
Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

author:Mai Mai Entertainment

I'm going to tell a love story that transcends time and space, between a couple of people from very different backgrounds, who go through many obstacles and dangers, and finally reach a rare union. This ups and downs of love legend not only makes people admire the impermanence of fate, but also makes people feel that the power of love can overcome everything.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

The road to counterattack from poverty to rich

Let's talk about the character of Li Chunping first. In 1949, Li Chunping was born in an ordinary peasant family in Huaiyin, Jiangsu. With his handsome and chic appearance and a kind and simple heart, the young Li Chunping became a literary and artistic soldier of the art troupe.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

However, one day, Li Chunping's fortunes changed drastically. At a charity gala, he happened to meet Claudia, a Hollywood movie star from the United States. When the 69-year-old lady saw Li Chunping, she seemed to fall in love with him at first sight and took the initiative to give him care and financial help.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Gradually, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, and finally they officially married the following year. However, in the same year, Claudia was unfortunately diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. Before dying, she decided to leave 90% of her huge inheritance to Li Chunping. Overnight, this young man in Beijing, who had struggled with poverty, became a tycoon.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Since then, Li Chunping has embarked on the pinnacle of life. He returned to China with an astronomical fortune of 26.8 billion yuan and began his life as a wealthy party. He purchased a luxurious house and car, and also devoted himself to various charitable undertakings, successively donated a total of 630 million yuan, and was known as "the first person in a century of charity".

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

But even with such a rich wealth, Li Chunping still feels lonely and empty in his heart. He longed to build a complete family, but he was never able to find a suitable partner.

The sudden arrival of love

Until one autumn day, Li Chunping met Han Kaiyi, a young and beautiful singer, for the first time at a charity gala. I saw that this young woman was wearing a long white dress, and her gestures were full of elegance, which immediately attracted Li Chunping's attention.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

At the party that day, two completely different people met in a hesitation, and a spark of love was born in an instant. Li Chunping, who is in his 60s, fell in love with this beauty in his 20s at first sight and immediately began a passionate pursuit.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

However, Li Chunping's family and people around him did not agree with the disparity in this era, and they came forward to obstruct it. However, Li Chunping was unmoved and still persevered in the pursuit of his own happiness.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Finally, after one and a half years of persistence and hard work, Li Chunping and Han Kaiyi finally came together and started a love story that spanned time. 37-year-old Han Kaiyi gave birth to a son for 71-year-old Li Chunping and became the only seedling of the nine generations of the Li family.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Regrettably, just two years later, Li Chunping, who was already 73 years old, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The former charity tycoon has completely lost the ability to make his own decisions and can only be passively at the mercy of others.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Intrigue over property

Li Chunping's later years can be called a tragedy. When he contracted dementia, the nannies, secretaries and relatives who were supposed to take care of him took the opportunity to start an intrigue over his huge fortune.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

After some dirty conspiracy and deception, Li Chunping finally fell to the point of being deprived of all legitimate rights and interests, and was even deprived of the opportunity to see his own son. Now Li Chunping can only passively live in an apartment for the elderly, falling into loneliness and despair.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

And the greed and darkness of the people around him also brought a serious personal threat to Han Kaiyi's mother and son. In order to protect the rights and interests of himself and his son, Han Kaiyi had to resort to the law, and together with Li Chunping's sisters, he launched a fierce legal battle against these underworld forces.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

This "late festival is not guaranteed" against Li Chunping is heartbreaking. As a former philanthropic tycoon and millionaire, Li Chunping was deprived of his autonomy and reduced to a prisoner of money in his later years. This can't help but make people feel that no amount of money can avoid the tragedy of life.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

After this series of magnificent waves, we can't help but think: can wealth really bring happiness? Can money buy true peace?

