
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

author:On Yun Xuan
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger


In recent years, the "confusing behavior" of the United States in the international arena can be regarded as very dazzling.

On the one hand, it has to solve its own financial crisis, and on the other hand, it has constantly intervened in the mainland's internal affairs.

They first verbally attacked the development of the mainland's Chang'e-6, and then raised tariffs on the mainland's new energy vehicles.

Now it has begun to intervene in the mainland's Taiwan Strait issue.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

People say that one heart cannot be used for two purposes, but this operation of the United States can be said to be more than three hearts and four uses! Especially the development of the mainland.

But if you come out to mix, sooner or later you will have to pay it back! How arrogant he was when he bullied others, and how uncomfortable he was when he was backlashed.

Now the United States has also hit an iron plate this time, the ace rank has been shot down twice in a month, and the US aircraft carrier is also in danger.

So, what exactly happened to make the "invincible" White House dare not speak out?

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Taste of your own medicine? The ace military plane was shot down

As everyone knows, there is a saying that has been widely circulated in the world: "Security depends on the United States, and development depends on China."

The literal meaning of this sentence is easy to understand, if a country becomes the "little brother" of the United States, then there will definitely be no problem in ensuring security.

If a country wants to develop better, it can maintain friendly relations with China, for example, Russia, France, Iran, etc.

Since the end of World War II, the United States has been making rapid progress in the military field and has established its hegemonic position in the world.

Wang Shengsheng: "Rely on China for economy and the United States for security" What is the goods?--2016-06-02 16:24·
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

For many years, in particular, the United States has been considered the most powerful country in the world, and its military strength is also the most powerful.

After decades of development, the United States has also amassed military strength worthy of superpower status.

It has been said that the most powerful air force in the world is the United States, followed by the US Navy, and then the Chinese Air Force.

But in fact, the strength of the US Air Force far exceeds that of the US Naval Aviation, the Russian Air Force, and the NATO Air Force combined.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

What is less well known is that even when it comes to force projection, the U.S. Air Force is world-class.

It has 55 C-5 "Galaxy" transport aircraft, 188 C17 "Globemaster" transport aircraft, 225 C-130 "Hercules" transport aircraft, etc.

Both in quantity and quality, the US Air Force's various combat aircraft are at a level that is difficult for other countries to match.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

But even with such a formidable military force, there will be moments when ace military planes are shot down twice in a month, and the US government can only choose to remain silent.

So what's going on here? Could it be that this is the legendary "self-inflicted evil"?

The media said that Yemen's Houthis shot down an American MQ-9 drone--2024-05-17 06:23·
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

The Houthis and the US-UK "Nexus"

According to Yemeni media reports, on the evening of May 16, local time, Yemen's Houthi rebels shot down a drone, which was said to be the American MQ-9.

In response, the Houthis said they would attack all ships heading to Israeli ports and said they would expand the scope of the attack.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Surprisingly, just a day before the drone was shot down, the US destroyer was also attacked by the Houthis and even attacked by missiles.

In addition, the Houthis attacked a ship, which means that in just two days, they attacked a US military ship and shot down an MQ-9 drone.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

The Houthis have emphasized that these actions are in support of Palestine, and this series of events has brought a major disaster to the United States, and this incident shows that the United States faces serious challenges.

It is understood that since November 19 last year, the Houthis have been attacking and interfering with Israeli-related ships in the Red Sea region, and even triggered a firepower response from the US and French navies.

Yemen's Houthi rebels said they attacked ships heading for Israel, and two shipping companies suspended Red Sea voyages---2023-12-16 14:00·Shangguan News
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Despite the continued Houthi attacks on Israeli-linked vessels, this prompted the United States to announce the launch of a Red Sea escort operation, codenamed Guardian of Prosperity.

At the same time, Iran also issued a public statement, in which Brigadier General of the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard Corps, Mohammad Reza Naqdi, warned that if the United States and its allies continue to commit "criminal acts" against Palestine, "new resistance groups" will emerge and a possible blockade of the Mediterranean.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Nakdi did not disclose specific actions, but mentioned the Strait of Gibraltar, suggesting that an attack on the area could lead to a further escalation of the situation.

In the tense atmosphere at that time, the international community has been watching the future, and it needs to think carefully and act cautiously about whether the United States will continue to stay in Syria and how to respond to the Iranian threat.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

But the occurrence of this series of events undoubtedly verifies the proverb that "the barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes", and in the face of the spread of war, the Yemeni Houthi armed forces, known as the "slipper army", did not hesitate to launch a counterattack.

