
Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

author:Pocket Watch Workshop
Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

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When it comes to Zuo Dajue's respected teacher, both young people and elders can't help but think of the kind, beautiful, and fairy-like image of Guanyin Bodhisattva she created in the 86 version of "Journey to the West".

Now, although the teacher Zuo Dajue, who is over eighty years old, has bid farewell to the brilliant film and television industry, her noble reputation has already spread all over the world.

Whenever people talk about her experience of playing the role of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Teacher Zuo Dajun always responds with an indifferent smile and does not comment much.

However, those bizarre and bizarre things were deeply imprinted in the depths of her memory, which made her firmly choose to convert to Buddhism after the play and start a new chapter in her life.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

The current teacher Zuo has faded from the sharp light of the past and has become more peaceful and quiet, revealing the serenity and calmness of Buddhist practice in every gesture.

There really seems to be a mysterious power in her, which is sincerely admired.

Teacher Zuo Dajun was born in a family full of opera atmosphere, and his mother Zheng Fuqiu is a well-known artist in the Hunan opera industry. Under the careful cultivation of her mother, she developed a deep love for the art of opera from an early age.

Her mother often took her through the troupe, and before she knew it, she showed extraordinary talent.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

After becoming an adult, Zuo Daxue was successfully admitted to the Academy of Chinese Opera for in-depth study, and successfully joined the Hunan Hunan Opera Troupe with excellent performance, blooming with dazzling brilliance on the stage.

Once, she performed for Chairman Mao, and her superb acting skills won warm applause from the audience, and what is even more rare is that after the performance, the youthful Zuo Daxue was personally praised by Chairman Mao and had the honor to dance with the great leader.

Chairman Mao admired this lively and talented actress very much. When he learned that she had seen him in Beijing when she was a child, he felt even more cordial and chatted with Zuo Dajun about many interesting topics.

This precious experience not only left Zuo Dajun with unforgettable memories, but also made her stand out in the theater industry.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

In 1976, the famous director Yang Jie was invited to direct the TV series "Chasing the Fish", in which there was a crucial character in the drama Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he needed to find a virtuosian performer to create this sacred and mysterious image.

Just when her acting career was at a low ebb, Ms. Zuo Dajun bravely stepped forward and was eager to take this opportunity to show her talent and strength.

As a result, Ms. Zuo Dajun successfully won the role, and director Yang Jie also expressed his gratitude to her with a sincere attitude, and promised that if there is still a chance to shoot the role of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the future, he will definitely invite her to play the starring role again.

Time flies, time flies, and the filming of the 86 version of "Journey to the West" has finally begun. Director Yang Jie always adhered to her original promise and did not hesitate to choose Ms. Zuo Daxue as the preferred actor of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

In order to be able to understand and interpret the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva more deeply, Ms. Zuo Dajun devoted herself wholeheartedly to it and made full preparations.

She worked day and night to study the Buddha sculpture materials of various dynasties, and even did not hesitate to trek through mountains and rivers to visit places of interest and historic sites all over the country, just to restore the charm and temperament of the Bodhisattva as much as possible.

The filming process of the 86 version of "Journey to the West" took six years, during which it was repeatedly plagued by bad weather. However, the amazing thing is that whenever Ms. Zuo Dajun appears as Guanyin Bodhisattva, the weather always miraculously turns sunny.

At first, the phenomenon was seen as a mere coincidence, but as such incidents became more frequent, the crew began to be confused.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

For example, the crew once encountered heavy rain in Wuyi Mountain and could not continue filming, but when Ms. Zuo Daxue changed her costume and was about to start filming, the rain magically stopped;

Another time during filming in the rainy season, the crew just asked Ms. Zuo Dajun to recite a mantra with her hands folded according to the plot in the script, and the rain stopped instantly, and the sun shone until the end of filming.

These abnormal weather phenomena undoubtedly make people think that it is the Bodhisattva who is blessing Ms. Zuo Dajue.

Outside the play, more bizarre things followed. Once, Ms. Zuo Dajue was wearing a Guanyin costume when she accidentally passed by a temple and had the idea of visiting the shrine.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

Unexpectedly, when the pilgrims who were praying in the temple saw her appearance, they mistakenly thought that the Buddha had really come, and they gave up worshiping the Buddha statue one after another, knelt down in front of Ms. Zuo Dajue, and prayed for blessings and protection.

Faced with such a warm scene, Ms. Zuo Dajun was at a loss for what to do, and hurriedly helped everyone up one by one, patiently explaining that she was only an actor who was filming, not a real Bodhisattva manifestation.

It was not until this moment that everyone woke up, but when they left, they still kept looking back frequently, their eyes were full of reluctance, and they were full of emotion when they saw Zuo Daxue go away.

In addition, what is surprising is that the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva played by Zuo Dajun in the play was mistaken for the real body by many Buddhists, and they invited him home to worship as a god.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

Even though some well-meaning people warned them that the image might have been hung on the wrong page, the believers ignored it and firmly believed that it was a symbol of the bodhisattva's apparition.

This series of bizarre events made Zuo Dajun can't help but have a strong feeling of being blessed by the Buddha.

Since the filming of "Journey to the West" was completed, Zuo Daxue began to reflect deeply on his life process.

Looking back on those mysterious experiences, she gradually realized that perhaps it was because she played the role of Guanyin Bodhisattva that she devoted herself to interpreting the bodhisattva's compassion and joy and the spiritual connotation of saving suffering sentient beings, so she was so favored by the Buddha.

Zuo Dajue: Since playing "Guanyin Bodhisattva", strange things have been happening, and I took refuge in Buddhism after filming

These miraculous phenomena deeply touched her heart and made her extremely devout in Buddhism. Therefore, Zuo Dajun decided to take refuge in Buddhism without hesitation, enshrined a statue of Guanyin at home, burned incense and chanted sutras every morning and evening, and worshiped devoutly.

She eagerly studied the Buddhist scriptures, looking forward to reinventing herself through the cleansing of the Dharma, and devoting herself wholeheartedly to the Buddhist path.

With the deepening of his understanding of Buddhism, Zuo Daxue's spiritual outlook has taken on a new look, and his temperament has become more and more extraordinary. Although he has been far away from the theater stage, in the hearts of the majority of Chinese, Teacher Zuo Dajue has always been the incarnation of the kind and quiet Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Every smile she smiles contains the peace and wisdom of Buddhism.

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