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

For Li Chunping, he went from poverty to great wealth, and he should have said goodbye to all his troubles and lived a happy old age. But reality gave him a cruel response - when he developed dementia, his loved ones, who were supposed to protect him, instead took him as prey and deprived him of everything.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

This can't help but make people feel that although money can solve many material needs, it cannot bring true happiness. The most precious thing in life is health and family affection. And Li Chunping finally became a prisoner of his own wealth, perhaps the best proof of this truth of life.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Of course, we cannot deny the charitable deeds that Li Chunping has done in his life. In the past 20 years, he has donated a total of 630 million yuan to people in need of assistance, and is known as "the first person in charity in the century". This undoubtedly shows the kind and simple side of his heart, and also allows us to see the other side of the beauty of human nature.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Although Li Chunping suffered such a tragedy in his life, the love story between him and Han Kaiyi that transcends time and space still makes people admire and move.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

When Li Chunping was imprisoned in the whirlpool of money and power, it was always Han Kaiyi who insisted on maintaining the love legend between them. For this reason, Han Kaiyi even wrote a novel "Armor Yiren" to tell this ups and downs of love story.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

However, even if it is spread through words, it is not all smooth sailing for Han Kaiyi to regain the good times with Li Chunping. Because Li Chunping's family has been suppressing her, trying to erase this "unruly" relationship.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

In the long legal proceedings, Han Kaiyi struggled to defend the legitimate rights and interests of himself and Li Chunping's son. But regrettably, due to the lack of direct kinship, the court finally ruled that Han Kaiyi could not become Li Chunping's official guardian.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

This power struggle against Li Chunping also completely destroyed the last connection between Han Kaiyi and Li Chunping. Even if it was the son he raised with his own hands, Han Kaiyi couldn't see him again.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

In this protracted entanglement, the 77-year-old Li Chunping has lost all his autonomy and can only be passively placed in a nursing home, at the mercy of others. His old age fell into darkness.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

For Han Kaiyi, this is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching blow. She originally thought that her love with Li Chunping could overcome all obstacles and finally achieve positive results. But the reality brutally pierced her dreams, making her have to face the biggest loss and regret in her life.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

But even in such a desperate situation, Han Kaiyi did not give up his thoughts about Li Chunping. She still continues to write, reminiscing about the lingering love that spans time through words.

At the end of "The Armor of the Armor", Han Kaiyi wrote: "Even if fate plays tricks on people, the love between us will never fade. As long as I live a day, I will be by your side until you open your eyes again. "

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

This sentence, full of perseverance and tenacity, undoubtedly shows Han Kaiyi's devotion and persistence to this love. Even though the reality is so cruel, she still hasn't given up her thoughts and attachment to Li Chunping.

A new dawn of life

It was at this time that a surprise appeared at the beginning of the year. Han Kaiyi starred in a movie "Get Married This Year", in which she played a woman who has new hope for marriage.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

The advent of this work can't help but make people wonder if it hints at Han Kaiyi's inner yearning for happiness again? Although Li Chunping's experience made her suffer in life, she still did not give up her expectations for love.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Perhaps, after so many twists and turns, Han Kaiyi finally realized that life is not only limited to feelings, but also should pursue inner peace and stability. After experiencing such vicissitudes in life, she may begin to re-examine her life values and goals.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

Today, the 34-year-old has grown into a multi-talented woman. She not only has outstanding singing strength and acting skills, but also has rich experience in literary creation. It can be said that with her abilities and talents, she has become a striking artist.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

At this age, she may no longer have to rely on the protection of wealthy nobles, but can rely on her own strength to create a more brilliant life. Maybe next spring, she will be able to regain her love and happiness and write a new chapter in her life.

Li Chunping's girlfriend Han Kaiyi: fell in love with him and had a son, and suffered great resistance and threats

The road of life is long and difficult, but as long as you maintain your inner ideals and beliefs, you will eventually meet your own sunshine. For Han Kaiyi, even after experiencing so much suffering, she still did not give up her yearning for love and life, which is undoubtedly worthy of admiration and learning.