
People should not blindly pursue longevity in old age, because when life cannot take care of themselves, the longer it is, the more difficult it is

author:Unpretentious Sydney V


This time is really not tossed, and it feels like 10 years and 8 years of hard work in a blink of an eye.

I am an old lady born in 1965 and I am 60 years old this year. In another 10 years and 8 years, won't this be 70 years old? Sometimes I think that if I can live to be 70 years old and be able to take care of myself, it should be enough.

When people are old, don't blindly pray for longevity, in fact, when you can't take care of yourself, the longer you live, the more difficult it will be.

In this life, no matter how old you live, as long as you can take care of yourself, eat, drink, and urinate, this is a blessing.

If you really can't take care of yourself when you are seventy or eighty, and you lie in bed all day and are taken care of by others, what is the use of living to be 100 years old? That kind of life without a quality of life would be meaningless.

I can't live, I can't die and I can't die, and the pain in my heart is beyond words.

People should not blindly pursue longevity in old age, because when life cannot take care of themselves, the longer it is, the more difficult it is

Don't think that as long as I save enough money, I will use the money to support my old age in the future, and I will live a dignified life.

In fact, even if there is a nanny to serve, what can you do if you go to a nursing home and have someone to serve you?

On the surface, I may think that I will have face, at least I am using my own money to support the elderly, but in fact, isn't that sin my own suffering?

The older a person gets, as the body's functions continue to deteriorate, there is no place on the body from head to toe that does not hurt. In fact, if you want to live for a long time, you really have to have a strong psychology to support it, otherwise you will collapse every minute.

I remember when my mother was in her early 80s, because she had a cerebral infarction, she always felt weak, like a straw stick next to her that she couldn't pick up, all day long in addition to lying and lying down, all day long in a daze.

The farthest distance I walked was from my home to the stone bench at the gate, where I ate and slept every day, slept and ate, and then went to the gate to sit and bask in the sun, living aimlessly at two o'clock and one line.

In the later stage, there was frequent incontinence, and I was called by my daughter-in-law, so I had to cry silently.

Later, sometimes she was sober, sometimes confused, and sometimes she didn't even know her granddaughter who she had brought up since she was a child.

People should not blindly pursue longevity in old age, because when life cannot take care of themselves, the longer it is, the more difficult it is

Later, I couldn't eat, I felt that the food was tasteless, and I felt that I had no appetite and no taste for anything I ate, so gradually I lost weight, until I was finally diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, we suddenly realized that in fact, the old man had been sick for a long time, because she had liver cancer, so she felt that she had no strength, and she was sick until she walked for only 40 days.

For the last 21 days, he did not eat or drink, and lay in bed on infusions to keep him alive.

Because my mother has fallen into the kang for the last 21 days, she can't take care of herself at all, and when we help her clean up, she told us that as long as people get to this point, there is no point in living.

So, I'm thinking, in fact, people don't have to pursue longevity, as long as they can eat, drink, and send feces and urine while living, this is happiness, otherwise what kind of happiness is concerned, why live to be 100 years old? Someone else is waiting for you, and that feeling is definitely worse than death.

People should not blindly pursue longevity in old age, because when life cannot take care of themselves, the longer it is, the more difficult it is

An aunt who is a year older than my mom is our neighbor, and she's in her early 100s by now.

The old man's family has longevity genes, and the eldest brother of this old lady left at the age of 99.

What is this old lady doing now? None of her three daughters and two sons supported her, and now she lives with her granddaughter, and you think that your children will not support her, and you will live with your granddaughter under the fence, how can you talk about happiness? What's the use of living another 100 years?

The key is that people are getting older and older, their bodies are unwilling to move, their hygiene is not good, and their teeth are not good.

It is said that people have the smell of old age when they are old, in fact, there is no such thing as the taste of old age, isn't it that as you get older, your physical strength can't keep up, and you won't clean up your hygiene all day long like when you were young.

It is said that it may be better to have a daughter, the daughter is the mother's little padded jacket, when she is old and can't take care of herself, the daughter will not dislike it, and will take care of her parents and take good care of it.

People should not blindly pursue longevity in old age, because when life cannot take care of themselves, the longer it is, the more difficult it is

I'm a daughter, my mother has always lived with her son, and I, as a daughter, can get some pocket money for my mother when I work outside, which is filial piety.

Therefore, no matter whether you have children or daughters, only children who can take care of their parents before and after saddle by their parents' side are filial children.

However, no matter how filial the child is, this sin will have to suffer by himself, and as he lives longer and longer, he must be mentally prepared, and when he can't take care of himself, he may have to live without dignity, because at that time he is powerless, and he has more than enough strength but not enough.

Therefore, I think that when people are old, they must not blindly pursue longevity, because when they can't take care of themselves, the longer they live, the more sins they suffer, and the more difficult their lives will be.

People should not blindly pursue longevity in old age, because when life cannot take care of themselves, the longer it is, the more difficult it is

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