
In the event of war, who is most likely to become deserters?

author:Chen Chuer

War is a cruel meat grinder and a haze of human civilization. However, no matter how brutal the war is, there will always be people who will choose to back down and choose to become deserters.

So, if war strikes, who are most likely to become deserters?

In the event of war, who is most likely to become deserters?

1. Young people are probably the group of people who are most likely to become deserters.

They are young and vigorous, lacking the psychological maturity and ability to cope with stress. In the face of the fear of war and the threat of death, they may choose to flee and find a safe haven. Especially in modern society, many young people are accustomed to a comfortable life and lack the spirit of resilience in the face of adversity. When war comes, they may be driven by fear and become deserters.

2. Those whose lives are already full of difficulties and pressures are also prone to becoming deserters in war.

They live at the bottom of society, face the pressures of life, and may have long been exhausted by the brutality of war. Against this backdrop, once war comes, they may feel hopeless and choose to flee this war-torn world.

3. Those who had a privileged position and a happy life before the war may also become deserters in the war.

They fear losing their existing status and wealth, fearing that war will ruin their carefully constructed lives. Under the pressure of war, they may choose to abandon their responsibilities and responsibilities and flee the war-torn places in search of a safe environment.

In the event of war, who is most likely to become deserters?

Of course, we should also recognize that not everyone will become deserters in war.

Throughout history, there have been many heroic and tenacious figures who stood up in the war and fought bravely for the survival of their country and nation. They also offer us a negative question: what kind of people are least likely to become deserters?

1. People with strong faith and conviction are the least likely to become deserters.

They believe that their cause is righteous and that they are fighting for a higher purpose. Whether they are fighting for their country, their nation, or their religion, they have an incomparably firm belief and will not back down because of the cruelty of war.

2. Those who have a deep sense of family and country cannot become deserters.

They put the interests of the country and the nation first and are willing to pay with their lives. In their eyes, running away is a disgrace, and they will see it as their duty to defend their homeland against foreign enemies.

3. Those who are brave in the face of adversity and have a resilient spirit cannot become deserters.

They have shown tenacious perseverance in life, and in the face of difficulties and pressures, they have always been able to rise to the occasion and move forward bravely. In war, they will also bravely face the rain of bullets and defend their homeland.

In the event of war, who is most likely to become deserters?

In short, if war comes, young people, people in difficult circumstances, and people in privileged positions can become deserters. Of course, we cannot ignore those who have strong beliefs, deep feelings for family and country, and tenacity. They will stand up in the war and fight bravely for the survival of the country and the nation. Let us hope that more and more such people will be able to dissipate the relentless smoke of war with our joint efforts.