
Promote the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities into Chancheng Zhangcha

author:Foshan News
Promote the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities into Chancheng Zhangcha

On the morning of May 18, the Agriculture and Rural Committee of the Foshan CPPCC and relevant units jointly held the Zhangcha Street Station of Chancheng District with the theme of "Rejuvenating Agriculture with Science and Technology in the New Era, Healthy and Beautiful Villages" to boost the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities in Zhangcha Xialong Cultural Square, Chancheng City.

Promote the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities into Chancheng Zhangcha

At half past nine o'clock in the morning, the Chancheng Zhangcha Xialong Cultural Square was crowded, and each booth attracted many citizens to come to consult or experience services, and the scene was very lively.

Promote the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities into Chancheng Zhangcha

Foshan Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Foshan Kunpeng Modern Agricultural Research Institute and other units have publicized and popularized the knowledge of agricultural varieties and methods, and the functionality of high value-added agricultural products by carrying out the gift of crop seedlings and the display and tasting of agricultural achievements. "We hope that through the on-site display, the public can understand the unique charm of high-tech agriculture, share the development results of modern agriculture, and let our agricultural technology enter thousands of households and the masses!" Zhang Junhong, a member of the Foshan CPPCC and vice president of Foshan Kunpeng Modern Agricultural Research Institute, said.

Promote the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities into Chancheng Zhangcha

Medical experts from Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Foshan Second People's Hospital, Foshan Third People's Hospital and other units conduct free pulse consultations for the public, patiently and professionally answer the health problems of the citizens, and provide targeted diagnosis and treatment suggestions. "This time, we brought free doctors, mental health knowledge popularization, mental health interaction, etc., through some interesting games, so that the public can learn more about mental health knowledge." Xie Guojun, a member of the Foshan CPPCC and president of the Third People's Hospital of Foshan, said that mental health is an inseparable and very important part of health, and the public's demand for mental health services is increasing.

Promote the "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization series of activities into Chancheng Zhangcha

"My whole shoulder and neck seemed to be pulled before, but after experiencing gua sha, I feel a lot more comfortable!" Aunt Li, a citizen, said that she knew that there was an event that day, and everyone was very enthusiastic to participate, and after experiencing it first-hand, she was amazed by this event and hoped that more similar activities could be held in the future. "This event is definitely very good for us citizens! I've experienced almost every service, and every one of them is very good! Aunt Feng, a citizen, deeply agreed.

It is understood that this event is the second stop of this year's series of activities. Next, the series of activities will continue to enter the towns and streets of the five districts, effectively provide the people with science and technology to rejuvenate agriculture and "medicine-nourishment-food" medical and health services, and continue to meet the growing needs of the people for the high-quality development of the agricultural industry and the demand for a better life of medicine and health, enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and help Foshan's "Millions of Projects" and rural revitalization.

Text, pictures, video/Foshan News Media Center reporters He Qihui and Fan Jicheng

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