
There are several major contradictions in society, and if they are not resolved, it may be difficult for China to take off!

author:Chen Chuer

With the rapid development of the mainland's economy, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the social outlook. However, behind the prosperity and development, we should also see that many contradictions are becoming more and more prominent. If these contradictions are not resolved in a timely manner, they will inevitably affect the further take-off of the mainland.

There are several major contradictions in society, and if they are not resolved, it may be difficult for China to take off!

1. Unequal and contradictory income distribution

The uneven distribution of income has led to the widening gap between the rich and the poor in society, which not only affects social fairness and justice, but is also not conducive to sustainable economic development. To resolve this contradiction, the mainland should reform the income distribution system, establish a rational taxation system, increase support for middle- and low-income groups, and promote social fairness.

Second, the contradiction between urban and rural areas

In recent years, the gap between urban and rural areas has become more and more serious. The city's high-rise buildings and bustling shopping malls stand in stark contrast to the dilapidated scenes of the countryside. The gap between urban and rural areas is not only reflected in the material standard of living, but also in education, medical care, social security, and so on. In the long run, the flow of qualified personnel from the rural areas to the cities has intensified the hollowing out of the rural areas and seriously affected the economic development and social stability of the rural areas. To resolve this contradiction, the mainland should intensify its support for the rural areas, promote the adjustment of the rural industrial structure, raise the level of peasants' incomes, and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas.

There are several major contradictions in society, and if they are not resolved, it may be difficult for China to take off!

3. The contradiction between environmental pollution and ecological protection

In order to pursue rapid GDP growth, some areas are over-exploited and pollute the environment, resulting in problems such as deterioration of air quality, water shortages, and ecosystem destruction. However, the cost of environmental pollution is the loss of people's health and quality of life. In the context of the current ecological civilization construction, we should resolutely abandon the development model of "pollution first and then treatment", adhere to green development, increase environmental governance, protect lucid waters and lush mountains, and let the people enjoy a better ecological environment.

Fourth, the contradiction between population aging and old-age security

The aging of the population in mainland China is becoming increasingly prominent, and the corresponding old-age security system is inadequate. On the one hand, the family structure has changed, and the traditional family pension method is unsustainable; On the other hand, the social pension service system and facilities are not perfect, and the quality of pension services is uneven. In the face of the severe challenge of population aging, the mainland urgently needs to improve the old-age security system and develop diversified old-age care models, such as home-based old-age care, community old-age care and institutional old-age care, so as to provide adequate old-age security for the elderly.

There are several major contradictions in society, and if they are not resolved, it may be difficult for China to take off!

Fifth, the uneven distribution of educational resources is contradictory

The uneven distribution of educational resources is a prominent manifestation of the social contradictions on the mainland. There is a large gap in educational resources between urban and rural areas, and between developed and underdeveloped areas, which seriously affects talent training and social equity. To solve this problem, the mainland needs to increase investment in education, optimize the allocation of educational resources, promote educational equity, and provide equal educational opportunities for every child.

There are several major contradictions in society, and if they are not resolved, it may be difficult for China to take off!

In short, to resolve the above-mentioned major contradictions, the mainland must base itself on the overall situation of national development and the fundamental interests of the masses of the people, earnestly promote reform, and achieve sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. Only in this way can we truly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and let China spread its wings on the world stage!

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