
Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

author:Lao Chen's story

Today, I want to use my own personal experience to tell you that human telepathy or the sixth sense is real, and I do not accept any refutation!

Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

As we know, the sixth sense is the common name for "extrasensory perception", also known as "mental awareness", which can receive information through channels other than the normal senses, and can predict what is going to happen, regardless of the inference obtained from the accumulation of previous experience of the person.

So, does a human sixth sense, or telepathy, really exist?

Scientists believe that so far, no science has been able to prove its existence. The reason why some people have a sixth sense is because the human brain uses the rule of thumb to integrate knowledge and memories and turn them into thoughts, which are stored in the background of the brain, and when we are stimulated by the outside world and activate these thoughts, we produce mental awareness, which is the sixth sense, and the same is true of telepathy.

However, I use my actual experiences and encounters to show you that the sixth sense, or telepathy, is real, although science cannot explain it.

Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

First Experience (Sixth Sense):

I don't know if you have ever experienced this kind of thing, for example, sometimes before I go out at home, my brain will suddenly flash into my mind, and a strange thought will come to my heart, feeling that I may meet someone on the street today. Unexpectedly, I actually ran into him or her on the road.

This kind of thing is really strange, and I have thought many times that it may be a coincidence, but after many times, I have to wonder a lot. Why didn't I think about Zhang San and Li Si, but I just thought about this person I could meet? Didn't I know I was going to meet him or her on the street today before I even went out? I couldn't figure it out.

If that's not the sixth sense, then what happened to me next is even more outrageous.

Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

Second Experience (Telepathy):

I remember when I was in the first year of junior high school, my grandfather had been bedridden for several years due to illness, and my grandmother had always taken care of him.

One morning, I remember it was snowing heavily outside and it was surprisingly cold. It's something I'll never forget in my life, because we don't have many days of snow in the winter in Zhejiang, but it was really cold that morning.

According to the original habit, I would get dressed and get out of bed immediately after I woke up, but I don't know what happened that day, I sat up and leaned on the head of the bed and thought, it's so cold today, my grandfather doesn't know if it's cold or not? Did my grandmother turn on an electric blanket for him? I should go to see my grandfather in a few days, because I haven't been there for many days, etc., thinking about some messy things.

Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

To be honest, since my grandfather was bedridden due to illness, everyone would visit him from time to time at the beginning, but as the saying goes, there is a certain truth in the absence of filial piety for a long time, and as time goes by, everyone gradually cares less about my grandfather, leaving only my grandmother to take care of my grandfather.

Actually, I'm the same, I've only been with my parents to see my grandfather a few times in recent years. Due to the intense academic situation, I rarely miss my grandfather, but my grandmother takes good care of me anyway, and I am used to it.

But it's so strange today, how can I miss my grandfather so much?

I was wondering, suddenly I heard someone knocking on my door, I quickly got up, opened the door, and found my little aunt standing outside the door with red eyes, and when she saw me, she cried out "wow" and said, your grandfather just left in the morning.

Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

I was indeed stunned, even a little frightened. I was stunned by my grandfather's sudden death, but this terrible "telepathy" frightened me a little, and although I was still young at the time, this incident was unforgettable for me.

From now on, whoever says that humans don't have a sixth sense or that they don't have telepathy, I will have to argue and debate with him.

But I also often muttered to myself, if this sixth sense, or telepathy, if it really exists, how does it glue the minds of two people who are not together together? Or through what substance does it spread to each other?

Is the strange thing that happened to me, telepathy, or a sixth sense really there?

By studying the theory of quantum entanglement, I learned that telepathy between two people thousands of miles apart seems to have a certain scientific basis.

Because we human beings, to put it bluntly, are composed of particles, and there is a special relationship between two or more particles, so that their states are related to each other.

Specifically, if a particle is in a certain state, the other particle will immediately take on a state related to the first particle's state. This entanglement can occur at both close and distant distances, and even at great distances, a change in the state of one particle will immediately affect the state of the other.

In other words, when all particles in the same "channel" are "resonated" due to the same inducement, then they will become entangled with each other, and eventually lead to someone having a sixth sense or telepathy, so that everything seems to make sense.

So, do you agree with me? If you have different opinions, you are welcome to put forward valuable comments in the comment area.

Personal opinion, FYI!