
In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

author:The Inkman

There is an ordinary Chinese couple in an ordinary small town in Shandong, whose life has become extraordinary because of an unusual event. In 2013, Shan Chao and Yin Yan welcomed their daughter Shan Shuo, which was originally a very happy thing.

However, the daughter is a blonde and blue-eyed baby, which is particularly abrupt in a family of pure Chinese blood, and has also caused a lot of criticism and questioning. Faced with such a situation, Shan Chao firmly believed in his wife and never left her......

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

Shandong young couple Shan Chao and Yin Yan

The acquaintance of Shan Chao and Yin Yan is like the ordinary but romantic love stories in many cities, and the two met in an inconspicuous small town in Shandong.

One evening in late spring and early summer, the willows in the park swayed gently and the water on the lake was not rippling, and Shan Chao sat alone on a park bench.

As he fell into deep thought, a voice interrupted his thoughts, and he looked up to see a young woman not far from the bench.

The two also wanted to find someone to talk to, so the two began to chat, and the friendship continued to grow, the girl knew that the boy's name was Shan Chao, and the boy also knew the girl's name, and left each other's phone numbers before parting.

Yin Yan is an office worker, usually busy with work and has a lot of bad things, and when she is in a bad mood, she will talk to Shan Chao;

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

Shan Chao runs a fruit shop, the store is not large but full of all kinds of seasonal fruits, and the business is sometimes good and bad, Yin Yan will also give him ideas from time to time on how to manage it.

As time passed, their relationship gradually deepened, and Shan Chao also took the initiative to express his inner love, and eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend. Yin Yan is very supportive of her boyfriend's career, and plans promotional activities together to update the sales strategy, which brings great help to Shan Chao.

Usually, I will come to help whenever I have time, and I will carry heavy boxes and organize the shelves with Shan Chao, and the relationship will slowly heat up in the busyness and sweat. The business of the fruit shop gradually improved, and with the increase in customers, the two were busy from morning to night, often accompanied by stars and moons.

The reputation of the fruit shop is far and wide, and there are even customers who drive from other urban areas to buy fresh fruits, and in this daily bits and pieces, the relationship between Shan Chao and Yin Yan has gradually deepened.

The thriving business of the fruit shop brought Shan Chao a sum of savings, with which he could propose to his girlfriend's parents, and the two decided to take their relationship one step further, and both parents were very reasonable, and finally the marriage was confirmed.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

Time passed in a hurry6 months, Shan Chao and Yin Yan entered the palace of marriage, the wedding was held on a sunny autumn day, and they promised to be together for life under the witness of relatives and friends.

After marriage, the husband and wife continued to run the fruit shop, and Yin Yan's business ability and Shan Chao's hard work also made the business of the small shop better and better, and their lives were very happy.

Of course, the two gained not only business success, but more importantly, a deep trust in each other.

The firmness of Shan Chao in the questioning voice

Soon Yin Yan was pregnant with a child, Shan Chao and his parents were very happy, and even went to the temple to burn incense and worship the Buddha. Pregnancy for 10 months is a very painful thing, not only to face pregnancy reactions, nausea and vomiting, sometimes pregnant women will also be sore and swollen legs and feet.

Yin Yan's symptoms are even more obvious, fortunately, Shan Chao is a very responsible and good man, every day when he comes home, he will massage his wife's feet to relieve the pain, and his mother-in-law is also a reasonable person, making supplements for his daughter-in-law every day to replenish her body.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

"October pregnancy and childbirth" is easy to say, but for women it is like walking in front of the ghost gate, the more Yin Yan looks nervous when she is in labor, after all, the pain of giving birth is unbearable for anyone.

The careful Shan Chao took a few days off to stay with his wife to reduce the tension caused by giving birth, and soon the day of childbirth came. Yin Yan was pushed into the delivery room by the nurse, and soon the baby's cry came from the delivery room, and the voice was a girl.

Outside the delivery room of the hospital, Shan Chao paced in the corridor, every step on the ground seemed extraordinarily heavy, and every ticking of the clock seemed to be a countdown, and the mood was extremely nervous and full of anticipation.

It wasn't until he heard the child's cry and the door of the delivery room slowly opened that his heart was truly relieved. Soon after, a nurse walked out of the crib with a mixed expression.

At first, Shan Chao didn't care, seeing that the child couldn't wait to come forward, the nurse seemed to be a little hesitant, and her eyes switched back and forth between him and the baby, and Shan Chao noticed the nurse's abnormality and was also confused.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

When I held the child in my arms, I was stunned for a moment, and I saw that the girl's blond hair and eyes were still blue, which was obviously a characteristic of foreign girls, why did it appear in Chinese families.

Although Shan Chao was shocked in his heart, he quickly calmed down and said to the nurse, "Are you mistaken?" "It is also common sense to have such a question, their husband and wife are both Chinese, how can they have such children?

