
*ST Zhengbang applies to take off the hat! *ST Aonong's debt ratio rose to 107%, and some fundraising projects were terminated to replenish liquidity......

author:New Pig Pie
*ST Zhengbang applies to take off the hat! *ST Aonong's debt ratio rose to 107%, and some fundraising projects were terminated to replenish liquidity......

The canon special giant weekly event will take you to understand the dynamics of breeding enterprises for a week.

*ST Zhengbang has received 4.1 billion yuan of reorganization investment funds and applied for removal of hats; *ST Aonagri became insolvent and terminated part of the fundraising project to supplement liquidity; The cost of listed pig enterprises within 8 yuan has increased to 9, and the cost of Wen's, Shennong, Jingji Zhinong, New Hope, and Muyuan is less than 7.5 yuan/catty; The 200-head breeding boar station project of Zhengda in Midu County is expected to be put into operation in July this year; Tang Renshen joins hands with SAP to help the digital transformation of agriculture and animal husbandry......

*ST Zhengbang: Apply to take off the hat! 4.1 billion yuan of reorganization investment funds have been received

On May 10, *ST Zhengbang disclosed a record of investor relations activities showing that the company had applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 30 to revoke the delisting risk warning due to the financial forced delisting. Up to now, the company has received a total of about 4.11 billion yuan of reorganization investment payments from industrial investors Twins Group and other financial investors in accordance with the "Reorganization Plan of Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co., Ltd." and the "Reorganization Investment Agreement". In addition, according to the company's "Reorganization Plan", the Twins Group promises that within 24 months after the completion of the reorganization, the Twins Group will gradually start the restructuring procedures for placing its own pig breeding, feed and other business assets into listed companies, and complete the overall listing of relevant businesses and assets within 4 years after the completion of the reorganization.

While the industry generally has optimistic expectations for future pig prices, investors are also concerned about whether ST Zhengbang can increase the scale of pig slaughter in the third and fourth quarters. *ST Zhengbang said that as of the end of the first quarter of 2024, the company's breeding sow herd was about 196,000 heads, and in the future, it will flexibly formulate production and sales strategies based on its actual situation and market conditions.

*ST Aonong: Some of the fundraising projects will be terminated, and the remaining raised funds will be permanently replenished with liquidity

On May 15, *ST Aonong issued an announcement on the termination of some fund-raising projects and the permanent replenishment of liquidity with the remaining raised funds. The announcement pointed out that in order to use the raised funds reasonably and efficiently and reduce the risk of using the raised funds, the company decided to terminate the 15,000 sows self-farrowing pig farm project (phase I) and the annual output of 180,000 tons of feed (phase I) project, and the remaining raised funds of 420 million yuan and interest will be permanently supplemented with working capital, so as to maximize the efficiency of the use of raised funds.

*ST Zhengbang applies to take off the hat! *ST Aonong's debt ratio rose to 107%, and some fundraising projects were terminated to replenish liquidity......

As early as April 30, Aonong Bio announced that the company's shares were suspended for one day from the opening of the market on April 30 due to the implementation of delisting risk alert and other risk warnings, and resumed trading from the opening of the market on May 6, and the stock abbreviation was changed to "*ST Aonong" after the resumption of trading. According to the announcement, as of the end of April 2024, the asset-liability ratio of *ST Aonong has further increased to 107%, replacing *ST Zhengbang as the only insolvent listed pig company.

The number of listed pig enterprises with a cost of less than 8 yuan has increased to 9

Recently, with the announcement of the cost of pig raising in April of listed pig enterprises, Xinzhupai found that under the effect of factors such as feed prices and pig diseases, the distribution pattern of pig raising costs of listed pig enterprises has been changing, especially the number of enterprises with a cost of less than 8 yuan/kg has increased from 4 in the first quarter of 2024 to 9 at present. The first place was "changed hands" by Shennong Group to Wen's shares, and New Hope surpassed Muyuan to rank fourth.

The cost of the 11 listed pig enterprises can be roughly divided into four echelons: the first echelon, the cost is less than 7.5 yuan / catty, including Wen's, Shennong, Jingji Zhinong, New Hope, Muyuan; The second echelon, the cost is 7.5-8 yuan/catty, including Dabeinong, ST Tianbang, Tiankang Biological, and Jinxinong; The third echelon, the cost is 8-8.5 yuan / catty, only Dongrui is one; The fourth echelon, the cost is higher than 8.5 yuan / catty, only *ST Aonong.

It can be seen that in the context of low-profit breeding, the competition of pig enterprises will change from chasing absolute slaughter volume and market share to pursuing relatively stable scale and lower cost in order to obtain more sustainable profits. With the opening of a new round of reshuffle, pig enterprises that cannot reduce costs and improve efficiency will always fall in the cold winter.

Zhengda Food: The 200-head breeding boar station project in Midu County was completed and accepted

On May 10, the project of Zhengda 200 boar breeding boars in Midu County passed the completion acceptance and is expected to be put into operation in July this year. It is reported that Midu County Zhengda 200 boar station is located in Yunnan Province, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Midu County, Mizhi Town, Xinglong Village, Dongshan, covers an area of 16 acres, with a total investment of 21 million yuan, is one of the important construction contents of the whole pig industry chain breeding project in Midu County, mainly raising Landrace, York, Duroc three varieties of boars. After the project is put into operation, it can provide high-quality pig essence for more than 45,000 sows in the county that can reproduce, and improve the quality and market competitiveness of slaughtered pigs through crossbreeding improvement.

*ST Zhengbang applies to take off the hat! *ST Aonong's debt ratio rose to 107%, and some fundraising projects were terminated to replenish liquidity......

According to Liu Lili, the head of Yunnan Wanchunyuan Agricultural Co., Ltd., the boar station adopts the intelligent modern production mode of the whole field, equipped with a fully automatic feeding system, semen pipeline transmission - quality inspection - automatic packaging system and air filtration system combining positive pressure ventilation and negative pressure ventilation, which can directly feed back the indoor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration and other data to the platform, so that the breeder can adjust the environmental indicators of the pig house in time to provide a comfortable living environment for the pigs.

Tang Renshen: Join hands with SAP to help the digital transformation of agriculture and animal husbandry

On May 10, at the 2024 SAP China Summit, Tang Renshen signed a strategic cooperation agreement with SAP, the world's leading provider of enterprise management and collaborative business solutions. With the help of SAP's comprehensive one-stop cloud solution, Tang Renshen will build a modern management and operation system driven by digitalization, realize standardization, digital and intelligent transformation, and help achieve the business strategic goal of 100 billion yuan in the next few years.

*ST Zhengbang applies to take off the hat! *ST Aonong's debt ratio rose to 107%, and some fundraising projects were terminated to replenish liquidity......

Tao Yishan, Chairman of Tang Renshen, said: "Tang Renshen is undergoing an unprecedented and deep transformation, from an individual-driven to an organization-driven transformation, and a key step is to establish a digital management and operation system. The company has established a clear vision and business strategy, and the cooperation with SAP is a combing and reengineering of the existing business process. It is hoped that with the help of SAP system construction, we can promote the upgrading and business standardization of Tang Renshen's management, build the core competitiveness of low-cost breeding, create value for customers with feed and meat products, realize business improvement and risk prevention, and finally achieve the realization of business strategic goals. ”

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