
How can I recover quickly from cerebral infarction? Doctors recommend doing three things right to get you back well

author:Tamamari Masuko

How can I recover quickly from cerebral infarction? Doctors recommend doing three things right to get you back well

Imagine a middle-aged and elderly person who has been concerned about health and wellness for a long time suddenly wakes up one morning to find that his body is no longer as flexible and free as before, and his speech has become slurred. This sudden change is frightening and overwhelming. This is the reality that patients with cerebral infarction often face. Cerebral infarction, a disease that once seemed distant but always lurking, could bring earth-shaking changes to our lives. However, in the face of such a dilemma, are we really helpless? Not really. Medical studies have shown that through scientific treatment and rehabilitation, it is entirely possible for patients with cerebral infarction to recover quickly and even return to normal life. So, how should we, as patients or family members of patients, respond to this challenge? Today, I will reveal to you the three key steps of cerebral infarction rehabilitation, and take you into a world full of hope and possibility. Read on and let's explore the mysteries of cerebral infarction recovery!

How can I recover quickly from cerebral infarction? Doctors recommend doing three things right to get you back well

Prompt and systematic treatment

After cerebral infarction, early and timely systemic treatment is crucial. This includes antiplatelet drugs, lipid-lowering drugs, and drugs to improve collateral circulation. Antiplatelet drugs, such as aspirin enteric-coated tablets and clopidogrel bisulfate tablets, can effectively prevent further aggravation of cerebral infarction and promote recovery. Lipid-lowering drugs such as atorvastatin calcium tablets and rosuvastatin calcium tablets can lower blood lipids, stabilize plaques, and prevent recurrence. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the patient's blood pressure, blood glucose, blood lipids and blood uric acid levels, and the control of these indicators is crucial for the recovery of cerebral infarction. In addition, some proprietary Chinese medicines, such as Ginkgo biloba, Salvia dripping pills, Naoxintong, etc., can also improve heart circulation and promote the recovery of cerebral infarction.

How can I recover quickly from cerebral infarction? Doctors recommend doing three things right to get you back well

Personalized rehabilitation

Patients with cerebral infarction should start rehabilitation as soon as possible after their condition is stable. The purpose of rehabilitation therapy is to help patients restore or improve damaged neurological function and improve their ability to take care of themselves. Depending on the patient's specific situation, different rehabilitation measures can be carried out. For patients with limb mobility disorders, active and passive training of the affected limb, rehabilitation of muscle strength and muscle tone, strength and fine motor training, etc., can be carried out. For patients with speech and swallowing disorders, pronunciation training, word formation and language expression, oral and facial muscle massage, swallowing function training, etc. For patients with intellectual disabilities, training can be carried out in computing ability, orientation ability, thinking ability, etc. These rehabilitation treatments should be carried out under the guidance of doctors, and patients should actively cooperate to achieve the goal of rehabilitation as soon as possible.

How can I recover quickly from cerebral infarction? Doctors recommend doing three things right to get you back well

Adjust your lifestyle habits

In addition to medication and rehabilitation, patients with cerebral infarction also need to adjust their lifestyle habits. First of all, in terms of diet, you should eat less greasy foods, such as squid, hairtail, egg yolk, fatty meat, animal offal and other foods with high fat content. At the same time, it is necessary to eat less pickled foods and strictly control the intake of salt.

How can I recover quickly from cerebral infarction? Doctors recommend doing three things right to get you back well

Secondly, it is necessary to maintain good living habits, such as regular work and rest, appropriate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, etc. These can help control risk factors for cerebral infarction and promote recovery. In short, cerebral infarction is not terrible, as long as we do these three things correctly: timely systematic treatment, personalized rehabilitation treatment and adjustment of lifestyle habits, it is possible to achieve rapid recovery. I hope that every patient can recover soon and return to a healthy life.