
Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

author:Dr. Xiaoting

In a quiet town, there was an uncle, for the sake of health, resolutely put down the wine glass in his hand.

He thought that quitting alcohol was the whole of health, but he never thought that eight months later, a sudden cerebral infarction would bring his life to an abrupt end.

This story, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, provokes people to think deeply about a healthy lifestyle.

Quitting alcohol is a good thing, but why is the ending so embarrassing? The doctor said that it was not wrong to quit drinking, but the fault was that he did these three things wrong.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

1. Uncle Li's alcohol abstinence process and health condition

Uncle Li's road to quitting alcohol was full of determination at first. He put down his wine glass for years, thinking that this would be in exchange for a healthy body. However, he ignores that health is not as simple as not drinking alcohol.

After quitting drinking, his life seemed to be out of balance, his diet became casual, and high-salt and high-fat foods became his new favorite. He thought that as long as he didn't touch the wine, nothing else would be a problem.

But such indulgence quietly buried hidden dangers in his veins. What's even more worrying is that Uncle Li barely did any physical exercise during his abstinence from alcohol.

Most of his days are spent on the couch, and television has become his closest companion. He didn't know that the body that lacked exercise, like a machine that had not been used for a long time, gradually rusted and deteriorated.

And his heart is like an overloaded engine, which can stall at any time due to overwork.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

2. The specific reason for Uncle Li's death

It wasn't until that day that Uncle Li suddenly collapsed that the family realized that his health was already in jeopardy. The doctor diagnosed that Uncle Li's death was due to cerebral infarction.

This disease, like a time bomb, lurks in his body, waiting for the moment to explode.

And high blood pressure, the silent killer, was the fuse that detonated this bomb. Uncle Li's eating habits kept his blood pressure high, and the lack of exercise made his blood vessels lose their elasticity. Eventually, all of these bad factors converged into a powerful force that took his life.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

This tragedy, like a mirror, reflects the mistakes that many people can make in their pursuit of health. Quitting alcohol is only the beginning of the road to health, not the end.

True health requires comprehensive lifestyle changes, including a sensible diet, moderate exercise, and regular medical monitoring.

Uncle Li's story reminds us that health is not achieved overnight, it requires us to maintain it with our hearts and practice it with action.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

3. Reasonable eating habits are the key

Quitting alcohol is only the beginning of health, and it is more important to develop a reasonable diet. Diet is the foundation of maintaining good health, not only pay attention to the type and nutrient content of food, but also control the intake of food.

First, choose healthy foods. After Uncle Li quit drinking, he indulged himself in eating and drinking, resulting in high-salt and high-fat food becoming his new favorite.

High-salt and high-fat foods can increase blood pressure and blood lipid levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

Instead, choose foods that are low in salt and fat, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat animal proteins.

Second, control your food intake. After Uncle Li quit drinking, his diet became casual and he did not control his appetite. Excessive food intake can lead to weight gain, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the daily energy intake of adults should be controlled between 2000-2500 kcal, and the specific intake should be determined according to the age, gender, weight and other factors of the individual.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

4. Exercise moderately to keep your body active

In addition to abstaining from alcohol and eating a reasonable diet, moderate exercise is also an important factor in maintaining good health. During his abstinence from alcohol, Uncle Li hardly did any physical exercise, which led to the deterioration of the body's function.

Moderate exercise has many benefits for cardiovascular health.

First, exercise lowers blood pressure. Exercise increases the contractility and cardiac output of the heart, which leads to smoother blood circulation, which lowers blood pressure levels.

Second, exercise can lower blood lipids. Exercise can speed up fat metabolism, lower blood cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

In addition, moderate exercise can also enhance cardiopulmonary function and improve the body's endurance and resistance.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

Moderate exercise does not require strenuous exercise, 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day is sufficient. Suitable forms of exercise include brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. When choosing a way to exercise, it should be determined according to your own interests and physical condition.

However, exercise also comes with certain risks, especially for older people. Before exercising, you should have a physical examination to ensure that you are physically fit to exercise.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to moderation when exercising and not to overexert it, so as not to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

5. The importance of mental health

Mental health also plays a vital role in maintaining cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

People's psychological state directly affects the physiological function of the body, and psychological stress and anxiety are one of the risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, while maintaining physical health, Uncle Li should also pay attention to the regulation of mental health.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

The maintenance of mental health can be achieved in a variety of ways.

First, build good social relationships. Building good relationships with family, friends, and the community can provide emotional support and psychological comfort, reduce stress in life, and reduce the incidence of anxiety and depression.

Second, learn how to deal with stress effectively. Through exercise, relaxation techniques, psychological counseling, etc., it can effectively reduce psychological pressure and maintain emotional stability.

In addition, cultivating a positive and optimistic attitude is also an important means of maintaining mental health. Optimistic people are better able to cope with life's challenges and difficulties and are more likely to maintain mental balance.

In addition, timely psychological intervention and treatment is also essential for individuals with pre-existing psychological problems. Psychotherapy, medication and social support can effectively improve mental health problems and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

6. Have a regular schedule and ensure adequate sleep

Regular work and rest can stabilize blood pressure. During sleep at night, your body automatically regulates your blood pressure levels to keep them low. Irregular work and rest can interfere with this circadian rhythm, lead to uncontrolled blood pressure, and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Secondly, getting enough sleep can lower blood lipids. Lack of sleep can lead to metabolic disorders, affect lipid metabolism, increase the level of cholesterol and triacylglycerol in the blood, and increase the incidence of atherosclerosis.

In addition, regular work and rest can also reduce psychological pressure, improve immunity, and help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong

There are a few things you can do to get enough sleep. First, maintain a regular routine and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Second, create a comfortable sleeping environment, keep the room quiet and dark, adjust the appropriate room temperature and humidity, and choose comfortable mattresses and pillows.

Also, avoid activities that are overly excited before bedtime, such as strenuous exercise, alcohol and smoking, to avoid affecting the quality of sleep onset.

Uncle quit drinking for 8 months and died of a sudden cerebral infarction? Doctor: It's okay to quit drinking, but I've done these 3 things wrong


Maintaining cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health is a comprehensive process that needs to be approached from multiple aspects. Quit alcohol is only the beginning of health, and you also need to develop a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, good mental health, and regular work and rest habits.

Through these comprehensive measures, the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can be reduced, aging can be delayed, and a healthy life can be enjoyed.

Therefore, each of us should be aware of the importance of protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, and take active action to change unhealthy lifestyles. Only through persistent efforts can we truly achieve physical health, mental health, and overall happiness.

Let's take healthy steps together and embrace a better future!