
Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

author:Small fish swimming entertainment
Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Just recently, Xu Jie, with his trademark smile and sunny temperament, returned to his hometown to attend a relative's wedding. This is not only a simple wedding, but also a close contact between Xu Jie and his family and fans.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

He brought his girlfriend to attend, and the two were inseparable, and his sweet appearance moved everyone present. The beautiful image of his girlfriend has become the focus of heated discussions, and many people sigh that Xu Jie is really a winner in life, and he has a bumper harvest in career and love.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Xu Jie is not just proud in life. On the basketball court, he is also the one who makes opponents fearful. In the semifinals with the Liaoning men's basketball team not long ago, Xu Jie showed his extraordinary strength and calm mentality.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

In the face of Zhang Zhenlin's strong dunk, he not only did not flinch, but responded with a precise throw hit and roared angrily, "avenging" his teammate Xu Xin. This scene not only made the fans of the Guangdong men's basketball team enthusiastic, but also amazed the fans across the country.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Although the Guangdong men's basketball team finally lost to the Liaoning men's basketball team, Xu Jie's performance won everyone's respect. He took to social media to sum up the win's wins and losses throughout the season and promised to train harder in the offseason to be fully prepared for next season's competition. This dedication and enterprising attitude is the key to Xu Jie's ability to become a leader in the basketball world.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Xu Jie's social media and business activities are equally eye-catching. His roar not only made the farmhouse restaurant at home become an Internet celebrity check-in place, and the business was booming, but also made him achieve good results in the business field. His cooperation with major brands has continued to increase, and he has become the spokesperson of many merchants. This not only brought him a huge income, but also made his influence in the entertainment industry increasingly strong.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

What's more worth mentioning is that Xu Jie also plans to hold a basketball training camp in Huizhou. In this way, he hopes to promote basketball to more young people and discover more outstanding talents. This kind of love and sense of responsibility for basketball has made Xu Jie's position in the hearts of fans more stable.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

As for Xu Jie's national team prospects, it is even more exciting. The Chinese men's basketball team is about to conduct a new training camp, and as a player with outstanding strength and experience, Xu Jie has naturally become one of the objects of consideration by head coach Djordjevic. If he can be selected for the national team, Xu Jie will have the opportunity to show his strength on the international stage and win glory for the Chinese men's basketball team.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

I feel my sincere admiration and love for Xu Jie's story. He is not only an excellent basketball player, but also a young man with feelings and responsibilities. His success is not only due to talent and hard work, but also from his love and dedication to basketball.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Xu Jie's story tells us a truth: only by truly loving one's career can one achieve true success. Whether on the basketball court or in life, Xu Jie has interpreted this truth with his own practical actions. He has won the love and respect of the fans with his hard work and sweat, and has also set an example for us to learn from.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Xu Jie's story also tells us a truth in the entertainment industry: strength and quality are the key to winning people's hearts. In this entertainment industry full of competition and temptation, only those who are truly powerful and have quality can gain a long-term foothold. Xu Jie is such a star player with strength and quality, and his success comes not only from talent and hard work, but also from his strict requirements for himself and his spirit of continuous improvement.

Eat a meal! Xu Jie returned to his hometown to attend the wedding, and his beautiful girlfriend stole the spotlight, wearing a pink short skirt and a strong figure

Xu Jie's story is not only a basketball story, but also a story of dreams, struggles and success. Let's cheer for Xu Jie and look forward to him achieving more brilliant results in future competitions!

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