
The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

author:Horses and chariots

Ever since China's economy was developing rapidly and moving toward the United States, the world's superpower, once the world's superpower, regarded China as the greatest threat to them, and over the years, the United States has studied more than once the evolution of the situation after the Sino-US conflict.

American researchers believe that according to the current international situation and the layout of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, once a full-scale conflict breaks out between China and the United States, it is impossible for these two countries to be involved in the war at all, although it will not break out into the third world war, but it will also cause a comprehensive shock in the Asia-Pacific region, and the number of countries that will finally participate in this conflict may reach nine!

The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

So what are the countries that will be involved in the conflict between China and the United States? Who will emerge victorious? I'll give you a detailed analysis today!

Which countries' interests will be involved in the conflict between China and the United States?

Judging from the current geopolitical situation facing China, both the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea are the focus of imminent geopolitical conflicts around China, but in comparison, the Philippines in the South China Sea is far inferior to the Taiwan region in terms of their own strength and the attention and support of the United States.

Judging from the current situation, if China really has a direct conflict with the Philippines in the South China Sea, the final result may be that the United States will not end up at all, and the Philippines alone will bear the wrath from China!

The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

The final result will also end with the Philippines being beaten, but in any case, China will not invade the Philippines itself, so this conflict will also end with the model of the big brother teaching the naughty little brother, and it is very likely that the scale of the conflict and the forces involved are very limited!

Therefore, no matter how chaotic the South China Sea is, it is a small fight, and China's main energy and purpose is to put it on the Taiwan Strait, because Taiwan is the inherent territory of the motherland, and China's recovery of Taiwan is necessary, non-negotiable, and cannot be retreated!

Therefore, if the People's Liberation Army (PLA) uses force against Taiwan, it will inevitably fight to the end, and it will definitely not be like the attitude towards the South China Sea, as long as the Philippines admits mistakes and can let them go, because we want to recover this land and realize the territorial integrity of the motherland!

Therefore, a war in the Taiwan Strait will inevitably be a large-scale cross-strait operation, and the United States does not want to see China solve the Taiwan issue, so it will inevitably end up in a head-to-head confrontation with China!

The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

If the United States wants to achieve cross-strait operations in the Asia-Pacific region, the military bases they deploy around China must be put into operation, so South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines, which have US military bases, will inevitably become US logistical supplies in wartime!

This is equivalent to a declaration of war for China, so at least Japan, South Korea and the Philippines will be involved in this war, whether it is coerced or helpless, their participation in the war is still unavoidable.

And after Japan and South Korea entered the war, North Korea and Russia, which are close to China and hostile to these two countries and still have territorial disputes, will naturally take this opportunity to settle their national territorial disputes!

The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

In addition to North Korea and Russia, China's western neighbors, including India and Vietnam, may clash with China under the coercion and temptation of the United States.

Who will win this Sino-US war?

In fact, it can be seen from today's Sino-US game that the United States has in fact long lost the confidence and courage to defeat China, and the reason why China tries to avoid conflict in today's Sino-US game is because China knows that as long as it can continue to drag on, the Sino-US conflict will break out one day later, and China's winning rate will be higher!

After all, according to the current trend of military and economic development between China and the United States, the gap between the two countries is narrowing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye! China's weakness is waiting for this shrinkage to continue, but the United States is also slow to have a showdown with China, so what are they waiting for?

This has to mention the current political situation in the United States, whether it is the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, they all know that they must try their best to contain China, and they also know that the United States will be surpassed sooner or later if China develops, but no matter which party or leader, they are absolutely sure that they can defeat China, and they also dare not bear the responsibility for the defeat after the showdown between China and the United States!

The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

So it is actually a paradox for us to discuss the occurrence of a direct conflict here, and perhaps until the day when the United States is completely surpassed and reduced to a second-rate country, they will not be able to show the courage to break the cauldron!

Although South Korea is also one of the allies of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, once North Korea enters the game, all South Korea's forces will be firmly contained at home, so South Korea will not have any impact on the overall war situation except for containing each other with North Korea!

And if the Russian side wants to make a move in Asia, it can only target Japan, which is close to them, and although Japan and Russia have certain territorial disputes, Russia's two-front war can only contain Japan, an Asian force!

As for India and Vietnam, which are located in the central and western regions, although the armies of these two countries have developed over the years and have good combat effectiveness, India and Vietnam are far from being China's opponents in terms of the degree of mechanization and the combat effectiveness of their soldiers.

The United States predicts: Once the Taiwan Strait starts, the nine countries will start a melee, and China, Russia and the DPRK will face off against the six-nation coalition

After the start of the Sino-US war, these two countries may symbolically launch a commotion to try, but as long as the PLA shows the strong style of the army and completely defeats them in the early stage of the war, then the pressure from these two sides will be greatly reduced!

With the support of Japan, South Korea and other countries remaining, and only the United States and the Philippines remaining, the PLA wants to defeat the US aircraft carrier fleet in coastal waters, not to mention that it is nine out of ten, but the probability of victory is still very high.

In fact, it is precisely because the United States knows that even if it launches a team war, it will not be able to defeat China, so they will just make noise and dare not really do it like now!