
Today's sun can't shine tomorrow's clothes, and it will return to real estate

author:The official account is memorable

Pay attention to the official account and the compass in the world to read the text "How to become an investor step by step"

From the gossip spread by foreign media a few days ago, until the news landed yesterday, there have been many readers, especially full-level readers, who want to listen to me.

In fact, at this point in time, I don't want to say anything, because there is only heat left, and there is no practical value.

Uncle Fanhua rejected Ah Bao and said: "Today's sun can't shine tomorrow's clothes, time, time determines everything." Go back. ”

Many years ago, when Blossom was not yet released, I repeatedly said a similar thing to readers, I said, if you are not a ticket player, if you are professional, if you are a stable profiteer, if you are a person who eats by investment.

Then, what you buy and sell must not be price, but time.

You must be concerned about when to buy and when to sell, not at what price to buy and what price to sell.

If you don't understand this sentence, then it is obvious that Master Zu did not appreciate the food. Don't keep thinking about what to quit your job and rely on the market to eat.

You can't eat this bowl of rice.

It's like a joke about Bai Jingjing's lines yesterday, do your promising career as a thief.

All things are born and have their uses.

Fish don't become monkeys, vice versa, all we have to do is understand the inner workings, the so-called understanding of the way of fish, the way of monkeys.

This Tao is time.

Even if you are a professional person, after many years, you will find that it is not all your efforts that determine your fate, but when and what industry you entered.

This is especially true of investment.

Wouldn't it be too late if you only interpreted these things you saw today?

What do you see, whether it is a down payment or interest reduction, or a deposit, what is the significance of these events that all point to destocking?

It's about managing your expectations.

I'm telling you that the expectation that they are going to stock is a thousand times more important than the fact that they have to go to stock.

The theoretical knowledge, expectations, facts, and logic involved in this matter, I just talked about it for a few days, it's fresh and hot, since you are full-level readers, you won't forget it, right?

What can really affect market sentiment is expectations, not facts, and once introduced, expectations are implemented.

People's attention to the facts at the specific implementation level, whether the inventory is reduced in the end, is actually far less than they imagined.

That purpose has been achieved, and this is what the above wants, to reverse market expectations.

So, if you understand that the trade is actually during trading hours, and it is the expectation that affects the market sentiment, then you can't know the news for two days.

You have to know yesterday's news three months in advance, when the market is confused.

So you go back and see, when did I tell you about this news yesterday?

Is it two or three days in advance like the foreign media?

No, I did it months in advance, I told you a few months in advance what will happen in the future, so it will really be useful, there was no heat at the time, but it really worked.

It's hot today, but it's useless.

It's useless, and there are so many full-level readers who have to listen to it, so let's review it, you've all seen it anyway.

Then I'm too lazy to release water today, I don't have any dry goods, it's all talked, and I'll quote it again.

1. What was the seller's sentiment a few months ago?


Yang Bailao's family has acres of paddy fields, and he has stored grain for less than 3 months, but he has suffered a disaster, and there is no autumn harvest this year, what should he do?

You carry a bag of millet and tell him, I'll help you survive until the next autumn harvest, and you cede the paddy fields to me, can you do it?

He can only do it.

Because he knows that dozens of truckloads of grain in an acre of paddy field can't be exchanged for grain on weekdays, the problem is that if he can't survive, when he hangs up, his paddy field will still be ownerless.

This is called the alliance under the city.

If he had known that in three months, the relief food would arrive, would he have compromised?

You catch an insect that doesn't know water, throw it in a water bottle, and if you don't save it, it drowns in 5 minutes.

At four and a half minutes, you scoop it up and throw it in, and this time it lasts for 24 hours, which is a miracle of life.

Because it's always thinking that someone will catch it, that's the magical power of anticipation.

So what's the most important thing to break down your opponent's stop loss?

Is it staring at the price? No, it's to break the opponent's psychological defense, you have to punish your heart.

You knew about this matter by various means, and they didn't know about it at the time.

Not only do they not know, but you push forward, there are many things they don't know, such as gradually opening up, do they know?

They don't know.

I'm going to tell you every step of the way.

Readers who have read this of mine seem to have a lot, but in fact they are lost in this country, like a handful of pepper noodles spilled in the desert.

So you can think that the opponents you meet in life, they just don't know.

If you run into an opponent, who is also my reader, and especially a full-level reader, the probability is lower than being hit by a comet.

2. I have talked about, specifically, the strategy of further attacking the opponent.

The above, you know that the relief food will arrive, he doesn't know, it's just a passive advantage, it's not enough, you need higher chips when negotiating.

What chips? You have to convince the other party that not only will the relief food not arrive, but the plague will come.

Since last year, the entire market has been expecting the Fed to cut interest rates.

This idea is easy to understand, he lowered you so that you can descend, and the linkage mechanism understands.

Our readers are well aware that this rate cut will come much later than you think, and you have been vaccinated by me and are all immune.

The problem is, no one else has beaten it.

The whites are immune to smallpox, the Indians are not immune to smallpox, you are used to vaccination, and no one has vaccinated.

They are all counting on the Fed to cut interest rates.

So, starting a few months ago, once the Fed rate cut expectations across the market fell short, they collapsed.

This will further motivate him to make the decision to cut the meat, and that's your timing.

The money spent by a person is someone else's income, and the meat that a person cuts is someone else's profit.

3. The previous ones are just foreshadowing, and now they are the killer moves.

A psychological war, can you trade on the right side? Think about it, can you? Of course not. That's the biggest difference between a real estate transaction and the transaction in the general sense that we talked about the other day.

