
Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

author:Kotsuki Finding Office

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Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

Sun Jinfang, the radiant and heroic women's volleyball superstar in the past, has now spent more than 60 springs, summers, autumns and winters in her life. Time flies, the years are merciless, but they have left deep traces on her face, and the muscles that used to be tight and hard have gradually sagged and sag.

However, fate dealt her an even heavier blow - the former sports pride was unfortunately stricken with a deadly disease called blood cancer.

Today, Sun Jinfang must regularly go to the hospital to receive fresh blood transfusions to maintain that meager vitality, otherwise he may fall into a state of extreme weakness.

Thinking of the sweat and hard work on the volleyball court back then, but now she can only rely on blood exchange to continue her life, which undoubtedly makes relatives and friends sad and sigh.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

Seeing this once heroic old athlete can only barely survive, one can't help but feel that the years are like a ruthless butcher's knife, mercilessly killing the hero.

Looking back on the glorious years of the past, Sun Jinfang and Lang Ping can be called the most outstanding captain and main attacker combination in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team. These two outstanding female athletes have worked hand in hand to win the supreme honor for the motherland in the 1982 World Cup, and jointly wrote a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

However, the fate of Sun Jinfang and Lang Ping was not so harmonious and happy from the beginning. At the beginning of their acquaintance, the contradiction between the two was like a lurking time bomb, quietly growing.

When Lang Ping was just discovered by the coach and selected for the national team, Sun Jinfang had a strong resistance to this unfamiliar face. She expressed doubts about Lang Ping's strength, believing that this fledgling newcomer could replace the core position of the veteran players, which made Sun Jinfang extremely dissatisfied.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

Coupled with the fact that the cooperation between the two on the field at that time still needed to be run-in, Sun Jinfang had an unconcealable prejudice against Lang Ping. A crucial match pushed the conflict between the two to a climax.

In the face of the Japanese team's fierce offensive, Sun Jinfang shouted loudly to Lang Ping to speed up the offensive tempo, but did not expect Lang Ping to ignore this, but loudly asked Sun Jinfang to pass the ball higher.

In the end, the Chinese team lost in this game, and the coach later attributed the defeat to a mismatch between the two.

In the face of the coach's severe rebuke, Sun Jinfang felt a deep grievance in his heart. However, as time passed, she became more and more deeply aware of Lang Ping's superb ball skills, and her previous prejudices disappeared.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

Under the patient and meticulous guidance of the coach, the contradictions between the two have been effectively resolved until the 80s, under the careful guidance of Coach Yuan Weimin, Sun Jinfang and Lang Ping have jointly created brilliant results, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has been proud of the group for five consecutive years, and their tacit cooperation has reached the point of perfection, working together to win endless honors for the motherland.

Although he has retired from the golden front of the athlete's arena, Sun Jinfang has not left the sports family. After retiring, she chose to return to her hometown of Jiangsu Province and devote herself to the local sports committee.

As a former national superstar, Sun Jinfang is very handy in her work in the Sports Committee, and she has injected a strong impetus into the sports career with her rich professional knowledge and valuable experience.

It is worth mentioning that,It is in the concerted efforts of Sun Jinfang and other staff to promote,With the vigorous development of the sports lottery in 2000,The national sports lottery issuance in 2001 set a new historical record.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

With her outstanding performance, Sun Jinfang was quickly promoted to the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China and served as the director of the National Sports Lottery Center.

Surprisingly, although Sun Jinfang was once a bright star in the field of volleyball, her duties at the General Administration of Sports did not involve volleyball, but she was sent to the tennis sports management center as the director.

Even so, Sun Jinfang is still diligent, dedicated and dedicated to her duties, and has cultivated a large number of outstanding athletes such as Li Na on the road of promoting the development of tennis.

As the director of the Tennis Sports Management Center, Sun Jinfang's dedication to this key position and the cultivation of a tennis superstar like Li Na stems from the excellent qualities of strict self-discipline and hard work that she has cultivated since she was an athlete.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

Looking back on the past, I still remember her glorious years as a national player of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and Sun Jinfang's requirements for herself are undoubtedly extremely strict. Whether it's the scorching sun or the bitter winter, she is able to endure continuous high-intensity strength training to ensure that her game continues to improve and stay at the forefront of the industry.

Especially for top athletes like Sun Jinfang, once they slack off a little, they may quickly be surpassed by their juniors.

Therefore, Sun Jinfang in training never allowed himself to relax in the slightest, and his requirements for himself almost reached the point of cruelty. Even in the middle of summer, when the heat is unbearable, she will choose to stay in a small and cramped indoor space, repeatedly practicing basic technical movements such as holding the ball and smashing the ball.

Sweat quickly soaked through her sports vest, but she never complained, always smiling and explaining to those around her that training in a limited space would improve her resilience on the wide field.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

The staff who witnessed Sun Jinfang's training scene were all deeply admired for her perseverance. Those days of honing his skills day after day in a confined space are the key to Sun Jinfang's mastery of the ball and attacking intensity.

Every movement she makes is deeply imprinted in the memory of her muscles, becoming a natural instinctive reaction.

It is precisely by relying on this kind of cruel self-demand and unremitting efforts that Sun Jinfang finally achieved excellent football skills and won one championship trophy after another for the national team.

Even in the later release of "Winning the Championship", a film showing their hard work, the actress who played the role of Sun Jinfang did not hesitate to devote herself to training day and night in order to portray her tenacity and unyielding spirit more deeply, and finally successfully lost six pounds of weight.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

Although the harsh training environment did not stop her from moving forward, what flowed in Sun Jinfang's body was far from the kind of tenacity and perseverance that ordinary people could imagine.

Indeed, in the eyes of everyone, Sun Jinfang is still the heroic and energetic veteran athlete. However, who would have thought that this legend of the women's volleyball team, who once fought side by side with Lang Ping and did his best for the honor of the country, now often needs to go to the hospital to receive an injection of fresh blood to maintain the fragile vitality.

Once the blood supply is cut off, she may face extreme weakness and her life can be described as in danger.

When we recall the difficult training environment she experienced as a player, we admire Sun Jinfang's perseverance even more. In the 80s of the last century, most of the training grounds of the Chinese women's volleyball team were rough cement floors, and many of the players' soles had deep blood marks on the soles of their feet, and some were even blurred with flesh and blood, which was heart-wrenching.

Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the women's volleyball team: won the world championship with Lang Ping, but now he has to rely on blood exchange to continue his life

However, under such harsh conditions, Sun Jinfang never had the slightest intention of retreating, and always maintained an intensity of training beyond ordinary people, which is admirable.

Today, although she has entered the age of sixtieth, she still sticks to the forefront of the sports career, inspiring countless younger generations with her unwavering perseverance and determination. Indeed, although the years have relentlessly eroded this hero, it cannot erase the indestructible resilience in her heart.

It is this unyielding fighting spirit that has made Sun Jinfang an eternal legend in the sports world.

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