
Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

author:Dr. Teo talks about health
Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Prostate cancer, a malignant tumor that scares men, is often hidden deep in the body.

This is not accidental, but because it is often silent in the early stages, or shows symptoms that can be mistaken for other problems, and can be easily overlooked.

It doesn't have to be late when discovered

Although prostate cancer may not show obvious symptoms in its early stages, with regular screening and testing, it is entirely possible to detect it before it becomes serious.

Prostate cancer diagnosed early is usually confined to the prostate gland itself and has not spread to other organs or tissues, so treatment is more effective.

According to the National Cancer Center, the five-year survival rate for patients with early-diagnosed prostate cancer is close to 100%. This figure underscores the critical importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

In contrast, once prostate cancer has metastasized, the five-year survival rate may be significantly reduced, falling below 30%. This large disparity underscores the urgency of early detection and intervention.

Early screening for prostate cancer, which usually includes a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and a digital rectal examination.

PSA is a protein produced by cells of the prostate, and elevated levels of it may indicate the presence of prostate cancer or other prostate problems.

Digital rectal examination, on the other hand, examines the prostate gland through the rectal wall for abnormally hard lumps or enlargements. Although these tests are not 100% accurate, they are still effective tools for prostate cancer screening.

In addition to screening and early diagnosis, treatments for prostate cancer are constantly evolving. Treatment options for early-stage prostate cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and watchful waiting.

Surgery usually involves prostatectomy, which is a routine treatment that completely removes the tumor. Radiation therapy, on the other hand, uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Hormone therapy aims to lower or block male hormones that cause cancer cells to grow. Watchful waiting may also be an option for some patients, especially older patients whose tumors grow slowly and do not cause symptoms.

Early detection and treatment of prostate cancer is essential to improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients. The risk of prostate cancer can be significantly reduced through regular screening and testing, as well as by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

With the continuous advancement of medical technology, the treatment of prostate cancer is also constantly improving, providing patients with more options and hope.

Therefore, prostate cancer awareness and education should be part of the public health agenda to increase awareness and access to early diagnosis. More breakthroughs are expected in the future, which will improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

Some symptoms of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer often appears insidiously, and the non-specificity of early symptoms makes its diagnosis challenging.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Early prostate cancer does not always show obvious symptoms, or rather, its symptoms are often similar to other prostate problems such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Symptoms such as dysuria, frequent urination, urgency, increased nocturia, slow urine flow, and incomplete urination often occur repeatedly in patients with early-stage prostate cancer, and these symptoms can easily be misinterpreted as other causes.

However, if these symptoms persist or worsen, it is time to go to the hospital for further testing.

As prostate cancer progresses, cancer cells may begin to penetrate surrounding tissues and even travel through the blood and lymphatic system to other parts of the body, such as bones.

When cancer enters an advanced stage, patients may experience symptoms such as generalized pain, weight loss, difficulty breathing, weak heartbeat, and even psychological problems such as low mood and decreased desire to survive.

These symptoms often mark metastasis and further deterioration of the cancer.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

According to the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer, prostate cancer occupies an alarming position worldwide.

In 2020, there were 1,414,000 new cases of prostate cancer worldwide, with an age-standardized incidence of 31 per 100,000. Although the incidence of prostate cancer in China is lower than that in Western countries, it has been increasing year by year in recent years.

According to the data released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, the prevalence of prostate cancer in China of all ages showed an increasing trend to varying degrees in 2020.

For high-risk groups

The incidence of prostate cancer is closely related to age, especially in men over the age of 50, and the incidence increases significantly. This trend is closely related to a variety of factors such as male hormone levels, aging of prostate tissue, and environmental factors.

At this age, men's prostate tissue may develop benign growths or malignant tumors, so early screening and testing is especially important.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Another risk factor that should not be ignored is family history. The study found that men with a family history of prostate cancer more than doubled their risk.

This suggests that genetic factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. Some specific genetic variants may increase an individual's susceptibility to prostate cancer, making them more susceptible to environmental factors to develop cancer.