Trading on the right side means that the bottom has appeared, at this time, you are buying the price low, the problem is that at this time, the low point after the collapse of the mentality, there is no more.

And what exactly do we want? What we want is to wear a low position, we don't want to buy paddy fields at a low price, we want a bag of grain to buy paddy fields and marry Xi'er by the way.

At the end of the day, you are all self-occupied, just in need, or money-saving, even if you buy eight out of ten sets in full, it is still equivalent to savings, you are not buying a house with high leverage.

So for a group like you, what's the use of a 15% down payment, even if it's 1.5%?

People who invest in real estate by profession do right-hand trading, and you do left-hand trading.

As for the news that the left side of the transaction needs to know in advance, it was not out at that time, and the news that will come out in the future, I will inform you at least a few months in advance.

4. Not only did I inform you of the news and tricks, but I even analyzed the goal for you.

I've been talking about this for too long.

Non-core cities, still waiting for transfer payments, what to use to collect new housing inventory? Who will you live in? I've already said that my own people are running out, right?

Core cities, is it possible for them to collect inventory in core areas and urban interfaces? As soon as the new houses in those places are opened, they will be drawn, and they will still fight for social security, can they receive it?

That can only collect the inventory of new houses in non-core areas, so these houses and second-hand houses in non-core areas are not competitive?

Everyone is with the banker, do you want to be a rival with the banker?

So I've been saying, upward replacement, for 3 years.

During this period, I never recommended a second-hand house, not once, until three months ago.

Earlier, what would I advise readers who are selling their houses at a high price to do? Lottery number high upside down new.

After such a long period of sharp decline, who has hurt the principal of those readers who are fighting for social security giants in the core areas of core cities?

So far, it hasn't fallen below your position.

This is called a sufficiently secure strategy.

During this period, some readers have been yelling at me, what should I do if I can't shake it? They obviously can't wait.

So when did I first tell you that you could consider second-hand?

3 months ago.

And I gave you 123, two prerequisite messages, plus a killer move.

If you want to buy second-hand, you can buy it lower than the upside-down lottery, and you have to wear the price after the warehouse.

Moreover, it is a house with high product power in the core area of the core city.

I also talked about the reason a few months ago, I said, with the lifting of the purchase limit, these houses are the ones that people want, and with the lifting of the price limit in the future, these houses will be the first to rebound.

And if not, then you can only hope, commonly known as resignation to fate, that people will be well fed and drunk, and whether they can divert a little benefit to you.

For example, if you are a low-productivity house in the core area of the core city, you can only count on price spillover.

For example, if you take a step back, if you are a house in a non-core area of the core city, then you still have to compete with the city. Because those houses after people collect and store will be your competitors in the future.

If you want to retreat again, retreat to a non-core city, then you can only ask God to worship the Bodhisattva, the heavenly spirit and the earth spirit, you see if the previous ones can still overflow.

All of this, everything that happened, I explained it thoroughly at least a few months in advance of when it happened.

What's the point of you asking me to repeat these words when time is gone?

The purchase limit has been opened, in the past, you just shook those upside-down disks with locals, but now a group of outsiders are here, and people are also coming to buy high-upside-down disks in your core city.

How low is the winning rate?

In the past few years, you couldn't shake it with the locals, but now with a group of outsiders, you can shake it?

And once the limit price is opened, this kind of disk is gone. In the past, they were all subsidized to the rich, and the so-called 8-figure rigid demand plate was a joke in the industry, and the rich will not be subsidized in the future, and the market price will be restored, and the price of these houses will be expected to pull the decline in the surrounding area.

Then don't you have more room for arbitrage?

This is a new house, second-hand housing is what I call psychological warfare, those landlords of high-productivity houses in the core areas of core cities, once they find that they insist on destocking, change the relationship between supply and demand, reduce down payment and interest, and even collect and store, are they willing to cut meat at the price of the warehouse?

If you don't, don't you have no chance to arbitrage?

As for the houses in non-core cities, 3 or 4 years ago, you listened to me, and just sold your 10 sets of 8 houses in non-core cities, and you have been listening to me for so many years, what are you trying to do?

Isn't it just trying to exchange for a relatively low price for a high-quality property in the core area of the core city?

To put it bluntly, you divorced Fat Tiger's sister three years in advance, and you've been staring at the Xi'er of the old Yang family for a long time, don't you just want to take advantage of people's danger? Why? Are you going to marry Fat Tiger's sister again?

Whether you replace it with a new one, or get a second-hand one at the warehouse price. Isn't it all about upward displacement? Don't they all want to be Chen Shimei, want to abandon Qin Xianglian, and want to marry a princess?

Today's full text has been talked about, and there is not a single fresh sentence, and when it comes, I will send you a fresh sentence.

In the future, don't come and tell me what to write, just like the Michelin chef doesn't let customers order, every day the menu is decided by himself.

When you think it's important, it's often not important at all. On the contrary, when I think it is important, when I write to you solemnly, don't read it hastily and ignore it, just ignore it.

It's still my uncle's line: "Today's sun can't shine tomorrow's clothes, time, time determines everything." ”

I heard my grandmother speak this proverb when I was six years old.

The action of hunting, kung fu is outside the poem, you don't just look at him pulling the trigger for a moment, you must know that before that, he had been holding a gun for decades.

Pay attention to the official account and the compass in the world to read the text "How to become an investor step by step"

Today's sun can't shine tomorrow's clothes, and it will return to real estate