
Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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In a busy supermarket, Liu Shulan, a salesperson, has to deal with thousands of goods and a steady stream of customers every day.

In the past two days, Liu Shulan didn't know what was going on, and always made mistakes in price entry and change, and the dissatisfaction of customers gradually increased.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Working in a supermarket was stressful, and these continuous mistakes made her feel stressed.

One day, the supermarket manager discovered Liu Shulan's mistake when he checked the daily report. He scolded in front of everyone and asked, "Liu Shulan, what's wrong with you lately?" Are you getting Alzheimer's? How can so many low-level mistakes be made! ”

This sentence pierced Liu Shulan's heart like a thorn. Although he knew that the manager was just saying it casually, this sentence stirred up a huge wave in Liu Shulan's heart

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

She began to constantly reflect on herself, wondering if she really had the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

After work that day, Liu Shulan sat in the staff lounge with a worried face. Her friend and colleague Zhao Fang noticed that something was wrong with Liu Shulan and walked over to inquire about the situation.

Liu Shulan sighed and told Zhao Fang about the manager's words and her worries. After hearing this, Zhao Fang felt that Liu Shulan's worries were a little excessive, but she also understood her friend's uneasiness.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

"Liu Shulan, don't worry too much. In fact, everyone has a time of forgetfulness, maybe you have been too tired recently and have not rested well, which is why you are like this. Zhao Fang comforted her and said.

However, comfort to comfort, Liu Shulan's heart was still in chaos, and she suspected that her memory was really declining.

Zhao Fang saw Liu Shulan's worried look, so she suggested to her: "Otherwise, you can go to the hospital for a check-up next time you are on vacation." Now that medicine is so advanced, if there is really a problem with Alzheimer's disease, it should be detected and treated early. That way you can rest easy. ”

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Although Liu Shulan was afraid of the results of the examination, she knew that it was something that had to be faced. Then she plans to take advantage of next weekend's work break to go to the hospital to check her body. This decision lightened her mood a little, but the fear and uneasiness in her heart still lingered.

In the days that followed, Ms. Liu tried her best to concentrate on her work, trying not to let her restlessness affect her daily performance. She began to prepare in advance, keeping in mind the price and location of the goods to reduce the possibility of errors.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Despite this, whenever she deals with money and change, she is always extra careful for fear of making another mistake.

At the end of the week, Liu Shulan came to the hospital as planned, feeling nervous and looking forward to it. She waited in line in front of the registration desk for a long time, and finally hung up the neurology department.

In the waiting area of the hospital, Liu Shulan nervously looked at her phone, trying to divert her anxiety.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

She clicked into a page of health science, and inadvertently, a headline jumped into her eyes: "Studies have shown that Alzheimer's disease is more common in women than men." ”

This news was like a bomb suddenly exploding, violently shaking Liu Shulan's already fragile nerves. Her heart seemed to be clenched, and fear spread quickly.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

After Liu Shulan finished reading that article, her mood became even heavier. Her fear that she might have the disease turned into a near-certain panic.

The article mentions that women are more susceptible to hormonal changes, especially after menopause, and that a decline in estrogen levels may be associated with cognitive decline.

Although Liu Shulan has not yet reached menopause, this information still makes her feel uneasy.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Finally, Liu Shulan's name was called. When she walked into the consultation room and faced the doctor, she confided in the information she had seen on the Internet about Alzheimer's disease and her own worries almost immediately.

The doctor is a veteran neurologist with a lot of experience and has seen all kinds of big scenes. He smiled to soothe Liu Shulan's emotions, listened patiently to her, and then began to give professional answers.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

The doctor explained: "Liu Shulan, first of all, we need to understand that Alzheimer's disease is a complex neurodegenerative disease, which is related to a variety of factors, including genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors. ”

"There are studies that show that the proportion of female patients is relatively high, which is partly related to the longer life expectancy of women on average, as well as the hormonal changes in the body. But this does not mean that every woman will get sick, and the causes are multifaceted. ”

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Liu Shulan listened to the doctor's explanation, and the tension in her heart was slightly reduced. Next, the doctor gave her a series of tests on cognitive function, including checking her memory, concentration, numeracy and language comprehension.

The test lasted for nearly an hour, during which Liu Shulan tried her best to cooperate, although she was still uneasy in her heart, but seeing the doctor's professional attitude, she gradually calmed down.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

After the examination, the doctor analyzed the test results and told Liu Shulan a good news: "According to the current examination results, your cognitive function is within the normal range, and no obvious Alzheimer's symptoms have been found. This is really very good news. ”

After listening to the doctor's words, Liu Shulan was obviously a lot more relaxed, and a long-lost smile bloomed on her face.

