
At the birthday banquet of important ministers of the imperial court, Ji Xiaolan actually sent a "real old turtle", is this a public enemy?


During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a high-ranking prime minister in the imperial court, who was not only the emperor's right-hand man, but also the pillar of the imperial court. He has gone through ups and downs, wisdom and experience coexist, and he has won the respect of the emperor and the people. However, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, the prime minister chose a different way to celebrate - sending out invitations to invite officials and literati from inside and outside the court to attend his birthday banquet.

The prime minister's birthday banquet was very grandly prepared, from the venue layout of the birthday banquet to the arrangement of the banquet, all of which reflected his noble status. However, in the eyes of the talented Ji Xiaolan, all this seems too flamboyant and vain. As a talented literati, Ji Xiaolan has always been known for his wit and eloquence, and he is full of dissatisfaction with the prime minister's behavior.

At the birthday banquet of important ministers of the imperial court, Ji Xiaolan actually sent a "real old turtle", is this a public enemy?

The day before the birthday banquet, Ji Xiaolan decided to give a special gift to the prime minister to express her sarcasm and dissatisfaction with this behavior. He pondered for a long time, and finally came up with a brilliant idea—a large red banner with four big characters embroidered with golden silk thread: "Really old turtle". These four words seem to be disrespectful to the prime minister on the surface, but in fact they contain Ji Xiaolan's deep meaning.

On the day of the birthday banquet, the prime minister's mansion was bustling with guests. The prime minister dressed in a fine costume greeted every guest with a smile on his face. However, when he saw the big red curtain sent by Ji Xiaolan, his face suddenly became very ugly. He slapped the table angrily and asked aloud why Ji Xiaolan was giving such an irreverent gift.

At this time, Ji Xiaolan stepped forward calmly, he first saluted the prime minister respectfully, and then said with a smile: "Your Excellency Prime Minister is angry, let me explain the meaning of these four words to you." ”

At the birthday banquet of important ministers of the imperial court, Ji Xiaolan actually sent a "real old turtle", is this a public enemy?

Ji Xiaolan pointed to the word "old" on the banner and said slowly: "The word 'old' represents dignity and wisdom in Chinese culture. Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you are old and virtuous, and you have gone through ups and downs and made great achievements for the imperial court. Your wisdom and experience are a valuable asset to the Imperial Court and are admirable. The word 'old' is a compliment to your noble status. ”

Then, Ji Xiaolan pointed to the word "Wu" and said: "The word 'Wu' here represents the black gauze hat on your head. Prime Minister, you are prosperous and powerful, and this black gauze hat is a symbol of your noble status. Since ancient times, the black gauze hat has been a sign of high officials and dignitaries, and you are the best among them. ”

Then, Ji Xiaolan turned to the character "turtle", and he explained with a smile: "The word 'turtle' means longevity and auspiciousness in Chinese culture. Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei, once praised the turtle as a divine turtle, symbolizing longevity and health. Today, I wish the prime minister a long life than Nanshan and a blessing like the East China Sea. May you be in good health and live a long life in the years to come. ”

At the birthday banquet of important ministers of the imperial court, Ji Xiaolan actually sent a "real old turtle", is this a public enemy?

Finally, Ji Xiaolan pointed to the word "true" and said: "The word 'true' represents real and well-deserved. Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you are highly respected and have made outstanding contributions, and the words 'real old turtle' are the most sincere blessings and praises to you. In you, we see true dignity and wisdom, and you deservedly become the pillar of our court. ”

Ji Xiaolan's explanation shocked the guests present. They all admired Ji Xiaolan's wit and eloquence, and at the same time they were dissatisfied with the prime minister's vanity and publicity. After hearing Ji Xiaolan's explanation, the prime minister also felt very embarrassed and helpless. He had to change his face, express his gratitude to Ji Xiaolan for his blessings, and ask people to take off the big red curtain and put it away.

Since then, Ji Xiaolan's wit and eloquence have been spread as good stories in the imperial court. He has won the admiration and respect of everyone for his unique talent and insights. And the four words "real old turtle" have also become a kind of praise and blessing for people with high longevity and high morality. Whenever someone mentions these four words, they will think of Ji Xiaolan's wit and talent and his unique blessing to the prime minister.

Although this birthday banquet caused a storm because of Ji Xiaolan's gift, it also made the prime minister deeply reflect on his behavior. He realized that his vanity and ostentatiousness had aroused the dissatisfaction and disgust of the people. So, he decided to change his style from now on and face life and work with a more modest and low-key attitude. This also made his position in the court more stable and won the respect and support of more people.

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