
Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

author:It's the Red Dust Man in the end

In recent years, various localities have successively promoted institutional reforms. However, frequent reforms have also caused a lot of confusion. Originally, it was thought that this reform would easily solve the problem, but it backfired, and the effect of the reform often did not meet expectations, and even led to new problems.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

By analyzing the loopholes in the institutional reform, Xiaobian believes that the key to reform lies in streamlining personnel and delegating power, rather than formal reform, and only real substantive reform can solve the problem and release more vitality at the same time. Otherwise, institutional reform will only be repeated and boring.

It is not so much that institutional reforms are frequent, but that each reform has serious problems that prevent it from having a real impact. Institutional reform is supposed to be a process of streamlining and adjusting the institutional structure, but in fact many localities only stay at the formal level and have not carried out in-depth adjustment and optimization, and the functions and functions of the reformed system are not substantially different from the original.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

For example, it is not uncommon to see some institutional reforms that are shortly followed by the splitting of previously merged departments, or the addition of new establishments after streamlining, which does not actually have any positive effect. Moreover, during the period of institutional reform, a large number of idlers and new recruits were created, who did not work for a long time and only received salaries, which put unnecessary pressure on the finances and ran counter to the original purpose of the reform.

Another important reason is that institutional reform has neglected to address the personnel problem. In many places, only the merger and abolition of institutions are carried out, but the rational arrangement and allocation of personnel are not carried out at the same time, resulting in a large number of personnel doing nothing.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

There are also questionable ways to solve the personnel problem, such as the use of internal retreat to get people off their posts, which actually hides the increase in the number of problematic people who do not work and receive salaries. If we really want to solve the problem, we should advocate streamlining the staffing and promoting the renewal of the administrative system through layoff arrangements.

Institutional reforms have also ignored the importance of decentralization. Without decentralization, even if the number of staff members is reduced after the institutional reform, the actual workload and pressure are not reduced, which makes it difficult to smoothly carry out all tasks and improve efficiency. Rather than repeating formal reforms, decentralization will be a more effective way to give grassroots units room to make their own decisions.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

The editor believes that if institutional reform is to have a substantive impact, it must be carried out in accordance with the principle of "streamlining the administration of the army." That is, to streamline the staffing, rationally optimize the allocation of personnel, delegate authority, and liberate productivity, which can truly solve the root cause of the problem.

Otherwise, repeated formalist reforms will only make people exhausted, and it will be difficult to make changes, and it will be difficult to truly improve the efficiency of government operations. Only when the purpose of reform is achieved substantively can it be universally recognized.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

If institutional reform is to be carried out every few years without substance, it will be followed only by exhaustion and numbness, and will not really achieve its intended purpose. The essence of reform lies in the essence of solving problems, and it is necessary to strengthen the solidity of work at the substantive level, so that the practice of reform in various localities can better play its due role in progress.

To achieve the true sense of "streamlining the administration of the army" requires long-term theoretical foreshadowing and practical exploration. It is necessary to establish a people-oriented thinking, attach importance to the career development and rights and interests of civil servants, and the rule of man should be embodied in respect for people. Promote the refinement and optimization of functions, truly decentralize power to the grassroots level, and match the workload with responsibilities.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

It is also necessary to improve the flow mechanism, so that institutions and personnel can adjust in a timely manner according to actual needs, so as to avoid the phenomenon of "zombies". Adhere to the problem-oriented approach and prevent the drawbacks of form being greater than substance. Break the idea of adding layers of code, and promote streamlining and efficiency.

This requires input and understanding from all parties and is a long-term process. Under the guidance of the idea of "streamlining the administration of the army," local organs should constantly sum up lessons and lessons, establish scientific goals and road maps, scientifically carry out reform of the mode of military training, and find the most suitable reform model for the local area through long-term exploration and trial and error.

Institutional reforms, repeated over and over again, have become numb and can no longer generate expectations

Only by truly implementing the spirit can we find the internal motivation to support the deepening of reform in the continuous reform, so that the improvement of the institutional system can become a long-term circular chain, and continue to move towards the front end along this trajectory. This will be a successful example of advancing the reform of the public management system.