On March 5 this year, the U.S. Central Command issued a statement saying that the U.S. missile destroyer USS Carney shot down four anti-ship missiles, three drones and three unmanned boats from the Houthis on the same day.

U.S. military claims to have shot down incoming Houthi missiles and drones---2024-03-07 10:54 Xinhua News Agency
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Sarea also made a point to emphasize that they will stop attacking ships in the Red Sea only when Israel ceases its military operations in Gaza and lifts its blockade of Gaza.

In other words, as long as there is no ceasefire in Gaza and Israel does not retreat from Gaza, Yemen's Houthi rebels will not stop attacking ships in the Red Sea.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Since January this year, the United States and the United Kingdom have carried out frequent airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen, and on the day of the Houthi announcement, American and British warplanes even carried out at least five airstrikes on Yemen's Red Sea city of Hodeidah in the evening.

Despite the frequent bombing by the United States and Britain, the Houthis in Yemen do not seem to flinch and are ready to continue confrontation with the United States and Britain.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Just half a month ago, an MQ-9 drone was successfully shot down, and the downed picture and wreckage were announced, which can be described as a serious blow to the image of the United States.

In retaliation, U.S. and British warplanes carried out airstrikes on Yemen, but the Houthis remained steadfast.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed this bill, putting pressure on Biden! American MQ-9 drone shot down? More than 60 rockets flew towards Israeli positions......---2024-05-17 07:44·National Business Daily
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

It can be said that in a month they shot down two MQ-9 drones in a row, which undoubtedly caused huge losses to the United States, and this loss had to be swallowed with tears.

Then the question arises, how powerful is this "MQ-9" drone, which can make the United States lose so much?

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

"Sea Guardian" MQ-9B UAV

In March 2003, the United States, Britain and other countries launched Operation Iraqi Freedom, which for the first time put armed drones into combat as conventional weapons.

Among them, the most well-known is the MQ-9B UAV, manufactured by the American company General Atomics, known as the "Reaper" or "Reaper".

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

The MQ-9 has a larger mission load capacity than the MQ-1 and can carry stronger air-to-ground weapons, such as the AGM-65 Maverick missile and heavyweight bombs, for heavy targets.

As one of the most advanced military drones in the world, the MQ-9 has a wide range of military applications, one of the most famous cases of which is the death of Soleimani.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

In January 2020, the U.S. military sent MQ-9 drones to fire two Hellfire missiles at Soleimani's vehicle at Iraq's Baghdad International Airport, killing the Middle Eastern military leader.

The air raid was carried out in the early morning of the 3rd local time, and the missiles accurately hit two vehicles, ending the legendary life of Soleimani.

Sensitive moments and sensitive places, this series of bombings in Iran is terrifying Beijing Brewing Hall--2024-01-04 10:58·Beijing News
Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Soleimani's importance is self-evident in Iran, where he is regarded as "the most untouchable person in Iran" and enjoys great influence and reverence among Shiites.

After he was killed by a U.S. drone, there was speculation that Israel may have provided intelligence support to the United States, including information about Soleimani's location and vehicles.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

However, in the absence of direct evidence, it is impossible to determine whether Israel is actually involved, so the voices of accusations against Israel have gradually faded, allowing Israel to escape Iranian retaliation.

But then a series of events in the United States further proved the seriousness of this incident, and the U.S. stock market opened sharply lower that day, and the topic of "World War III" quickly appeared on Twitter.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

Over the years, US drones have been repeatedly attacked, but the White House seems to turn a blind eye, and the United States can only sigh in the face of a tough opponent like the Houthis.

But if you think about it from another angle, if the US drone did not appear in the sky over Yemen, how could it be attacked? How could the White House dare to be angry?

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

It can be said that this is not a few decades ago, the era of US dominance of the world order is gone, what the future path will be, and whether the US should withdraw its troops from Syria or not, this needs to be thought twice!


There is a good saying, "Lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot," and this phrase could not be more appropriate in the United States.

Outburst! The US ace military plane was shot down, the White House dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and the US aircraft carrier was also in danger

The evil cause has the evil effect, and now it is being fulfilled, and there are incidents of mixing with other people's national affairs, which is enough to improve its own strength!

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