
How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Aunt Chen and Uncle Wang have been married for almost 30 years. Recently, Uncle Wang retired at home, and the two should have enjoyed family fun, but they had a lot of trouble because of the frequency of "husband and wife life".

Aunt Chen revealed when chatting with her neighbors: "Since Uncle Wang retired, he has always thought about what we looked like when we were young, but how can I still withstand my bones!" ”

This situation is not an isolated case, and many middle-aged and elderly couples will face similar confusion: how many times a month is "married life" is normal?

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

1. Common misconceptions about the number of times "married life".

There are various standards about the number of times "husband and wife life" are circulated in society, some say once a week, some say once a month, and the standards are varied, making people scratch their heads.

In fact, medical experts point out that there is no hard and fast rule on the frequency of sexual life between husband and wife, it is more affected by the physical condition, psychological state and mutual relationship of both parties.

Excessive pursuit of standardization of times may bring unnecessary psychological pressure and physical burden, affecting the relationship between husband and wife.

For example, as we age, our physiological functions decline and our libido decreases. In addition, high work pressure, poor psychological state, etc., can lead to a decrease in the frequency of sexual life.

Therefore, it is far more practical to grasp the principle of "suitable for yourself" than to blindly pursue the average level of society.

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

2. Frequency of sexual life under the influence of multiple factors

The frequency of "conjugal life" is a complex physiological and psychological issue that involves a variety of factors. First of all, age and health are the most important influencing factors.

Typically, young couples may have a higher frequency of sex due to their good physical condition. And as we age, the frequency will naturally decrease due to the gradual decline in body functions.

Psychological state is also an important factor in the frequency of sexual activity. With the accelerated pace of modern life and the high pressure of work, many people will have psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, which will have a direct negative impact on the couple's life. For example, prolonged mental stress can lead to endocrine disorders that affect libido.

In addition, emotional communication between couples is crucial. In couples who are emotionally harmonious and communicate well, sex tends to be more frequent and of higher quality.

Conversely, emotionally distanced couples with poor communication may lead to a decrease in the frequency of sex and even problems with the quality of their sexual life.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often "married life" is. Every couple's situation is unique, and finding the right pace of life for you is the most important thing.

While pursuing the frequency of sexual life, we should pay more attention to the emotional communication and understanding between husband and wife, and jointly create a healthy and harmonious marital relationship.

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

3. The importance of communication and understanding between husband and wife

Communication and understanding play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy couple's life. Psychologists and marriage counselors often emphasize that open and honest communication is the cornerstone of solving couples' problems, and this includes discussions about the frequency and quality of "conjugal life."

Good communication not only enhances mutual understanding and trust, but also effectively prevents and resolves grievances and conflicts in sexual life.

Studies have shown that couples who are able to discuss sexual issues freely tend to have more satisfying marital relationships. For example, a study of adult couples in the United States found that couples who were able to openly discuss sexual desire and satisfaction generally had higher levels of relationship stability and happiness.

Therefore, couples should encourage a stress-free environment for dialogue, not just about sex, but also about all aspects of life.

However, in real life, due to the influence of factors such as culture, educational background, personal experience, etc., many couples may feel embarrassed or shy away from sexual topics. In such cases, seeking professional marriage counselling or counselling may be a good option.

Through professional guidance, couples can learn how to express their needs and feelings effectively, while also better understanding each other's expectations and boundaries, thereby increasing mutual understanding and respect.

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

Fourth, the quality of versus quantity: find a balance

Many studies have shown that the quality of sex has a much greater impact on relationship satisfaction than frequency. This suggests that couples should pay more attention to how to improve the quality of their sex life while pursuing the number of sexual lives.

The improvement of quality is not only about skills, but also about emotional connection and psychological satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction is closely related to whether the couple feels loved, respected, and emotionally satisfied during sex.

For example, a study involving thousands of participants showed that emotional satisfaction is one of the important predictors of sexual quality of life.

In addition, creativity and novelty also play an important role in sex life. Long-term couples can get caught up in routines, causing sex to become boring and uninteresting.

In this case, experimenting with new ways of communicating emotionally, changing the environment, or trying new sex techniques can have a positive impact on improving the quality of your sex life.

Therefore, couples should aim to improve the quality of their sex life, which will not only enhance the emotional bond between the two partners, but also allow both partners to get more psychological and emotional satisfaction in the process.

In this way, the harmony and stability of the relationship between the couple can be maintained even if the frequency of sex is not high.

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

5. The influence of health factors on the frequency of sexual life

Health status is an important factor in determining the frequency of a couple's sexual life. Many medical studies have shown that physical ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., not only affect the general health of the individual but also directly affect sexual function.

For example, people with cardiovascular disease may have less sex because of decreased physical strength or a psychological fear of sexual activity.

In addition, the use of drugs is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Certain medications, such as antidepressants and high blood pressure medications, can have side effects of reducing libido or causing sexual dysfunction.

Therefore, when encountering such problems, couples should consult with their doctor together to discuss possible solutions or medication adjustments.

Good physical health is essential to maintain through an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity not only improves cardiovascular function, but also strengthens physical strength, which indirectly improves the quality and frequency of sexual life.

Therefore, couples should pay attention to physical health and maintain the vitality of their sexual life through a reasonable diet and moderate exercise.

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

6. The influence of cultural and social context on sex life

The frequency and quality of sex is profoundly influenced by cultural and social contexts. There are significant differences in attitudes and expectations about sexuality in different cultural contexts, and these differences are especially pronounced in couples' lives.

In some conservative cultures, sexual topics are often taboo, which can lead to insufficient communication between couples about sex, which in turn affects the frequency and quality of sex.

Socio-economic status is also an important factor. Studies have shown that financially stressed families may experience more stress and anxiety, negative emotions that can significantly reduce libido and the frequency of sexual activity.

Therefore, creating a supportive family environment and reducing external pressures can play a significant role in promoting a healthy sex life between couples.

How many times a month is "married life" normal? Doctor's reminder: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times


In the pursuit of quality and frequency of sex, care should be taken not to allow societal pressures or misunderstood standards to affect the mental health of both spouses.

Every couple is unique, and finding the right balance for you is the key to ensuring that both parties are satisfied and happy in the relationship. By working together and understanding, couples can maintain a healthy and harmonious married life.

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