
Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

author:Yang Feng said

Earlier it was reported that the Chinese H-6K can carry hypersonic missiles. The point is, when the combat mode of the H-6K moves from carrying traditional bombs and slower cruise missiles to carrying hypersonic missiles and ballistic missiles, what is the concept and what kind of deterrence?

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

Don't say that without prior warning, China will change the pattern of bombers, and the unfriendly countries around China should be vigilant and not easily provoked!

1 The first air-launched hypersonic projectile of the Russian Dagger

We will not talk about bombers carrying nuclear bombs, but the bombers of the current world powers, in addition to traditional bombs or sprite guided bombs, can also carry cruise missiles as land attack, or anti-ship.

Although the range of these air-launched cruise missiles can reach 2,000 kilometers, most of them have a speed of less than Mach 1, such as the Tomahawk cruise missiles of the US military. It was not until the Russian Dagger cruise missile, which began production in 2017 and gradually entered service, that the world had hypersonic air-launched missiles.

Russia has threatened that the speed of the Dagger cruise missile can reach Mach 10~12. This made the Russian Tu-22M bomber, capable of carrying Dagger missiles, a significant increase in combat effectiveness.

However, after real combat experience on the battlefield in Ukraine, the maximum flight speed of the Dagger cruise missile does not seem to reach Mach 10. It has been estimated that the terminal velocity of the dagger may be only Mach 3. At this speed, it is indeed possible to be intercepted by American Patriot missiles.

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

However, although the capabilities of Russia's Dagger missiles have been questioned, China's air-launched hypersonic missiles have shone in the past two years. Moreover, the H-6K carrying these hypersonic and ballistic missiles will greatly increase China's deterrence capability for thousands of kilometers around its territory, which will certainly change the battlefield model.

To put it mildly, the United States is already lagging behind.

2. Offensive land and anti-ship hypersonic missiles are available

In November 2022, China's H-6K appeared at the Zhuhai Air Show, carrying a hypersonic missile under each wing, its model number ZPZD-21.

In terms of appearance, this is an air-launched ballistic missile with a double-cone warhead, and China's DF-26 and DF-21D use double-cone warheads, which can glide in the atmosphere and have maneuverability. According to its flight speed is also a hypersonic missile. This is the first time that China has publicly demonstrated an air-launched hypersonic missile.

In addition, on May Day, CCTV also published a video program entitled "Volley Bombing", in which the H-6K launched an YJ-21 hypersonic missile.

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

Thus, the Chinese H-6K can carry at least two modes of hypersonic missiles, one is a bicone ballistic missile, and the other is a water-drifting hypersonic missile, both of which are hypersonic missiles.

The size of the bipyramidal ballistic missile is smaller, and the YJ-21 hydrosonic hypersonic missile is relatively large, which is used as an anti-ship missile to attack large ships on the surface, such as aircraft carriers.

At this moment, the bombing and strike capabilities of the H-6K are complete, and the range is long, which is difficult for the opponent to intercept.

Air-launched ballistic missiles have a longer range than land-based launches, so the ZPZD-21 missile should have a range of more than 1500 km. The water-drifting hypersonic missile can fly in near space, in a water-drifting mode, and is launched by the H-6K, and its range may reach 4,000 kilometers.

Considering the combat radius of the H-6K, its strike range can reach more than 7000 kilometers. This strike range is already close to Hawaii.

If the H-6N equipped with an air refueling pipe is used to carry out the mission, the strike range after air refueling can reach more than 10,000 kilometers. Think about it, the distance from Beijing to San Francisco is about 9,600 kilometers, which means that almost the entire Pacific Ocean is exposed to the blows of the H-6 series. (At this time, you don't need to consider the extreme southern waters of the South Pacific.)

3 Combat altitude of the Chinese H-6: covering the Pacific Ocean

What does this mean?

This means that without the need for the H-20 strategic bomber, China has the ability to put the Pacific region between China and the United States, including Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and other sea areas that lie between China and the United States, all within the scope of its bombing and strikes.

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

In other words, as long as the number of China's air-launched missiles is sufficient, any land targets, naval ships, etc., in this large area may be destroyed by H-6 fighters.

4 Chinese missiles rain

Didn't the United States deploy an intermediate-range missile base in the Philippines a while ago? What's the use of that? Yang Feng said before that the United States is struggling to face China's strong naval and air forces, especially China's military power in the first and second island chains, so it wants to use distributed operations to distract China's strike direction.

The US military is too naïve to think about this. Yang Feng said earlier that China has all kinds of missiles, including land-based launches, surface and submarine launches, and air launches.

No, in the case of hypersonic missiles. There are launch modes and platforms for sea, land and air, and there are multiple models.

As we said two years ago, not counting nuclear missiles, China is the world's largest missile power. It is not an exaggeration to say that those who dare to clash with China in the future will certainly face China's "missile rain".

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

Many years ago, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted an exercise in which a squadron of H-6K fighters took off and landed continuously for 24 hours, with the aim of demonstrating the continuous strike power of the H-6K. The take-off is to carry out the bombing mission, and the landing is to refuel and replenish the ammunition, so that the bombing mission is carried out 24 hours a day.

This is what we have always emphasized, do not underestimate the H-6K because of its range and bomb load of large strategic bombers.

The H-6K is really easy to use, economical and practical. Fortunately, China is still digging deep into the combat application of the H-6K and expanding its scope of use.

