
When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

author:Home appliance reviewer

With the improvement of living standards, household appliances have penetrated into all aspects of our lives. From the TV and air conditioner in the living room, to the refrigerator and microwave oven in the kitchen, to the lamps and chargers in the bedroom, everything is inseparable from the support of electricity. However, while these appliances bring us convenience and comfort, electricity bills have also risen, becoming a non-negligible part of household expenses.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Do you know? In fact, in the process of using home appliances, there are many energy-saving tips that can help us reduce our electricity bills. Today, let's talk about this topic and see how you can reduce your electricity bill in simple ways without changing the quality of life.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

First of all, we have to understand a truth: many home appliances still consume electricity in the standby state. Although this consumption may seem insignificant, it is also a significant expense over time. In particular, if you can unplug the following four appliances when not in use, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that your monthly electricity bill will be significantly reduced.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

01 TV

Television is an important part of our entertainment life, but many people may not know that TV will also consume power in standby mode. Although this power consumption is relatively small, it adds up to a considerable amount of electricity consumption in a year.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Standby power consumption is not negligible: the standby power of a TV is around 0.5 watts. If you don't pull the plug, the TV will continue to drain power. Imagine that in a month, a year, it will be a lot of expenses.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Benefits of unplugging: Developing the habit of unplugging after watching TV can not only save electricity bills, but also extend the life of the TV. Because powering on for a long time will accelerate the aging of the internal components of the TV.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Tip: If you find it too much trouble to plug and unplug frequently, consider using an outlet with a switch or a smart outlet. This way, you only need to press to cut off the power to your TV.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

02 Set-top box

As an auxiliary device for us to watch TV, set-top boxes are often overlooked. But in reality, set-top boxes will continue to consume power even when they are in standby mode.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Hidden "electric tiger": The standby power of the set-top box is about 5 watts - 15 watts. Although it may not seem high, it is also a large amount of electricity expenses in the long run.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Power saving suggestion: When the set-top box is not in use, remember to unplug or turn off the power switch. This saves money on electricity bills and protects the set-top box from voltage fluctuations.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

03 Charger

Chargers are one of the essential electronic devices in our daily lives. However, many people have a misconception when using a charger: they think that as long as they are not connected to the device for charging, the charger will not consume power. In fact, even if the device is fully charged or not connected to the device, the charger will continue to consume power as long as it is plugged in.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

"No-load" also consumes electricity: although the no-load power of the charger is only about 0.05 watts, if you have a lot of chargers at home, then the total power consumption cannot be ignored.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Power saving tip: After using the charger, remember to unplug it in time. You can also choose to use a smart charger with an auto-power-off feature, which automatically cuts off the power when the device is fully charged.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

04 Air conditioning

As a high-power appliance in the home, air conditioners tend to account for the majority of electricity bills during peak usage periods in summer and winter. However, many people ignore the standby power consumption of air conditioners when they are not using them.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Standby also "eats electricity": Although the standby power consumption of the air conditioner is not high, it is also a large expense in the long run. Especially when you have multiple air conditioners, this power consumption is even more obvious.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Energy-saving tip: Unplug or turn off the power switch when the air conditioner is not in use. This not only saves electricity bills, but also prevents the air conditioner from being affected by voltage fluctuations in standby mode. If you find it too troublesome to plug and unplug, you can consider using an outlet with a switch function or a smart socket to control the power on/off.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible


In addition to the above four home appliances, there are actually many other home appliances in our homes that also consume power in standby mode. Therefore, we should develop a good habit of unplugging or turning off the power switch when the appliance is not in use.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Of course, frequent plugging and unplugging may cause some wear and tear on the socket and plug. In order to solve this problem, we can choose good quality socket and plug products, and check and replace them regularly. In addition, we can also consider using products such as outlets with switches or smart sockets when renovating, so that the power can be easily cut off when the appliance is not in use.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

In addition, in daily life, we can also reduce the energy consumption of household appliances through some simple methods. For example, regularly clean the filter and radiator of household appliances to keep them in good operating condition; Rational use of natural light lighting to reduce unnecessary light use; When buying new appliances, choose products with high energy efficiency ratings and low power consumption, etc. These small energy-saving actions will not only help us save money on electricity bills, but also contribute to the protection of the environment!

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Now let's do the math! Suppose every household has all four of the above appliances and is able to get into the habit of unplugging appliances when they are not in use.

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Then, each family can save at least hundreds of yuan in electricity bills every year! This number may not seem staggering, but if each of us were able to do the same, the savings on electricity bills across the country would be a very significant number!

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible


In short, energy saving and consumption reduction are not only related to our wallets, but also related to the sustainable development of the whole society. Let's start by unplugging unused household appliances and contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction together!

I also hope that everyone can pass on this energy-saving awareness to the people around them, so that more people can participate in the action of energy saving and consumption reduction!

When the 4 electrical appliances at home are used up, you must pull out the plug, otherwise the monthly electricity bill will be doubled, and you will know how to save money as soon as possible

Remember: small energy-saving actions can make a big difference to the cause of environmental protection of the planet!

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