
It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

author:Jing Qian said

With the improvement of our living standards, there are many different products and living facilities around us, it can be said that the existence of these enriches our lives, but there will be some special existences in it, which not only do not make our lives simpler, but even have a negative impact on our bodies.

Most of these products are produced independently in our country, and some even sell well in many overseas countries, but when these products are detected to contain harmful substances, they will be directly removed from the shelves, but they are still very popular in China, how much do you know about this behavior? What is the development process behind this matter?

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

Very common "dangerous goods" around us

In fact, there are many products around us that have been detected with carcinogens, but we don't care much about these products, or these products are still circulating in a large area on the market, and it is very common to face such a situation, such as the cleaning company that was detected three years ago.

In 2011, the company was found to have produced products containing certain harmful substances, which will cause harm to the human body, but the development of this matter is not very good.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

When they were inspected for substandard products, those products that had been sold to consumers were not returned or returned, and this matter attracted the attention of many people at that time, and there was a lot of public opinion in the society, but your public opinion belongs to your public opinion, and it is useless if you think things are wrong, these products still often appear on the market.

To give a very simple example, there are many different brands of skin care products and toiletries in the environment we live in, which can be said to be our daily necessities, and the profits and demand in them can be guessed by everyone, which is why there are "endless" people who want to make a fuss in this regard.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

If these products are used less often, they will not cause much harm to the body, but once they are overused, they will show a "stacking" effect, and it is impossible to have no harm to the body for a long time, which is why more and more people are paying attention to this aspect of things, "After all, the body is the capital of the revolution!" ”

In the current market, a few brands that everyone is more familiar with should be a certain Phase One and a certain Doffer, but how much do you know about the brand Pantene? Pantene is also a well-known big brand that has been developing in the mainland for a long time and has a good brand market, but who would have thought that Pantene had been detected with carcinogens before?

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

For the brand Pantene, in fact, everyone was very trusting at the beginning, and its loyal users were also very numerous, and this is a rare domestic brand, with such an idea, many people will think that the brand Pantene is very good and very healthy, of course, this is the view before this happened.

Since Pantene was detected with carcinogens, she quickly lost a large number of loyal users, although the toxins in it are not the kind that erupts immediately, but those that can exist in the body for a long time are more scary than this short-term outbreak, even if you use it for a short time, it is not easy to find out when you go to the hospital for examination.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

This also illustrates a problem, that is, when this toxin breaks out in the body, there will be no problems in a short period of time, and life will not break the simple rhythm of everyone's "life", but as long as there is a problem, it is a more serious thing, who will not be afraid of this situation? When you lie down in the first aid place, you can't regret it.

And not only Pantene has this situation, there are also some products in the mainland that have been found to have certain problems after testing, these problems do not mean that the testing standards in the mainland are not good, but everyone has a different opinion on these products, which is really not easy to evaluate.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

Why are products that have stopped being sold in the U.S. still being sold at home?

For these "not very good" products, in fact, Procter & Gamble is a very obvious example, because Procter & Gamble is a brand company belonging to the United States, and this company has been detected for carcinogenic substances many times in the United States, and this product is also banned from being sold in the United States.

But it is unthinkable that things are far more than that, the products banned in the United States continue to be sold in China, and this is not the first time that such a thing has happened to Procter & Gamble, it has been detected for a long time that there are harmful substances, and many people think that the United States did it on purpose, just to harm others.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

And just last month, the Procter & Gamble company in the United States actually made some moves, according to the relevant news, Procter & Gamble officially released a new news, which is also about the recall of those products that fail to pass the test, but this time it is a recall of products in Canada.

At that time, there were more than 2.8 million pieces of Procter & Gamble products sold to the Canadian market, and these products that traveled across the ocean to Canada were found to be unqualified, and then Procter & Gamble directly recalled all these products back to China, and this time the unqualified point was the packaging problem.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

Could it be that the mainland testing department does not restrain it?

Problems with unqualified packaging tests will affect the bodies of those who are not adults, because the bodies of non-adults are not fully developed, and long-term use will inhibit their bodies, but why are there no such problems for the mainland? Aren't minors in China minors?

But for this case, it is not that the mainland does not test when importing, but that the substances present in these products are only for minors or children who accidentally eat these things will cause problems in the body, but really no one will really eat this product into their mouths.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

And don't talk about things here according to a testing standard, these products do have some harmful substances, but they are more suitable for our market, Procter & Gamble has a very large-scale market in the mainland, and it has achieved a lot of scale localization, which cannot be arbitrarily removed from the market.

When there is a problem with the Procter & Gamble brand products, in fact, many friends will think that this is a mainland brand, because it is too good in the Chinese market, this situation will not affect the reputation of the United States, but will affect many cleaning and care products in the mainland market, and the United States has also seized our trust in domestic products to have a layout.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

To put it simply, many friends don't know that Procter & Gamble is an American brand, and when you think it is a domestic brand, will you choose products from other countries? This kind of influence has a great effect in such a vast market as the mainland, and the foreign products that have problems in the mainland will definitely make them recall.

We must not think that the mainland's testing department is ignoring the people and masses of the mainland, and as long as there is a situation of failing the test, then the mainland will definitely make a response and will not let them threaten the physical problems of any of the people.

It was found to contain carcinogens in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market


The market of the mainland is too broad, many countries want to enter the market of the mainland, in the face of such a situation, in fact, the testing department of the mainland is still very responsible, and now the more popular products are tested.

Those products with abnormal behavior will never let our people buy back, even if there is a very small possibility, and in the face of this situation, we still need to keep our eyes open, optimistic about the ingredient list of the product, and have a certain understanding of this aspect.


NetEase – November 3, 2023 – Cancer-causing has been announced early in the morning, and the United States and Canada have long since taken it off the shelves, but it is still being sold in the Chinese market

Financial Visitor – October 10, 2023 – Cancer-causing was detected early in the morning, and the United States and Canada have been removed from the shelves, but they are still being sold in the Chinese market

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