
Proper "starvation" helps protect the liver! New research recommends this fasting method

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

The liver is the "chemical factory" in the human body, which is responsible for important functions such as glucose and lipid metabolism and detoxification. However, the burden on the liver of modern people is getting heavier and heavier, and fatty liver has become a "frequent visitor" on the physical examination report.

Proper "starvation" helps protect the liver! New research recommends this fasting method

A recent study found that simple dietary changes and starvation for two days a week can effectively reduce fatty liver disease.

"Life Times" (search "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) combines new research and interviews with experts to tell you how to eat intermittent fasting and teach you to help the liver "lose fat".

Experts interviewed

Zhou Chenjie, deputy director of the Second Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University

Wang Yayu, deputy chief nurse of the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The author of this article | Life Times reporter Gao Yang

New research: "5:2 fasting" can protect the liver

Recently, a research team from the German Cancer Research Center published a study in the journal Cell Metabolism and found that the "5:2 fasting method" is a "good medicine for liver protection", which can effectively prevent fatty liver and liver cirrhosis, and prevent the development of liver cancer.

Proper "starvation" helps protect the liver! New research recommends this fasting method

The researchers divided the mice into a "normal diet group", a "Western diet control group (a high-sugar and high-fat diet)", and a "Western diet fasting group (intermittent fasting for 2 days per week)".

The study found that the fasting group of mice had milder problems in terms of weight, blood sugar, blood lipid levels, and fatty liver than the control group. Pathological analysis showed that the liver steatosis, fibrosis and inflammation problems of the fasting group were greatly improved.

What's more, the researchers found that fasting from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning was more effective in reducing the damage of Western diets.

This indicates that the length and number of fasting cycles and the time of fasting start have an important impact on the protective effect of the liver.

Zhou Chenjie, deputy director of the Second Department of Hepatobiliary of Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University, said that what we usually call a Western diet refers to a high-oil, high-fat, and high-calorie diet.

When the triglycerides in food cannot be transported out of the liver cells in time for various reasons, they will accumulate in the liver cytoplasm and form fatty liver, resulting in an increase in the incidence of obesity, hepatitis, liver cancer and other diseases.

Fasting allows the liver and immune system to rest and heal, thereby curbing the process of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.

How to eat intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is easy to implement without excessive restriction of food types and total intake, and is easier to practice in life.

5:2 fasting

The general healthy population, especially those with fatty liver, can try the "5:2 fasting method". That is, choose 2 days of the week to strictly control the calorie intake, and the other 5 days to eat normally.

During the fasting day, a small amount of milk and eggs can be consumed, and the total calories should be controlled below 500 kcal. In addition, increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits appropriately can help replenish vitamins and minerals and maintain the normal function of the body.

16:8 restrictive diet

If you are worried about hunger, or it is difficult to adhere to 5:2 intermittent fasting because of work and study, you can also choose a 16:8 restrictive diet, that is, control the time of eating within 8 hours a day, do not eat anything for the remaining 16 hours, and drink more water.

Proper "starvation" helps protect the liver! New research recommends this fasting method

It is recommended to have breakfast at 9 o'clock, lunch at 12 o'clock, and dinner at 5 o'clock, so that you will not be very hungry before going to bed, and you can also adapt well to daily life and work schedule.


There are 3 details that cannot be ignored

  • Don't overeat, don't eat too many high-calorie foods, and eat more high-protein fish, eggs, low-fat chicken breasts and calcium-containing shrimp.
  • Intermittent fasting is different from simply eating less, and it is mainly about the time to eat, not how much to eat.
  • Fasting but not water, encourage more water.

Fasting is not for everyone. The elderly, pregnant women, cancer patients, minors and other groups, especially people with anemia, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia and other weak physiques, as well as middle-aged and elderly people with severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, mental disorders, and chronic infectious diseases, should not try rashly.

5 Things to Do to Help Your Liver "Lose Fat"

Wang Yayu, deputy chief nurse of the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that in addition to controlling diet, it is recommended that fatty liver patients regulate their body and mind in the following aspects.


Promotes fat burning

Exercise can promote the consumption of calories in the body, reduce fat accumulation, and help improve liver function.

Patients are advised to choose aerobic exercise as the main form of exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. You can walk 10,000 steps a day, or jog twice a day for 20 minutes at a time.


Improve lifestyle habits

  • One is to quit smoking, the harmful substances in tobacco can aggravate liver damage.
  • The second is to have a regular schedule and rest, ensure sufficient sleep time, and avoid staying up late.
  • The third is to maintain a good living environment, often open windows for ventilation, and avoid being in a closed and polluted environment for a long time.


Take your medications as prescribed

Taking medication is an essential part of the treatment of fatty liver. Patients should strictly follow the doctor's instructions to take the drug on time and in accordance with the amount, and should not increase or decrease the dose of the drug or stop the drug at will.

Proper "starvation" helps protect the liver! New research recommends this fasting method

In addition, drugs that are harmful to the liver, such as certain antibiotics, antineoplastic drugs, etc., should be avoided; If it must be used, a medication plan should be developed in consultation with a doctor.


Regular check-ups

According to the doctor's advice, you should choose the appropriate physical examination items and cycles, and truthfully reflect your physical condition and medication.

Physical examinations generally include liver function tests, liver ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc.


Stay positive

If you suffer from fatty liver for a long time, you are prone to anxiety, fear, insomnia and other psychological problems. Patients can learn more about the basics of fatty liver disease and build confidence in overcoming the disease. Family members should be concerned about the patient's psychological changes, discover and channel negative emotions in a timely manner, and reduce the patient's psychological burden. ▲

Editor of this issue: Wu Mengyao

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Proper "starvation" helps protect the liver! New research recommends this fasting method

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