
After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

author:Lulu Literature Hall

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After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

1. A beauty struggling with illness and the edge of life

In the past, she was a model star with a wealthy family and a bright future, with unlimited scenery and much love. However, now, Wu Zhiheng can only wander between the hospital bed and the hospital, fighting against death all the time.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Sunlight streams in through the glass windows of the hospital room, but for Mr. Ng, this day is no different from any other day. Her bony body still had an infusion tube inserted in it, and her gloomy eyes could no longer see the brilliance of the past.

On the pale cheeks, a trace of blood will occasionally cough up, which makes people feel pity and distress.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Yes, this is today's Wu Zhiheng. At that time, his family was illustrious, he had expertise, and even became a hot model star for a time, and his future was limitless.

Wu Zhiheng's weak chest was lying together, barely holding on to her crumbling life. With every breath, it's like fighting against death. Her parents stood by the bedside, helplessness and worry written on their faces.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Looking at this once lively and lovely daughter who is now still breathing, no parent can let go of the worries in their hearts.

Wu Zhiheng opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at his parents with longing eyes, as if he wanted to say something, but his lips trembled, and he couldn't pronounce a syllable. Her father held her hand, tears rolling in his eyes.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

2. The price of being crazy about love

If you want to talk about Wu Zhiheng's miserable situation now, you have to start from eight years ago. At that time, she was in her prime, young and beautiful, and in her prime. Wu Zhiheng has a deeply seductive face and is well-known in the modeling industry.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

It was this charming face that fascinated a wild and uninhibited rich boy - this person was Guo Yongchun, who later became her husband.

They met on a religious occasion. At that time, Guo Yongchun had just returned from studying abroad, and he was deeply attracted by Wu Zhiheng's pious praying side appearance at a glance.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

So, this wild and uninhibited rich man began a crazy pursuit.

At first, Wu Zhiheng was resistant. As a Christian, she values the unity of our faith. But Guo Yongchun's warm show of love finally melted her heart.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Soon, the two kissed intimately and fell in love, and even Wu Zhiheng was willing to run away from school.

For Guo Yongchun, the "Prince Charming"-like existence, Wu Zhiheng was deeply fascinated. This well-dressed rich boy with a lot of money in his pockets made her fascinated.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

In order to marry into a wealthy family, Wu Zhiheng was willing to give up his career and be Guo Yongchun's wife wholeheartedly.

After getting married, Wu Zhiheng put all his energy into his husband and children and running a family, hoping to do his duty as a virtuous helper. However, Guo Yongchun seems to be a different person, and he began to be picky and harsh and accusatory of everything about his wife.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

No matter what Wu Zhiheng did, Guo Yongchun never showed appreciation and praise, but always ridiculed and abused. In order to please Guo Yongchun, a "tyrant"-like husband, Wu Zhiheng posted photos of his favorite actresses on the bedside to make a reference for their postures.

She also deliberately dieted and even suffered from severe starvation, just to regain her outstanding model figure and regain her husband's favor.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

However, it was all in vain. Guo Yongchun's temper became more and more violent, often punching and kicking his wife, and smashing the furnishings in the house. Seeing her beloved hurt her so much, Wu Zhiheng's heart was painful and self-blaming, and she began to wonder if she had done something wrong, or if she was not perfect enough.

3. The children of rich families who used to abuse good people

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

If Wu Zhiheng is too humble and blind in love, then Guo Yongchun is the epitome of a complete "scumbag" and "domineering president". When he was studying, he was known for being arrogant and willful.

Guo Yongchun's family background is prominent, and the ancestors relied on the spirit of capitalists to create thousands of family fortunes for the family. But the heir Guo Yongchun's attitude towards money is profligate and does not know how to cherish it.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Outwardly, he was indeed a handsome man - rich and handsome, well-educated, handsome, and full of the smell of banknotes.

But once his heart is revealed, he will see an empty soul: selfish, indifferent, lustful, gambling, and a completely bottomless capitalist child.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

He admires Wu Zhiheng, but he is just infatuated with her beautiful appearance, just like a child loves toys, enjoying the pleasure of possessing beauty. When he has tasted enough of this illusory beauty, Guo Yongchun will completely abandon Wu Zhiheng.