However, considering Liu Shulan's worries and the need for prevention, the doctor still gave some specific suggestions.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

"Although you are not sick at the moment, prevention is still very important," he said. ”

"I suggest you pay attention to these aspects: First, maintain a certain amount of physical activity, because exercise can help improve blood circulation and cardiopulmonary function, which is good for blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain, and can effectively promote cognitive function."

"Secondly, stick to a healthy diet and eat more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and walnuts, which are especially beneficial for brain health."

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

The doctor went on to add: "Finally, don't overlook the importance of mental and social activities. Positive social interaction can reduce loneliness and improve mental health, and studies have shown that frequent social interactions can help delay cognitive decline. ”

"It's also important to maintain your mental health, and you can seek counselling if needed."

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Liu Shulan listened carefully to the doctor's advice, and gradually understood in her heart. She expressed her gratitude to the doctor for his patient explanations and detailed advice, which also gave her a clearer plan for her future lifestyle.

By the time she left the hospital, she had already decided to make some changes to her routine, such as joining a nearby health club, starting a regular exercise program, and planning to get together more often with her friends to keep herself from being immersed in work and negative emotions.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Although this trip to the hospital was full of fear and uncertainty at first, it eventually gave Liu Shulan a relieved result and a new direction for her future life.

She understands that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not only a way to prevent disease, but also an important way to improve the quality of life.

Although there may be some challenges and challenges when starting to implement these changes, she is determined to try and stick to these new habits for the sake of her health and future.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

A few months later, Liu Shulan really felt that her state had improved a lot. Her memory seems to have become sharper, and she has become more comfortable with her work.

In addition, through regular exercise, her physique has also improved a lot, and she is no longer as susceptible to fatigue as before.

Half a year later, although Liu Shulan improved her lifestyle according to the doctor's advice, she still felt that her memory did not seem to have improved substantially.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Small mistakes at work still happen occasionally, and she began to wonder if it meant that there were other health problems that went undetected. For this reason, Liu Shulan decided to go to the hospital again, hoping to find the root cause of the problem and obtain effective countermeasures.

This time, she made a direct appointment with the neurologist who had impressed her before. When the doctor met Liu Shulan, he asked her in detail about the changes in her lifestyle habits and health since her last visit.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Liu Shulan candidly expressed that although she has made many changes in diet and lifestyle, her forgetfulness has not been significantly improved.

After listening to Liu's description, the doctor decided to give her a more comprehensive physical examination, including an MRI scan of her brain, blood tests and a series of neurological evaluations to ensure a comprehensive understanding of her condition.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

A few days later, she finally waited for the test results.

The doctor explained to Liu Shulan that although her MRI scan showed no obvious signs of neurodegeneration, blood tests showed that some of her indicators were not normal, especially those related to blood flow to the brain, indicating that she might have a problem with insufficient blood supply to the brain.

This condition can reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients the brain receives, which can affect cognitive function, especially memory.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Doctors explain that insufficient blood supply to the brain can be caused by a variety of factors, including arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure or certain bad habits in life. In this regard, the doctor gave several targeted suggestions to help Liu Shulan improve blood circulation in the brain.

The doctor first advised Liu Shulan to adjust her diet and eat more foods rich in vitamins C and E, which help prevent oxidation in the blood vessels and can slow down the process of arteriosclerosis.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

He suggested that Liu Shulan could try more aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling, which can effectively improve heart function and blood circulation, thereby improving blood flow to the brain.

In addition, the doctor also recommended that Liu Shulan regularly carry out cognitive training, such as playing puzzle games and learning new skills, which can stimulate the brain and increase its demand for blood supply, which in turn promotes angiogenesis and improves blood supply problems.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Finally, considering that stress may also be a factor affecting blood circulation, the doctor recommended that she learn some stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga or other relaxation exercises to help her better cope with the stress of daily life.

Liu Shulan listened carefully to the doctor's advice and decided to incorporate it into her daily life. Thanks to the doctor's professional guidance and meticulous care.

Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!

Liu Shulan is full of hope for her future, and she believes that with continuous efforts, she can overcome her forgetfulness and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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Are women more likely to get Alzheimer's? Doctor's warning: When you are old, do 3 things that may be preventable!