
Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

author:Lao Li Health said

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"What's wrong with me? I wake up every morning with a dry mouth. After his morning jog in the park, Zhang Huohuo told his neighbor, Aunt Li, about his troubles.

Aunt Li took off her glasses and said while wiping them: "Zhang Huohuo, you have to be careful in this situation, it may be that the body is sending a signal." Do you have time lately, go to the hospital? ”

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

But Aunt Li's words made him feel a little panicked, after all, no one wants anything big wrong with their bodies. Besides, he happened to have a vacation recently, so he decided to take the time to check it out.

At the hospital's internal medicine clinic, Zhang Huohuo met Dr. Chen. "Teacher Zhang Huohuo, your dry mouth when you wake up in the morning may actually be related to several conditions. First of all, it is possible that diabetes is possible. Do you have a habit of measuring your blood sugar?

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

Secondly, it is also possible to have sleep apnea syndrome, which will unconsciously stop breathing during deep sleep, affecting the quality of sleep. Finally, there may be side effects of medications, especially if you are taking medication for high blood pressure. Dr. Chan said.

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

"Due to the high blood sugar of diabetic patients, the water in the body will be excreted through the urine to dilute the blood sugar, which can easily lead to dehydration, which in turn leads to dry mouth." Dr Tan said.

Zhang Huohuo couldn't help but get nervous after hearing this, "Then, do I also have diabetes?" ”

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

Dr. Chan smiled, "Don't be too nervous, we need to do further blood sugar tests to confirm." And when it comes to sleep apnea syndrome, this is also uncommon. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to a decrease in the moisture of the oral mucosa, which can also lead to a feeling of dry mouth. And some antihypertensive drugs, such as diuretics, can also increase urine output, which indirectly leads to dehydration of the body. ”

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

Zhang Huohuo realized that dry mouth seems simple, but there may be a variety of health problems hidden behind it. Dr. Chan arranged for him a comprehensive check-up, including blood glucose testing, sleep monitoring, etc.

The test results came back 3 days later. Zhang Huohuo breathed a sigh of relief, his blood sugar was normal, but sleep monitoring showed that he did have a slight sleep apnea.

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

In this era of anxiety, Zhang Huohuo's situation is not unique. Dr. Chan also reminds him that in addition to the common causes, the environmental stress and mental burden faced by modern people are also a very key factor in causing dry mouth. This physical reaction, which is triggered on a psychological level, is medically known as psychogenic dry mouth.

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

"Actually, your dry mouth may also have something to do with your psychological state." Dr. Chan went on to explain as he adjusted the data on the computer screen, "Psychogenic dry mouth, as the name suggests, is dry mouth caused by psychological factors such as stress, anxiety or depression. It's not just the physical problem that's going on, it's your mental state that's warning you. ”

He also pointed out that studies have shown that psychological stress can affect saliva secretion through neuroendocrine pathways, leading to dry mouth.

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

Dr. Chen explained this to Zhang Huohuo in detail, "Look, a recent study has shown that prolonged psychological stress can lead to a decrease in salivary gland function and a decrease in saliva production, which is directly manifested in what we call dry mouth. Stress can also trigger or worsen oral health problems, such as gum disease. ”

In order to make Zhang Huohuo understand more intuitively, Dr. Chen gave a case: "There is a patient who is also a teacher, because of the pressure of long-term preparation for classes and grading homework, he often has insomnia and strong anxiety at night. He had severe dry mouth. ”

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

Zhang Huohuo's eyes lit up after listening to it, and he really felt the double pressure of work and life. He began to think that maybe he really needed to talk to a professional, not only to deal with his physical discomfort, but also for his own mental health.

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

There are many ways to improve quality of life, and Dr Tan advises Teo to try some light physical activities, such as yoga or walking, which can help reduce psychological stress.

In addition, regular sleep schedules and good eating habits are also crucial, and these changes, while simple, have a huge positive impact on health.

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

A few weeks later, after taking a series of changes, Zhang Huohuo's symptoms were significantly relieved. He paid more attention to his mental health and gradually felt the improvement of his physical condition.

What do you think about waking up in the morning with a dry mouth? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Dry mouth in the morning? Doctor's warning: Or these diseases come to the door, know early and benefit early!

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