The nurse patiently and firmly, "Rest assured, there is absolutely no mistake in this, the child was indeed born to your wife." Shan Chao still felt incredulous, and then he went to the nurse many times to confirm, and each time the nurse gave the same answer.

In the end, Shan Chao accepted this fact, but on the way back to the ward with the child in his arms, his parents had already heard the news.

When he saw the child's appearance, the expression on his face suddenly became very serious, and even a little angry: "What's the matter with this child?" Why is this the case? ”

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine
Yin Yan recalled the scene at that time and said that the first thing her mother-in-law said when she saw the child was: How could it be possible to give birth to a child with such a look? It's not like a normal kid at all.

So did the child report the error? Yin Yan firmly said absolutely not: the nurse first hugged me when the child was born, and the hair was yellow and the skin was very white, so she would never be wrong......

To put it simply, the child is this child, and she herself does not know what is the matter with the golden hair and blue eyes.

Believe and understand

Getting back to the point, Shan Chao returned to the ward with the child and saw his wife Yin Yan who had woken up and was lying weakly on the bed. At that time, he may have had a lot of doubts in his heart, and the anxiety in his eyes was unobstructed, but he still did not question his wife.

Instead, the child was gently placed next to his wife, and the two quietly looked at this special little life, whose appearance was different but their common blood.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

As time passed, Shan Shuo, a special little girl, grew up, and her blonde hair and blue eyes always attracted attention and whispers.

Once when they went out with their children, outsiders first complimented them when they saw such a beautiful baby, and then said, "Is the baby mixed-race?" ”

Even an outsider would raise such a question, let alone Shan Chao's parents? The second elder also went to the hospital many times to ask the relevant personnel, and the result was that "the child was not wrong".

Shan Shuo gradually grew up and began to go to kindergarten, and his appearance has also become the focus of children's discussions, of course, more of an adult's question: Is the child raised, it doesn't look like you, it looks more like a foreign child......

The curiosity of outsiders sometimes makes Shan Shuo confused, not understanding why he is seen as different, and later has a great resistance to this, as long as someone says this, he will cry.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

The appearance of the daughter caused many questions, but Shan Chao and Yin Yan always insisted on their position and never wavered, and under the guidance of the two, the daughter's character gradually became stronger, and she learned to deal with the curiosity and strange eyes around her in her own way.

Some people have persuaded Shan Chao to go to the hospital for a personal appraisal of this matter, but he rejected everyone's suggestions, believing that this is a sign of trust and respect for his wife, and he has consistently guarded his small family.

We have been together for so many years and can still believe you, how can you live such a good life today, you don't know if the child is ours, doesn't it mean that you don't trust you when you do a paternity test......

In general, Shan Chao just doesn't do paternity testing, even if he has conflicts with his parents. Later, a well-known local TV program learned about the incident and went to the scene to conduct an interview and solve the problem.

In the program, the host asked Shan Chao in detail about the family's situation and his views on paternity testing, and he firmly stated in the program that he had never doubted Yin Yan and had never considered paternity testing, and also emphasized that family harmony is based on trust and support.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

Hearing Shan Chao's words, his wife Yin Yan was very moved, and also made it clear that the child was not wrong, and the child was also the child of the two.

Shan Chao's parents saw that their son was so resolute and their daughter-in-law's three views were also very positive, and finally accepted the matter, and the family ushered in happy days again.

As time passed, the second elder was more and more able to see the similarities between his granddaughter and his own family, gradually accepted this little life, and began to actively participate in Shan Shuo's life, bringing her more love and care.

After the show was broadcast, the public's attitude towards Shan Chao's family changed significantly, and more people began to understand that the neighbors saw Shan Shuo and felt that she had a unique beauty.

It is worth mentioning that as we get older, the facial features of Shan Shuo become more and more obvious to show the characteristics of parents. There are a lot of people who have different opinions on this matter? There are mixed reviews, attitudes, and in general, it is still full of doubts.

In 2013, his wife gave birth to a blonde and blue-eyed baby girl, and her husband resolutely refused to make an appraisal: the child must be mine

In response to such a situation, some experts explained the knowledge of genetics in the program, mentioning the role of recessive genes.

Roughly speaking, Shan Shuo's situation is likely to be an atavistic phenomenon, and if the ancestors of the male or female family have foreign genetic blood, then the children of the descendants are likely to be like the ancestors, and such a thing does exist in reality.

There are also some mature people who recognize Shan Chao's behavior very much: this young man is a rational and intelligent person, and if the paternity test is done, whether the family is scattered or not.

If a paternity test is done, and the result of the test is that the child is single, perhaps the doubts of outsiders will be dispelled, but the trust between husband and wife will collapse from then on, and this rift is irreversible and cannot be healed.

What do you think differently about this?