
Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

author:Lao Chen's curiosity

Origin, Cause, Cause

Zuo Daxue was born in an artistic family, and was nurtured by his mother since he was a child. In 1954, 11-year-old Zuo Daxue was successfully admitted to the training class of the Hunan Opera Troupe in Hunan Province with his outstanding talent and proficiency in his mother's repertoire, becoming the youngest student in the troupe at that time.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

During the training period, Zuo Daxue was diligent and studious, and had a solid foundation for stage skills, and became famous in just a few years.

After graduation, Zuo Dajun shined on the stage like a fish in water, and gradually grew into a well-known young actor in Hunan opera. She inherited and carried forward her mother's repertoire, which gave it a new vitality and had a small influence on the whole country.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

With his unremitting efforts, Zuo Dajue's career was once in full swing.

However, the good times did not last long, the winds of the Cultural Revolution came suddenly, and Zuo Dajun was criticized for his lines in the play and was forbidden to perform on stage. Her career came to a standstill and she couldn't return to the stage for several years, and those days were undoubtedly the most difficult moments of her life.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

Despite the difficult situation, Zuo Dajun never gave up his persistent pursuit of art and persevered in his practice.

Finally, the haze of the Cultural Revolution dissipated, and Zuo Dajun was allowed to return to the stage, but due to a long period of stagnation, her performance opportunities were far less abundant than those at her peak. In 1976, when Zuo Dajun was 33 years old, she successfully attracted the attention of director Yang Jie with her superb acting skills in a stage performance, especially the image of "Guanyin Bodhisattva" she played was even more admirable to Yang Jie.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

Yang Jie said to Zuo Daxue with deep feelings: "You are the appearance of the 'Bodhisattva' in my mind." So, Yang Jie resolutely found Zuo Daxue and sincerely promised that as long as she directed a new drama, she would definitely be invited to play the role of "Guanyin Bodhisattva".

Although Zuo Daxue regarded these words as a kind of politeness, what she didn't expect was that Director Yang Jie really came as promised 6 years later, and the crew of the TV series "Journey to the West" directed by her family really invited her to join and play the role of "Guanyin".

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

Bodhisattva Descent

In 1982, Zuo Daxue joined the crew of "Journey to the West" and officially opened her debut in the film and television industry. At the beginning, some people in the crew questioned Zuo Dajue for playing the role of "Guanyin".

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

A well-known field reporter bluntly said: "Guanyin is an eternal youthful existence, and an actress with a young and beautiful appearance and fairy temperament should be chosen to interpret it.

But director Yang Jie always insisted on her decision, she retorted categorically: "The image of the gods should not be simplified, although the 'Guanyin' created by Zuo Dajun is not young and beautiful, but it is full of the charm of 'Buddha nature'."

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

In the end, Yang Jie's judgment was recognized, and Zuo Dajun officially played the role of "Guanyin", starting the intense filming work.

What is even more surprising is that a series of "miraculous" events occurred one after another during filming. At the beginning, the crew was disturbed by continuous rain, although the rain was not too big, but it affected the filming progress, and the staff had no choice but to stop work, and everyone was anxious.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

At this juncture, Zuo Daxue reverently folded his hands and silently prayed a few words of "Amitabha".

A scene that shocked everyone present was immediately staged - the cloudy sky instantly cleared, and a warm ray of sunshine poured down! This undoubtedly made everyone have a sincere admiration for Zuo Dajue.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

Since then, everyone in the crew has had an "incredible" sense of awe for her.

Not only that, in the follow-up filming process, Zuo Dajun frequently used the wisdom and Zen of Buddhism to resolve various incurable diseases and solve countless practical problems. Once, in order to shoot a scene on the water, the crew had to camp by the long Yellow River, but it didn't take long for them to encounter the crisis of the flood peak crossing and face the threat of being completely submerged.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

At this time, Zuo Daxue stood in the camp, clasped his hands and prayed sincerely, and the peaceful power instantly eliminated the flood, and all the crew members were able to escape.

There are many such "strange things" during the filming, and over time, the crew all respects Zuo Dajun and regards her as a Buddhist.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

True love lives on

Zuo Dajue's love story is also a legend. Her husband, Xiao Gaoshi, is her first love. The two met at a party, hit it off at first sight, and fell in love with each other.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

They have the same artist background and pursuits, are of similar age, and even have the same interests and hobbies. Zuo Daxue is convinced that Xiao Gaoshi is the person who God is destined to accompany her for the rest of her life.

Since that encounter, Xiao Gaoshi has never forgotten Zuo Daxue. Intentionally or unintentionally, he often showed up at Zuo Dajue's place of work and sent her some nutritious products and delicious food, hoping that she could get sufficient rest and nutritional supplies during the busy rehearsals.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

The relationship between the two heated up rapidly, and soon entered a period of passionate love.

In this relationship, Zuo Daxue focused on career development, while Xiao Gaoshi supported her wholeheartedly and unconditionally understood her pursuit of art. Whenever she encountered difficulties and needed help, he would not hesitate to lend a helping hand, solve problems for her, and give her strong spiritual support.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

When the time came, the two decided to enter the marriage hall and conceived two lovely children together. After a happy married life, Zuo Dajun successfully integrated family and career perfectly.

Xiao Gaoshi has always been her strong backing, giving her endless love and care, so that she has never felt the burden of being a wife and mother.

Zuo Dajue: became famous for starring in "Guanyin", and she is the winner in life after many years

Now, they have gone through more than 50 years of spring and autumn together, and their married life is still happy. Despite their advanced age and the age of eighty, their mental outlook is still full of youthful brilliance.

Both children have also started their own families, and their quality of life is constantly improving, and their lives are getting better and better. The family is happy and harmonious, and it can be described as a winner in life.

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