
Why are healthy teeth priceless? The dentist is to protect them well

author:Nutrition and Medicine

Global Physicians Organization 2024-05-15 06:31 United States

Why are healthy teeth priceless? The dentist is to protect them well

At an auction in the United Kingdom in 2011, a tooth from John Lennon sold for just over $31,000.

Why are healthy teeth priceless? The dentist is to protect them well

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Teeth are one of the wonders of our human body, not only supporting our oral health, but also one of the key organs for our daily communication and nutrient intake.

However, many people, especially the elderly, tend to neglect dental maintenance, resulting in missing or reduced function.

Dentists study how people's teeth grow and develop, and how they achieve long-lasting durability through structure and biological mechanisms.

Why are healthy teeth priceless? The dentist is to protect them well

First of all, the longevity of a tooth comes from the complex interplay of structures such as enamel, dentin and pulp (pictured above). Tooth enamel is a hard shell that covers the outside of a tooth. Not only is it incredibly hard, but it also protects teeth from bacteria.

Dentin is located below the enamel and is softer and rich in tiny tubes that support the physiological function of the tooth. The pulp is the soft tissue containing blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth, which maintains the vitality of the tooth.

However, teeth, despite their delicate structure, are not indestructible. Wrong chewing habits and poor oral hygiene habits can lead to damage to tooth enamel, which can lead to tooth decay and other problems. Therefore, regular dental check-ups and maintenance of oral hygiene are key measures to maintain dental health.

To sum up, it is crucial to understand and protect our teeth, just like taking care of any other vital organs and tissues in the body. With the right care and regular check-ups, we are not only able to maintain the function of our teeth, but also allow us to smile healthily every day.

Why are healthy teeth priceless? The dentist is to protect them well

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