
Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In a small city, there is a retired doctor who is affectionately called the "miracle doctor", Dr. Wang. This seemingly serious old doctor has a warm heart and a deep and unique insight into the relationship between food and health.

He often chats with old friends in the community's small squares and discusses how to treat common ailments through diet. In these daily exchanges, Dr. Wang can always share some seemingly inconspicuous tips, but in fact they are very beneficial to health.

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

"You know what? Many people think that if you have a bad stomach, you can't eat radish, but in fact, this is a misunderstanding! Dr. Wang suddenly brought up this topic in a group chat one day, and the people around him cast curious glances.

Dr. Wang explains: "Radish is a good food because it is rich in fiber and vitamins that can help with digestion. But the problem is that many people are greedy, especially eating a lot of raw turnips, which can cause discomfort for people with too much stomach acid. ”

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

There is a middle-aged man named Li Ming, who has seen many doctors and taken many medicines because of long-term stomach pain, but has never found a long-term solution. Hearing that Dr. Wang had studied this, he decided to come to Lao Wang for consultation.

"Doctor Wang, I heard that you have a lot of research in this area, I have had stomach pain for many years, and I often eat some radishes to try to regulate, but it seems to have no effect, but I often feel stomach discomfort." Li Ming found Dr. Wang and said with a hint of expectation.

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

Dr. Wang smiled, took out his notebook, explained in detail to Li Ming the precautions for eating radish, and recommended a diet plan that was more suitable for him. Dr. Wang said: "Although radish is good, it should not be eaten raw on an empty stomach, especially if you have a lot of stomach acid. You can try cooking the radish cooked or with some mild ingredients. ”

In addition, Dr. Wang also suggested that Li Ming add some mucus-rich foods, such as oats and sweet potatoes, which can form a protective layer in the stomach and reduce the direct irritation of stomach acid to the stomach wall. "Also, you should avoid too many fried foods and irritating foods, which are common causes of stomach problems."

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

This change also convinced him that Dr. Wang's advice was correct, and he firmly believed in the power of dietary therapy. Dr. Wang not only helped Li Ming alone, but his advice and knowledge also spread through Li Ming's word-of-mouth, benefiting more people. Dr. Wang is also respected by everyone for his profound medical knowledge and willingness to share.

On this morning, Dr. Wang, as usual, sat down on a park bench, next to him was a group of elderly people who were exercising in the morning. As the sun gradually rises, people in the park begin to gather around to listen to Dr. Wang share his health tips.

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

"I'm telling you, eating, especially for people of our age, really has to be scientific. Something like a radish, although good, must be in moderation, especially for friends with stomach problems. As he spoke, Dr. Wang took out a newspaper that detailed information about the nutrients of radish and its effects on the digestive system.

He continued: "Radishes are low in calories and rich in vitamin C and potassium, which are good for cardiovascular and liver function. However, if you have too much stomach acid, eating a lot of raw radishes can be counterproductive, as the fiber and spicy components in radishes can stimulate stomach acid production. ”

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

The crowd around them began to whisper, and it was clear that Dr. Wang's words had piqued their interest. An old man with a haggard face stepped forward, and he asked with concern: "Doctor Wang, I always have a stomach ache recently, especially after eating spicy things, does this have anything to do with the radish I like to eat?" ”

Dr. Wang patiently replied: "Yes, people with a bad stomach should indeed avoid eating too much spicy food, including raw radish. You can try to eat the radish cooked or with mild foods such as potatoes and pumpkin to soothe the irritation that the radish may bring. ”

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

The old man seemed to understand something, he nodded gratefully, and said that he would adjust his eating habits according to Dr. Wang's advice.

In the end, Dr. Wang's advice not only helped the old man, but his experience and knowledge were also passed on by word of mouth, inspiring more people to pay attention to and improve their dietary health. Dr. Wang's influence grew, and his stories and advice became an integral part of many people's lives.

Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

For Dr. Wang, such a day is the best reward for his life's medical practice. He was always happy to share, and everyone in the community learned from him how to enjoy life in a more scientific way, away from disease.

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Can't eat radish with a bad stomach? Doctors have appealed many times: if you don't want stomach ulcers, you must not be greedy for this vegetable

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