
The president walked into the lecture hall of Zhejiang University to talk about the power of journalism Zhou Guohui: Behind the countless powers are the power of people

author:Tide News

Chao News Client Editor Dong Jie

[Editor's note] Chao News "Reading" column, inviting experts and scholars, party and government cadres, entrepreneurs and other people from all walks of life to comment on news reports, although only a few hundred words, but these unique short comments, can better help us understand or look at the news from a different angle. We collect these scattered pearls and string them together into a chain for more people to read. Everyone is also welcome to participate in the "read end" discussion.

The guest of this issue is Zhou Guohui, vice chairman of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The president walked into the lecture hall of Zhejiang University to talk about the power of journalism Zhou Guohui: Behind the countless powers are the power of people

Jiang Jun gave a special lecture on the topic of "The Power of Journalism". Photo by Chao News reporter Wang Yi and Shi Yifeng

"This is the first time I have stood in the lecture hall of Zhejiang University, but I feel very cordial and have no sense of distance." On the evening of May 17, Jiang Jun, president and secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group, came to the 46th Politics Lecture Hall of Zhejiang University to give a special lecture on the topic of "The Power of News".

There is no sense of distance, which comes from the story of "Old Ginger". Twenty years ago, Zhejiang University was an important source of transformation and development and talent attraction in Yuhang District, and at that time, Zhejiang University was eager to provide land for the construction of talent housing in Yuhang District, and Yuhang District readily agreed. Later, Zhang Xi, then Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University, saw Jiang Jun, then the head of Yuhang District, and affectionately called him "Old Jiang".

On November 13, 2010, Hangzhou Daily published a report on the front page, recording the two-way rush between the national key universities and the top 100 counties (cities and districts) in the country.

A "old ginger" not only shortened the distance with Zhejiang University, but also was a vivid sample of the news record era. In the following sharing, Jiang Jun discussed the temperature and value of news in the context of media convergence with the students around his work experience, the 75-year development history of Zhejiang Daily and the innovative practice of the era of media integration.

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The president walked into the lecture hall of Zhejiang University: the power of journalism under three lenses

The president walked into the lecture hall of Zhejiang University to talk about the power of journalism Zhou Guohui: Behind the countless powers are the power of people

Zhou Guohui, Vice Chairman of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference:

Jiang Jun, president of the Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group and secretary of the party committee, gave a special lecture entitled "The Power of Journalism" at the 46th Lecture Hall of Zhejiang University.

Zhejiang University's Politics Lecture Hall is an important ideological and political forum initiated by Ruan Junhua, a professor of Zhejiang University and vice president of the School of Innovation, for 10 years, which is characterized by evening time, the keynote speaker is a volunteer who is enthusiastic about the ideological and political work of the university among the party and government leading cadres, and the form is around the theme of "strength", open exchanges, more than 50 leading cadres from provinces, cities and counties have entered the forum to interact with young students, and has been edited and published in the name of "Dreaming of China's Power".

In September 2015, I was invited to give a keynote speech on the theme of "The Power of Innovation", mainly through my own thoughts and thoughts on science and technology administration, sharing and learning from General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee on the strategic thinking and strategic decision-making of scientific and technological innovation and Zhejiang's innovation practice. I still remember the warm and lively scene of communication and interaction with the students after that speech.

For quite some time in the past, teachers and students in universities always had a certain tone of disdain when they talked about ideological and political courses, and I have heard some students even refer to it as "Miao class". Miao, the cube of water, the water is also large. Moral cultivation is always the primary task of education, especially the university, no one can say that the ideological and political course is not important, the key to the problem is to reform and innovate, first of all, what to say, who to speak, how to speak.

In the 10 years since its establishment, the Politics Lecture Hall has been very popular with college students, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is very popular. The reason for this is that only by letting people with ideals talk about ideals and morality can they be truly persuasive, and we must avoid going from theory to theory, and we must avoid disconnection between knowledge and action, and we must not have the same heart. It is recommended that the propaganda and education departments concerned make a serious summary, explore the law, and further improve the orientation, pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political work, and buckle the first ideological "button" of young students' "rainbow life".

After serving as president and secretary of the party committee of the Zhejiang Ribao Newspaper Group, he boldly carried out news reform and innovation against the background of the new Internet media, and founded the tide news, which is like a tide on the Qiantang River, which is unique in the party newspaper system and mainstream media in the whole country, and has attracted widespread attention and hot comments. Because I agree with their ideas, styles and practices, I am not only a loyal reader of the daily compulsory courses, but also an enthusiastic author of the "Reading End" column, so I have real feelings and a certain right to speak. From the story told by Comrade "Lao Jiang", I further understood the original intention and determination of Zhejiang Newspaper's news reform and innovation, and also strengthened my confidence.

The building near the water is the first to get the month. Under the guidance and cultivation of the "88 Strategy", a large number of party members and cadres from all walks of life who are loyal to responsibility, brave in reform and willing to contribute have emerged in Zhejiang, which is the organizational guarantee for the development of Zhejiang to be at the forefront. At the beginning of the year, Comrade Wang Jun, commander of the aid to Sichuan, unfortunately passed away from illness, which is deplorable. The recent media reports on Wang Jun's life and deeds in Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces have made people even more respectful after reading them. In fact, there are many such cadres, and some of them are close to us. From Wang Jun, you can get a lot of principles for dealing with people. If a person wants to achieve something, especially great things, he must first correct his ideological motives, attach importance to the cause, regard the people as big, and regard the service objects as high, and have a humble and pious heart, so that he can have charisma and appeal. Be a man first and then do things, regardless of utilitarianism, indifferent to fame and fortune, no self-interest, dedicated to benefiting others, because selfless, so fearless. Serving the people is indeed the motto and common denominator of these people who can be called "people with a capital letter". In this regard, we should continue to discover, summarize, publicize and promote this, and give them more understanding, support and tolerance. Over the years, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee has been advocating and practicing the concept of "organization is responsible for those in charge", which is the way to success in Zhejiang.

The power of journalism, the power of innovation, and so much more, are all about the power of people. As long as there are people, of course, people who are or have already become enlightened, any miracle on earth can be created.

After reading it, you may be a little excited, and if you think about it, you can simply get up and write down your feelings and take this photo.

The president walked into the lecture hall of Zhejiang University to talk about the power of journalism Zhou Guohui: Behind the countless powers are the power of people

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