World" arouses expectations


The night in Chongqing is lit up by lights, and Zhao Liying is busy with the filming of the new drama "In the World". This short drama tells the life and emotions of ordinary people in the city, trying to touch the hearts of the audience through delicate brushstrokes.

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

Zhao Liying plays Jia Xiaoduo in the play, an ordinary but passionate character. Jia Xiaoduo's character setting is full of challenges, she not only has to show the multi-faceted nature of the character, but also grasp the subtle changes in the character's growth.

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

Fans who love her are full of expectations for this, and they have said on social media, "I can't wait to watch Brother Chao's new drama, she can perform every role to the fullest!" ”


In this regard, some funny comments have also appeared on the Internet. Some netizens joked, "Can Jia Xiaoduo teach me how to find myself in my busy city life?" I also want to have fun in the world! ”。

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

Other netizens said jokingly, "As long as it is played by Brother Chao, even if I take a picture of a character standing on the street and observing pedestrians for ten minutes, I am willing to watch it!" ”

Zhao Liying grew up with us


Observing Zhao Liying's career, it can be found that she has grown together with the audience, from a young rookie actor to a national goddess. Each of her transformations has caused a lot of discussion, whether it is digging deeper into her acting skills or actively shaping her public image. Zhao Liying's story is not only about personal success, but also about how to find your place in an ever-changing environment.

Jia Xiaoduo is here! Zhao Liying's theory is not only sprinkled with sugar, but also with true feelings!

What do you think? Does Zhao Liying's change also inspire each of us? Welcome to share your thoughts in the comment area, whether it is the expectation of Zhao Liying's new drama "In the World", or her attitude to life, we are very much looking forward to discussing with you!

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