Therefore, when Wu Zhiheng was obtained, Guo Yongchun's spearhead turned to hurt her heart. He would lose his temper for no reason, yell at his wife, and belittle her to death.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

In the face of Wu Zhiheng's infatuation, Guo Yongchun never gave the slightest warmth and response. In this man's arrogant heart, there is no room for the word "love".

Interestingly, the more Wu Zhiheng dedicates himself and gives more, the more Guo Yongchun wants to bully her and make waves. Maybe that's just human nature, right? When a person treats you as the whole world, you want her to worship you and obey you. At the same time, keep her away from you and be your slave.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

After marriage, Guo Yongchun did regard Wu Zhiheng as his possession, rather than an equal partner. He began to look to the outside world, hooking up outside, getting drunk and dreaming of death, completely leaving his wife behind.

Guo Yongchun always does not return home at night, sometimes drunk, and sometimes there is no news for several days.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

When he returned home, Wu Zhiheng, who was already exhausted, rushed over to hug him, but he ignored it, his face was full of tiredness and impatience. After a short period of warmth, Guo Yongchun will soon lose interest, turn over and fall asleep, no matter how much his wife begs to be coquettish, he is indifferent.

This cold and violent attitude made Wu Zhiheng feel inferior, hurt, and angry, and she began to constantly self-reflect and think painfully about what she did wrong, or where she was not perfect enough, so that her husband would hurt herself so much.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Fourth, I was carried away by beauty

Wu Zhiheng spent all his youth, just to win a moment of pity from this thin lover, but after all, he was out of reach. In contrast, Guo Yongchun was fascinated by beauty, and began to indulge in lust and lust outside, completely ignoring his wife.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

Wu Zhiheng's smile, words and deeds are all to please Guo Yongchun, a "tyrant"-like husband. How she longed for her husband's admiration and favor! However, no amount of effort is in vain.

Guo Yongchun was cold to everything about his wife, and never gave her even a trace of warmth.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

He always stayed up at night, sometimes getting drunk and returning home in embarrassment. Sometimes it was a complete disappearance for a few days, which made Wu Zhiheng very worried, and he was not relieved until he reappeared.

When Guo Yongchun finally stepped into the house, Wu Zhiheng, who was already exhausted and waiting, would pounce on him and hug and kiss, trying to reawaken his love for him in this way.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

However, Guo Yongchun ignored it, his face was full of tiredness and impatience. After a short period of warmth, he will soon lose any interest, turn over and fall asleep, no matter how Wu Zhiheng begs to be coquettish, he turns a blind eye and turns a deaf ear.

This kind of indifferent cold violence hurt Wu Zhiheng a lot, and she began to feel inferior and blame herself, painfully reflecting on what she did wrong and where she was not perfect enough, so that the person she loved treated her like this.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

The inner trauma and self-doubt made Wu Zhiheng gradually fall into a crazy situation.

In the past, Guo Yongchun's rhetoric made her confused and saw him shining like a star. Wu Zhiheng was deeply fascinated by this handsome face and this tall body, and was immersed in the temptation of beauty, unable to extricate himself.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

She fell in love with this "Prince Charming"-like existence, and in order to marry into a wealthy family, she was willing to give up her career and wait for him wholeheartedly.

However, now, this face can no longer see the handsomeness of the past, and this body has become sloppy and dirty. Wu Zhiheng's deep love for her husband became more and more depressed, and turned into an obsession with the temptation of beauty.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

She began to curry favor with Guo Yongchun in various ways, hoping to regain his love and pity for her.

Wu Zhiheng posted a photo of Guo Yongchun's favorite actress on the bedside to refer to their perfect posture. She also deliberately dieted and suffered from severe starvation, just to regain her outstanding model figure and regain her husband's favor.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family: In order to keep her husband, she lost only 44 pounds, and now she lives with nutrient solution

However, all these efforts were in vain. Guo Yongchun's temper became more and more violent, and he would add fists and kicks to his wife at every turn, smashing the furnishings in the house.

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