5 The development of the Chinese naval and air forces is getting faster and faster

It is now becoming more and more difficult to describe China's missiles to the outside world, because there are too many types of missiles, and there are quite a few advanced missiles, which have appeared in the past few years. Let's not talk about those a little farther away, such as the Dongfeng-21D and Dongfeng-26 anti-ship ballistic missiles shown in 2015, and the hypersonic missiles Dongfeng-17 shown in 2019.

On the eve of China's Navy Day in April 2022, a Type 055 guided missile destroyer launches an YJ-21 hypersonic anti-ship missile from its vertical launch system.

In November 2022, at the Zhuhai Air Show, a H-6K was publicly demonstrated, carrying a bicone hypersonic ballistic missile.

We don't know how many models of missiles have not been displayed, or are being developed and tested, but in short, there are many models of missiles in China, and the speed of innovation is getting faster and faster, almost to the point of dazzling and dizzying.

Although the US military has always regarded the Pacific Ocean as its inland sea, through bases such as Hawaii and Guam, and many military bases in Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and other allies, the US military regards the Pacific Ocean as its forbidden territory.

However, the time when the Pacific Ocean was the US military has passed, the first island chain is no longer under the full control of the US military, and the second island chain is also in danger.

Although China has no intention of extending its naval and air military patrols to the depths of the Pacific, China already has the strength, at least in terms of air strike power, to reach the "depths" of the Pacific Ocean and be on an equal footing with the US military.

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

The only remaining superiority of the US military in the Pacific Ocean is surface ships, as well as underwater superiority. However, these two advantages of the US military do not include the first or second island chains, nor the South China Sea.

Although Russia also claims that with the Vanguard, Dagger, and Zircon hypersonic missiles, it also fully covers the needs of land, sea, and air.

However, compared with China, China is still relatively well-equipped in terms of hypersonic missiles. It's just that China is not so flamboyant and high-profile.

As mentioned earlier, the PLA has at least two modes of air-launched hypersonic missiles. From a 1,500-kilometer bipyramidal ballistic missile, to a 7,000-kilometer radius, or even a 10,000-kilometer water-drifting hypersonic missile after refueling in the air; from land attack to anti-ship; From the more economical to the large, expensive air-launched hypersonic missiles, a complete strike mode is formed, with both high-level and low-level combinations.

At this time, I can't help but give a warning. In recent years, Japan, South Korea, and even the Philippines have jumped very high, and Japan has been actively operating in recent years, deploying anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles in the Ryukyu Islands against Chinese warships and the southeast coastal areas.

In the face of China's huge missile forces, these attempts by Japan and the Philippines are in vain, and so are the distributed operations of the US military.

It is said that China is the most complex environment in the world among the countries with superpower power.

This is true, and it is also a kind of pressure on China. The United States is taking advantage of the complicated situation around China in an attempt to insert a needle into the seams and create trouble for China. China seems to be in a dilemma.

However, when China's strength is getting stronger and stronger, this is not necessarily a dilemma, and China can produce the "pig and sheep color" effect in the poker game at a certain moment.

China will be able to use its strength to radiate its influence from the inside out, and have two effects on its neighbors, one is deterrence and the other is economic benefits.

In terms of deterrence, you can refer to this diagram. Here is a map of the coverage of the Chinese Dongfeng missile. Since the H-6 fighter can already carry ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles, this range map needs to be revised and the coverage will be expanded.

Warning to the United States and Japan! Chinese hypersonic missiles on bombers!

As for the Belt and Road Initiative, the RCEP Economic Circle, the China-GCC Economic Circle under negotiation, the China-Central Asia Economic Cooperation, and the China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Agreement, which is blocked by the United States, these are economic and trade benefits.

As the Chinese saying goes: if you don't eat a toast, you will be punished for drinking.

Do China's neighbors want to cooperate with China and share the benefits of economy and trade, or do they want to side with the United States in the great power game? You'll have to think about it. In particular, Japan and South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines are among others.

In the past, these countries not only recognized the United States as the world's most powerful foreign country, but also because the United States is the most powerful country in the world.

But now the situation between China and the United States has changed, and the US military is no longer a standalone and powerful force in the Pacific.

6 China's military development has exceeded expectations

In the past four years, Yang Feng's description of China's military power in his articles has always been "sprayed" by some people, or felt that it was a little exaggerated, thinking that China's military power was not so strong.

But in fact, some of China's military power has exceeded our expectations in the article.

In 2015, China demonstrated the DF-21D and DF-26 anti-ship ballistic missiles, which many questioned.

But then China developed the DF-17, YJ-21 and, as the legendary DF-27. Now there are air-launched types, surface launches, etc.

As a result, the more people spray, the more types and quantities of Chinese hypersonic missiles there are.

Under the wild spray of saliva, the development of China's military weapons is accelerating day by day.

On the contrary, the United States has encountered obstacles in the development of hypersonic weapons, lagging behind China.

7 Conclusion

Through the completeness and completeness of the H-6 fighter carrying hypersonic missiles, the PLA bombers have entered the hypersonic missile combat mode, and even if the H-20 stealth strategic bomber has not yet been put into service, the PLA has a strong enough strength in the Pacific.

Coupled with China's industrial strength, the description of missile rain is not an exaggeration.

Regardless of whether these allies of the United States eat toasts or punish alcohol, and whether the US military recognizes it or not, China's military strength is there, and the United States will not be able to recognize it.

That's all for today's analysis and reasoning, we'll see you next time!

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