
Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

author:Rakuten system sports

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Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure


Xu Jie's performance on the basketball court is eye-catching, and the scene of him returning to his hometown to participate in the wedding has also attracted everyone's attention.

The basketball player appeared at the wedding scene, and his girlfriend next to him was particularly eye-catching.

She was dressed in a charming pink short dress, showing off her beautiful figure and instantly becoming the center of attention.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

This wedding was added to a different style because of the arrival of Xu Jie and his girlfriend, and everyone's eyes were attracted by them.

Their presence made the wedding atmosphere even more enthusiastic.

It also allows people to see Xu Jie's life outside the stadium, which is talked about.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

Xu Jie: The multiple dimensions of basketball life

In the world of basketball, the offseason is a special existence.

For fans, it could be a time of waiting and anticipation.

Looking forward to the new season of the team and players to bring more exciting performances;

For players, the offseason is an opportunity to adjust, improve and start anew.

Among the many players, Xu Jie of the Guangdong men's basketball team showed a unique charm and style.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

When Xu Jie stepped on the arena, he seemed to be instantly injected with endless energy and passion.

He was full of energy in every run, every pass, every shot.

He uses his actions to interpret his love and dedication to basketball.

In the semifinals with the Liaoning men's basketball team, Xu Jie showed the characteristics of Mr. Key.

In that fierce matchup, he was undaunted and contributed key points and assists to the team with outstanding performances.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

His every decision seemed so decisive, and every move was full of confidence.

What is especially impressive is the roar when facing Zhang Zhenlin.

It is not an impulsive catharsis, but a manifestation of maturity and stability.

In the fierce competition, he kept a cool head, spoke with strength, and responded to doubts with performance.

His calmness and tenacity make people see the strength of his heart.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

Xu Jie, who is outside the arena, also has a colorful life.

In the offseason, he attended the wedding of relatives, and his girlfriend also appeared on this occasion.

At this moment, people saw another side of Xu Jie's life, warm and full of responsibility.

The time he spent with his family made people feel how important family was to him.

He cherishes every opportunity to reunite with his family and draws strength from the warmth of his family.

This balance of family life also allows him to give more to his best when he returns to the Circle.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

As a professional footballer, Xu Jie is well aware of his great responsibility.

Even in the offseason, he continued to train and never miss an opportunity to improve.

He worked his sweat on the training ground and honed his skills and fitness.

He is well aware that there is a balance to be found between basketball and family life.

While enjoying the warmth of his family, he also does not forget his professional mission.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

This dedication to basketball and love for his family together constitute his colorful life.

Through social media, Xu Jie summed up his season performance and expressed his gratitude to the fans who have always supported him.

He was honest about his mid-season regrets and vowed to work harder in future training.

Be well prepared for next season.

His attitude has won the respect and love of the fans.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

Everyone expects him to achieve even better results in the future and bring more glory to the team and the fans.

In order to spread the love of basketball and cultivate more basketball talents, Xu Jie also plans to carry out basketball training camps in Huizhou.

He hopes that through his own efforts, more young people can feel the charm of basketball.

Contribute to the development of China's basketball industry.

In the camp, he will personally teach his basketball skills and experience to help students improve their skills.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

He believes that in this way, more potential young players can be cultivated for Chinese basketball.

The new season will also be full of fierce competition and tests for Xu Jie.

As the league grows and the teams continue to improve, he will face challenges from all sides.

At the same time, his every performance and decision will also become the focus of heated discussions in the outside world.

In this case, he needs to maintain a strong faith and a strong heart.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

Don't be distracted by outside voices and focus on your basketball career.

Xu Jie: The basketball journey continues to move forward

In the preparation stage before entering the new season, Xu Jie has polished his skills and tactics more carefully in his daily training.

He delved into the video footage of the game, analyzed his strengths and weaknesses under different tactical systems, and carried out intensive training in a targeted manner.

Whether it's running off the ball when attacking, or the stability of catching and shooting.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

or the sense of position selection and the ability to assist in defense have improved significantly.

In the team, Xu Jie knows the importance of teamwork.

He actively communicates with his teammates and develops a tacit understanding in training and competitions.

He is good at adjusting his playing style in time according to the characteristics and state of his teammates to better serve the overall tactics of the team.

In the teamwork, Xu Jie has shown excellent leadership and team spirit.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

In the face of high attention and great pressure from the outside world, Xu Jie showed strong psychological resilience.

He turns pressure into motivation and goes into every game with more focus and dedication.

When he is in trouble during a game, he is able to stay calm and not be swayed by emotions.

With tenacious willpower and firm belief, he led the team out of the predicament.

In addition to his pursuit in the field of basketball, Xu Jie also actively fulfills his social responsibilities.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

He participates in charity activities and sets an example for young basketball enthusiasts.

He used his influence to promote the popularization and development of basketball at the grassroots level.

He understands that as a public figure, he has a responsibility to contribute more to society.

The horn of the new season has sounded, and Xu Jie and his team have embarked on a new journey.

They will face more serious challenges, but they will also have more opportunities.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure

Xu Jie said with confidence that he will go all out and show his best self in the ring.

He believes that through the hard work and hard work of the team, they will be able to achieve excellent results.


In the days to come, Xu Jie will continue to write his own basketball legend.

His story is not only about the improvement of basketball skills, but also about the interpretation of faith, perseverance and struggle.

Let's look forward to more wonderful performances of Xu Jie on the basketball court and witness his greater contributions to the cause of Chinese basketball.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and having a super good figure
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