
Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?


Mr. Lu Xun once said: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish." Behind this sentence is a profound historical background and thinking.

In Lu Xun's time, China was on the cusp of great change and cultural shock. At the beginning of the 20th century, the New Culture Movement swept in like a fresh breeze, calling for the examination and renewal of traditional culture.

Intellectuals actively called for the abolition of Chinese characters and the embrace of the Latinized script in order to promote the modernization of society and the radical reform of education. They firmly believe that the complexity of Chinese characters makes education extremely difficult, and the high illiteracy rate is a huge obstacle to the country's development.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

01 Ancient Gold: The Charm of Chinese Characters

Qin Shi Huang unified the six countries, the text is the same text, the car is on the same track, at this moment, the Chinese characters are like a pearl, shining brilliantly in the land of China. Since then, it has become the most precious gem in the historical and cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, a pearl carrying wisdom, a shield to defend history, and an ancient symbol to continue civilization.

Chinese characters have a long history and are the treasures of the Chinese nation. It embodies the wisdom and labor of our ancestors for thousands of years, and is the carrier of their thinking and expression of the world. Each Chinese character is like a finely carved sculpture, depicting the imprint of time and the emotions of the people.

Some of these words, like ink paintings, are elegant and subtle, some are like carved stone tablets, resolute and majestic, and some are like poems and ballads, expressing emotions and wishes. They tell the story of history, praise the spirit of the nation, and engrave the footprints of civilization.

Chinese characters are not only a writing instrument, but also a symbol of culture. It carries the tradition of Chinese civilization and is a historical one

They are witnesses of history, guardians of traditions, and transmitters of civilization. Chinese characters allow the Chinese nation to be inherited and civilization to be continued, it is a symbol of national pride, and it is also a source of cultural self-confidence.

Without Chinese characters, the Chinese nation would not be able to pass on to the present day. It is the recorder of history, the inheritor of culture, and the cohesion of the nation. Chinese characters record the change of dynasties, social changes, and people's style, and are living fossils of Chinese history.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

Without Chinese characters, we would not be able to understand the wisdom of ancient times, read the stories of history, and feel the dedication of our ancestors. It is a living history book, and turning through the pages is a journey through time again and again.

Chinese characters are also the only "ancient civilization" in our country that has not severed the inheritance of civilization. In the long history, countless civilizations have risen and fallen, and countless written languages have disappeared.

However, Chinese characters have always existed, have been passed down, and have always evolved. It is a symbol of the Chinese civilization and the soul of culture. Under the guidance of Chinese characters, Chinese civilization has stood tall and is still full of vitality and youthful breath after thousands of years.

Chinese characters are a pearl of the ages, a treasure house of history, and an ocean of civilization. It is like a wise man, silently guarding the soul of the Chinese nation, like a banner, leading us to a more brilliant future.

02 The symphony of Lu Xun and Chinese characters

Mr. Lu Xun is a giant in the Chinese literary world, and his thoughts are like a fresh wind, blowing in the hearts of the people. However, Lu Xun did not go all the way up, he once had an incomprehensible belief - the Latinization of Chinese characters. This is a story that takes place in the last century, a fragment of history that is endlessly evocative.

The story begins on a cold winter night in 1934. That day, Lu Xun sat alone in the study, flipping through ancient books and thinking about his beliefs. The wind and snow outside the window intensified, as if echoing the waves in his heart. His gaze rested on a stack of old books, precious documents he had accumulated while studying in Japan.

When the young Lu Xun left his homeland and embarked on the road of studying abroad, he was full of yearning for Chinese character culture. Lu Xun was deeply fascinated by classical literature, whether it was the tragic story of "Dream of Red Mansions" or the heroic legend of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he felt the magic of Chinese characters.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

Each glyph seems to have a life, containing infinite philosophy and history. He often closed himself in his study, holding a brush in his hand, and used ink to translate his thoughts into words, as if he were communicating with ancient literati.

Gradually, however, Lu Xun began to feel the undercurrent of Chinese character culture. He saw not only the artistic beauty of Chinese characters, but also the social pressures they bring. Education has become difficult, especially for rural children, and the complexity of Chinese characters has become an unattainable obstacle. Many people have difficulty mastering kanji and are unable to read basic characters, which puts them in a difficult situation in modern society.

Lu Xun began to wonder whether Chinese characters were really suitable for China's modernization process. He found that Chinese characters had become, to some extent, a chain that bound China's progress. These complicated glyphs allow people to spend too much time and energy on their studies rather than on matters that are more beneficial to society. He began to wonder if there was a simpler text that would be more suitable for the needs of modernity.

That night, Lu Xun's thoughts drifted away, returning to his experience when he was studying abroad. He recalls the gentle scholar of the Japanese mentor who taught him, whose writing was smooth and concise, and which was able to penetrate people's hearts. Lu Xun began to think, isn't Latinizing Chinese characters and integrating the essence of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet a bright way to save China?

However, this idea is not easy to implement. Lu Xun understood that Chinese characters are the essence of Chinese culture and a precious legacy left over thousands of years. But he firmly believes that if a choice must be made between Chinese characters and the Chinese, Chinese characters should be abandoned for the benefit of the Chinese, not the other way around. He phased

Lu Xun began to think about the practical operation of the writing reform. He proposed the concept of "excision" of Chinese characters, Latinizing the text in order to make education more accessible and make it easier for Chinese to learn modern science and culture. He is well aware that this view will cause great controversy, but he firmly believes that it is the only way for China to move forward.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

03 The Turning Point of Civilization: The Dispute between Lu Xun and Chinese Characters

It was an era of war and turmoil, and it was in 1936 when the catastrophe of Japanese imperialist aggression was ravaging China. Like a rolling storm is about to strike, Chinese society has set off turbulent waves in the battle between culture and modernity, but Mr. Lu Xun has become a witness and advocate of this fire of civilization.

