
The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Early in the morning, the city emergency center received an emergency call for help, and Uncle Gu suddenly felt extremely unwell, and the situation looked quite serious.

The whole process was swift and the nurses and doctors did their best to prepare for the rescue. Although the doctors and nurses quickly intervened to rescue him, unfortunately, Uncle Gu did not survive in the end.

In the hospital's cooling-down room, the doctors surrounded Uncle Gu's family to ask questions, trying to find out if Uncle Gu's health was abnormal that had not been detected before.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

The family members looked at each other and said they did not notice anything unusual. Uncle Gu has always paid attention to health, and usually has no serious diseases except for high blood pressure and diabetes.

Faced with the family's answer, the doctor continued to ask: "Does Uncle Gu have any special hobbies or habits that may affect his health?" ”

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Uncle Gu's wife, Aunt Gu, replied that Uncle Gu's biggest hobby is walking the dog, and almost every morning he would take the family dog out for an hour or two.

Hearing this, the doctor nodded and said in a serious tone: "Actually, although walking the dog is a good way to exercise, you also need to pay attention to safety. ”

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

This surprised the family, and they asked the doctor what they needed to pay special attention to when walking the dog.

Doctors explain that while walking the dog can increase the amount of physical activity in older adults and help them stay healthy, for older adults with heart disease and other chronic conditions, excessive physical activity may increase the burden on the heart.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

In addition, changes in humidity and temperature in the air in the morning can be a challenge for people with heart disease.

After hearing this, the family members began to recall Uncle Gu's living habits and began to realize that he may indeed have ignored these potential risks when walking the dog.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Doctors go on to say that some older people may neglect their physical condition while walking their dogs, especially if they feel chest tightness or fatigue, and they should stop and rest immediately.

In addition, the doctor also mentioned other safety hazards that may be encountered when walking the dog, such as the dog running suddenly and causing the owner to fall. For older adults, a single fall can have serious consequences, including broken bones or even more serious injuries.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Through this conversation, Uncle Gu's family began to realize that even daily, seemingly safe activities can hide risks for the elderly that go unnoticed.

They thanked the doctor for his explanation and decided to share the experience with their friends and family, hoping to raise awareness of the safety of the elderly's daily activities.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Eventually, with the advice of their doctors, families began to think about how to stay active while staying safe.

They plan to buy some gym equipment and safety accessories designed for seniors, such as non-slip shoes and smartwatches, which can monitor heart rate and walking data, as well as quickly call for help in case of emergency.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

In addition, they also plan to equip Gu's dog with an automatic leash to reduce the risk of sudden pulling.

The doctor also advised the family to find a dog walking group for Gu Damiang, so that she could not only be accompanied by people, but also ensure that someone helped her in time if she felt unwell.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Dog walking groups are usually made up of volunteers or other dog lovers from the community who can share the joy of walking their dogs while taking care of each other. The family was inspired to promote this concept of health and safety in the community.

They plan to hold a talk on the health and safety of the elderly, inviting doctors and health experts to explain how the elderly can safely carry out their daily activities, especially how to walk their dogs safely.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Uncle Gu's case has become an important lesson, and they hope that through these efforts, they can help other elderly people in the community to realize this as well, so as to reduce the occurrence of similar incidents.

They began posting safety tips on bulletin boards and social media, and plan to regularly update safety advice on senior living.

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

Through these joint efforts, Uncle Gu's family not only helped them learn and grow from it, but also promoted the whole community to pay attention to the safety of the elderly. These actions have evolved into a community network of support and care for older persons.

They know that this is the best commemoration and tribute to Uncle Gu, and through practical actions, this safe way of life will continue to be passed on, and at the same time ensure that more people can benefit from it and enjoy their old age safely.

What do you think about the dangers of walking your dog? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 72-year-old uncle died suddenly, and he likes to walk the dog regularly, wife: I didn't expect this to be dangerous

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