
Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Doctor Ling, I heard that summer is the peak period for cerebral infarction, is this true?" Xu Dashan frowned, wiping the sweat from his forehead and asked anxiously.

Doctor Ling nodded slightly, knowing the seriousness of this problem. His patient, Xu Dashan, is a courier who rides an electric scooter through the streets every day, distributing people's deliveries and letters.

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

"Indeed, Mr. Xu, summer is not only high temperature, but also accompanied by high humidity, which is a challenge for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially cerebrovascular vessels." Dr. Ling began his explanation, his voice calm and authoritative, "High temperatures can cause blood vessels in the human body to dilate, increase the burden on the heart, and increase blood pressure fluctuations, all of which may trigger cerebral infarction. ”

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

Xu Dashan shook hands nervously, looking a little uneasy. "So what should I do? Summer is just around the corner. ”

Dr. Ling smiled slightly and began to elaborate on his "Four Secrets to Spending Summer in Safety". First of all, take a proper escape from the heat. "Escaping the heat is not only about finding a shady place to rest, but also about avoiding outdoor work during hot periods. For example, you can adjust your delivery time to try to avoid the scorching heat of the middle of the day and afternoon. ”

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

Dr. Ling went on to elaborate on the importance of proper hydration and electrolyte supplementation. "During the hot summer months, the body regulates its body temperature by sweating profusely, which not only causes a lot of water loss, but also loses key electrolytes."

"In order to maintain the electrolyte balance and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular function in the body, it is very helpful to drink some electrolyte-containing beverages, such as hydration drinks designed for athletes."

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

He turned to diet management. "High-fat, high-cholesterol foods will increase the burden on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and you should try to eat light and eat more vegetables and fruits in summer, which can not only provide enough vitamins and minerals, but also help to keep blood stable."

Dr. Ling talks about proper physical activity. "Although summer is not suitable for strenuous exercise, appropriate, regular physical activity, such as jogging, swimming or walking in the morning and evening, can enhance cardiovascular and cerebrovascular function and prevent cerebral infarction."

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

"Getting a good night's sleep is also a key to preventing and treating cerebral infarction. In summer, the temperature at night is high, which may affect the quality of sleep, so the use of air conditioners to appropriately reduce the temperature of the sleeping environment has unexpected benefits for the prevention of cerebral infarction. ”

Dr. Ling continued, "Mr. Xu, in addition to the physical challenges brought about by the high temperatures, summer may also cause mood swings such as anxiety and irritability, which may have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. ”

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

He mentioned that the maintenance of mental health is not only a tool to combat cerebral infarction, but also a strategy to improve the quality of life in an all-round way. Dr. Ling suggested that Xu Dashan could try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation. "These methods can not only help you relieve heat pressure in summer, but also effectively reduce psychological stress, thereby reducing the risk of cerebral infarction."

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

After hearing this, Xu Dashan felt that these suggestions were very practical, and he decided to start adjusting his lifestyle habits according to them. But he still has a question: "Dr. Ling, I still have a question, is there any food that needs to be avoided in the summer diet, or what foods are especially recommended in the hot summer?" ”

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

Dr. Ling offers advice on dietary adjustments during the summer months. "In the summer heat, you should try to avoid greasy or spicy foods, which can increase the heat in the body and increase the burden on the digestive system, which can cause discomfort."

"It is advisable to choose foods that are refreshing and high in water, such as watermelon and cucumber, which not only help to lower body temperature, but also effectively replenish the water lost due to sweating. At the same time, it is recommended to eat more foods that are easy to digest and rich in high-quality protein, such as tofu and fish, which can provide the body with essential nutrients without increasing the burden on digestion. ”

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

Through this exhaustive exchange, Xu Dashan has a comprehensive and deep understanding of how to safely survive the upcoming summer, and he is very satisfied with Dr. Ling's advice and has decided to start implementing these health strategies to ensure that he can work and live healthily and comfortably this summer.

What do you think about summer cerebral infarction? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Summer is the "high incidence of cerebral infarction"! The doctor said bluntly: Usually make 4 o'clock preparations and spend the summer safely

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