Lu Xun, the great literary giant, once deeply branded himself with Chinese characters, regarded them as the precious soul of Chinese culture. He is immersed in the art of Chinese characters, chasing the thousand-year-old wisdom contained in the glyphs, and treating every stroke as a part of history. However, in the midst of this turbulent historical current, his belief began to waver, and that belief was: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish." ”

The background of that era was like a turbulent wave, inexorably surging into the land of China. In 1936, it was the iron hooves of Japanese imperialism that gradually encroached on China's territory, causing a national crisis like a dark cloud enveloping this ancient and great land. At the same time, China's cultural circles have set off a turbulent debate, and the focus of this debate is Chinese characters.

Lu Xun, the cultural guardian known as a literary giant, once implanted his soul deeply in the charm of Chinese characters. He regards Chinese characters as treasures and is extremely proud of them as the essence of Chinese culture. However, in the midst of this turbulent tide of history, his faith began to waver.

At that time, the ideas of the New Culture Movement were already all the rage in China, and intellectuals sounded the clarion call for the abolition of Chinese characters, which they regarded as the only way to modernize society and reform education. The country is eager to catch up with Western civilization, and Chinese characters are considered to be the shackles that bind this great country.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

However, at this moment, Mr. Lu Xun experienced the pain and plight of Chinese society under Japanese aggression, and he deeply felt the cultural barriers brought about by Chinese characters. The complexity of these Chinese characters is like a high wall, making education a bumpy and tortuous, especially for children living in rural areas, an unattainable obstacle. The high illiteracy rate makes the future of the country uncertain.

Lu Xun's remark that "if Chinese characters are not destroyed, China will perish", his radical stance is demonstrated. He strongly advocated the abolition of Chinese characters, believing that it was an urgent need for China's modernization. He is convinced that only by abolishing Chinese characters and making it easier for Chinese to understand the country's crisis and master modern knowledge can they save the country and move society forward.

The dispute between Lu Xun and Chinese characters became a battle of civilizations in his life. This is a moment full of thoughts and struggles, a historical node that carries the confrontation between Chinese culture and modernity.

04 The Transformation of Chinese Characters: The Butterfly Change of Culture

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, to 1956, the year in which Chinese characters underwent a profound transformation. At that time, China was like an uncarved piece of jade, in urgent need of careful polishing to reveal its brilliance.

The implementation of the "Chinese Character Simplification Scheme" is like a magic wand, giving the once complicated and complex Chinese characters concise and clear one by one. Since then, people no longer need to memorize difficult glyphs, and learning Chinese characters has become easy. Each letter seems to have become a small puzzle, and the puzzle pieces of Chinese characters are stitched together to form a more beautiful picture.

It was during this period that another far-reaching policy, the Hanyu Pinyin Scheme, was also promoted. This program not only injected new vitality into Chinese characters, but also opened up a broad world for the development of the Chinese language.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

The pinyin-based spelling system no longer restricts people's expression, allowing the Chinese language to spread more widely around the world. Chinese characters are no longer high walls and deep walls, but have become a bridge connecting the world.

During this period, China's illiteracy rate dropped to four percent, a remarkable achievement. The simplification of Chinese characters and the promotion of pinyin schemes have injected a strong impetus into China's educational undertakings, enabling more people to have access to educational opportunities. The reduction of illiteracy means that knowledge is more widely disseminated and the country's intellectual resources are fully utilized.

This period of history is like a colorful picture scroll, depicting the butterfly change of Chinese characters and the new look of Chinese culture. The implementation of the "Chinese Character Simplification Scheme" and the "Hanyu Pinyin Scheme" is not only a reform of the Chinese language, but also a modern transformation of Chinese culture. This era has witnessed the gorgeous transformation of Chinese characters, and has also injected a steady stream of strength into the progress of the country and the rise of civilization.

05 Epilogue

In the face of the future development of Chinese character culture, we may be able to make some improvements within the Chinese character system to better meet the needs of modern society. Such improvements could include simplifying and optimizing Chinese characters to make them easier to learn and use, in order to reduce illiteracy and promote education, while also preserving Chinese characters as a cherished tradition of Chinese culture.

However, the complete abolition of Chinese characters should never be taken lightly. Chinese characters are not only a kind of writing, but also the essence and soul of Chinese culture. It carries thousands of years of wisdom, history and thinking, and is an important symbol of Chinese culture. The abolition of Chinese characters is tantamount to severing our ties with history and losing the bond of cultural inheritance. Chinese characters are the foundation of our culture, the cultural heritage of our country, and the pride of our nation.

Why did Lu Xun say: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish"? What does this "kanji" refer to?

Therefore, the future of Chinese characters should be a development path that blends tradition and modernity. We can learn from the experience of other scripts and improve and optimize them to meet the needs of modern society, but we should not ignore the role of Chinese characters as cultural heritage/span>

At this intersection of Chinese characters and modernity, we can find a balance between preserving the cultural essence of tradition while embracing the progress of modern civilization. This is the best tribute to Chinese characters and the best inheritance of Chinese culture. Let us continue to write a rich and colorful civilization in the world of Chinese characters, and create a more brilliant chapter for the future of our country and nation.

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