
Stop! Civil servants are supported by taxpayers, which is absurd!

author:The story of you, me, him

The illusory "taxpayer support theory" is becoming more and more fierce in the current society, which is undoubtedly a great neglect and discrimination against the civil servant group. However, when examined deeply, this argument is contrary to facts and common sense. Let's peel back the veil on this debate and see the brutal truth hidden within.

Reality 1: Civil servants are also an important force in the tax paying army

The "taxpayer support theory" pits civil servants against taxpayers, as if civil servants can receive state salaries for nothing and never pay taxes. This is absolutely untenable in fact.

Stop! Civil servants are supported by taxpayers, which is absurd!

Every civil servant, without exception, must fulfill tax obligations and pay personal income tax. The individual income tax is second only to the value-added tax and the enterprise income tax in the mainland tax market. The payment of individual income tax by civil servants is undoubtedly an important part of it.

What's more, the majority of civil servants have good consumption habits and will pay more consumption tax when they are paid equally for equal work. Therefore, from the perspective of taxation, civil servants and other citizens have the "best of both worlds" relationship, rather than a simple "support" and "support" relationship.

Reality 2: The value created by civil servants far exceeds the cost of salaries

Civil servants are not idle people, they are responsible for managing society and governing the country. Teachers train the next generation, doctors save lives, and police maintain law and order...... The value of a civil servant's existence is much more than just a salary.

Stop! Civil servants are supported by taxpayers, which is absurd!

According to relevant estimates, each additional public position will indirectly create 1.5-2 other jobs. At the same time, the daily consumption of civil servants has also driven the development of many industries such as catering, transportation, and real estate.

In other words, the value actually created by civil servants and their groups even exceeds the cost of remuneration paid by the state for them. They are an important force that truly promotes social progress and economic development, rather than being "fed".

Reality 3: The development of civil servants is inseparable from national construction

Throughout history, civil servants and national construction have gone hand in hand. From the ancient administrative officials to maintain the operation of the state, to the imperial examination system to attract talents, to the republic civil servants to help the construction of socialism...... The existence of civil servants is an important driver of national development in any period.

Stop! Civil servants are supported by taxpayers, which is absurd!

At present, civil servants are still shouldering the heavy responsibility of maintaining social order and promoting national governance. Some people believe that the "support theory" often only focuses on the "livelihood" of civil servants and does not care about their "property", thus giving rise to this one-sided understanding.

Reality 4: Respect the equal contribution of civil servants and other professions

No matter which way you look at it, the "taxpayer support theory" is an unfair assertion. It ignores the important position of civil servants in the construction of the country and the operation of society, and also ignores the essential relationship between them and taxpayers for mutual benefit and win-win results.

Stop! Civil servants are supported by taxpayers, which is absurd!

In fact, civil servants and taxpayers, as well as other professions, are important participants in the country's development. We should equally respect the value and contribution of each profession, instead of artificially creating some false "opposites".

Only by fully recognizing the importance of all walks of life and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results can our country and society truly develop in an all-round way. All parties should do their part and not bring the contradictions to such a point.

Many developed countries attach great importance to the status and role of the civil service. For example, in the Nordic countries, teachers and doctors are regarded as the backbone of society and are given higher salaries. New Zealand has made it clear that the public sector is the cornerstone of the economy and people's livelihoods.

Stop! Civil servants are supported by taxpayers, which is absurd!

These countries see clearly the interrelationship between civil servants and other professions and do not classify them as "dependents", but rather as an indispensable backbone of the overall development picture. From this point of view, the concept of "monarchs, ministers, fathers, and sons" in the traditional culture of the mainland also demonstrates the spiritual core of treating each other equally and fulfilling their responsibilities.

Therefore, the "taxpayer support theory" runs counter to the basic facts and the basic logic of social development. We should abandon this narrow perception and instead establish a fair and just evaluation concept of all walks of life. Only in this way can the development of the country and society be steady and far-reaching.