
Lei Jun's live broadcast turned on the reward function


Whip bull Shi reported on May 18 that Lei Jun tested Xiaomi SU7 Pro live, and the live broadcast interface showed that Lei Jun turned on the live broadcast reward function this time.

Lei Jun's live broadcast turned on the reward function

Among them, there is no shortage of barrages that question and complain about Lei Jun's live broadcast.

Lei Jun's live broadcast turned on the reward function
Lei Jun's live broadcast turned on the reward function

Previously, Zhou Hongyi's live broadcast was opened, and netizens complained that Lei Jun's live broadcast on the 18th was not opened, and the live broadcast rewarded you for opening.

At half past eight in the morning on Saturday, as soon as the broadcast started, it already had 100,000+ popularity, rushing to the first place on the hourly list.

Lei Jun's live broadcast turned on the reward function