Therefore, regular prostate cancer screening is especially necessary for men with a family history in order to detect potential problems early and take appropriate measures.

In addition, unhealthy eating habits have also been shown to be associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. For example, a high-fat, high-calorie diet may lead to obesity and metabolic disorders, which provide favorable conditions for the development of prostate cancer.

Long-term bacterial infections may also increase the risk of disease, as inflammation plays an important role in the development of cancer.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Therefore, improving your diet, reducing your intake of fatty foods, and actively preventing infections are essential to reduce your prostate cancer risk.

A healthy lifestyle is key

Prostate cancer is a major threat to men's health, and prevention strategies are particularly important. Lifestyle modifications have been shown to have a non-negligible effect in reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Moderate weight management, a balanced diet, smoking cessation, alcohol limitation, and regular physical activity are all effective ways to prevent prostate cancer.

In addition, early detection of prostate cancer can be achieved by performing regular prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal examinations, thereby increasing the cure rate.

Maintaining a moderate weight is essential to prevent prostate cancer. Obesity is strongly associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, especially advanced prostate cancer.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Obesity may increase the risk of prostate cancer in a number of ways, such as affecting hormone levels or inducing chronic inflammation. Therefore, weight control through a reasonable diet and regular exercise has a positive significance for reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Dietary changes are also key to preventing prostate cancer. High-fat diets are strongly associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, while diets rich in vegetables and fruits may help reduce the risk.

For example, lycopene in tomatoes and polyphenolic compounds in green tea have been shown to have anti-cancer effects.

Dairy intake was positively correlated with prostate cancer risk, while cooked tomato and lycopene intake was negatively associated with advanced disease risk.

Getting rid of smoking and moderately limiting alcohol intake are two initiatives that are considered indispensable steps in the prevention of prostate cancer.

Smoking is seen as a risk factor for advanced stage in the development of prostate cancer, and alcohol abuse may interfere with hormone balance, thereby increasing the risk of prostate cancer.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Men are strongly advised to abandon smoking habits and limit alcohol intake, which can effectively reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.

The effects of smoking on prostate cancer risk have been extensively studied. Studies have shown a clear association between smoking and prostate cancer, with smokers having a many times higher risk of developing prostate cancer than non-smokers.

Excessive alcohol intake can also have a negative impact on prostate health. The relationship between alcohol intake and prostate cancer needs to be further studied, but it has been shown that excessive alcohol consumption may disrupt hormonal balance, which in turn promotes the development of prostate cancer.

Therefore, moderate alcohol restriction, especially in men who drink heavily for a long time, can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Regular physical activity is important for maintaining a healthy weight and promoting overall health.

Physical activity helps to reduce adipose tissue in the body, and too much adipose tissue is associated with the development of prostate cancer. Weight control through physical activity can effectively reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

Physical activity can also lower hormone levels, especially androgen levels, in the body. High levels of androgens are closely related to the occurrence and progression of prostate cancer, therefore, moderate physical exercise can regulate hormone levels and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Physical activity can also reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is thought to be a potential contributing factor to prostate cancer.

Finally, regular prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal examinations are effective ways to detect prostate cancer early.

These screening methods can detect cancer before it progresses to a more severe stage, providing more treatment options and better treatment outcomes.

By understanding the early symptoms of prostate cancer, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and getting regular screenings, men can greatly reduce the risk of prostate cancer being detected at an advanced stage, thereby improving quality of life and survival.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

With the deepening of medical research, it is expected that the prognosis of prostate cancer patients will be further improved through more advanced diagnosis and treatment methods in the future.

References are as follows:

[1] 45% of cancer deaths in China are preventable, and it is important to do these things well! The National Cancer Center analyzes data from nearly 30 years

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations


Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

[3] Interpretation of "Clinical Application of Prostate-Specific Antigen Detection for Prostate Cancer".

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

[4] Advances in clinical research on androgen therapy for prostate cancer

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

[5] Xi'an Jiaotong University, the Academy of Military Sciences, and Harvard have cooperated in research to bring hope for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

[6] The importance of early screening for prostate cancer

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: Don't be careless when men are in these situations

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