
5000 sheets! Tomorrow at 10 o'clock to grab →

author:Xi'an Net

Today is May 18, 2024

Saturday (11th day of the 4th lunar month)

5000 sheets! Tomorrow at 10 o'clock to grab →

Weather forecast

Today's daytime: Sunny and partly cloudy.

Tonight: Cloudy to overcast, scattered showers or light rain in the southern mountains.

Highest temperature: 37 °C in urban areas, 34 °C ~ 37 °C in other districts and counties; Minimum temperature: 24 °C in urban areas, 22 °C ~ 24 °C in other districts and counties.

Wind direction: south-southeast, wind: 2-3, gusts 4-5.

Tomorrow: Cloudy with showers or thundershowers, southerly winds 3-4 with gusts 5-6.

Consult the front line • Xiaobu health

5000 sheets! Tomorrow at 10 o'clock to grab →

May 18 is the "National Vascular Health Day" every year, and in this issue, "Asking the Frontline Xiaobu Health" invites front-line experts to learn about vascular health with you.

Convenient information

The Municipal Archives collects archival materials from the public

This year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Xi'an. Contact number: 029-89579080, 86127335. (Reporter Gao Ruyu) (Details: The Municipal Archives collects archival materials from the society)

Xi'an Cultural Huimin Card is limited to 5,000 pieces

"Travel in China, Live a Happy Life", May 19 is the 14th China Tourism Day. In order to welcome this important festival, the Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism will officially release the Xi'an Cultural Huimin Card at 10 o'clock on May 19, with a limited edition of 5,000 pieces. The general public can follow the WeChat public account of "Voice of Xi'an Cultural Tourism" and follow the relevant guidelines to receive it. (Reporter Yang Ming) (Details: Xi'an Cultural Huimin Card Limited to 5,000 copies)

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Xi'an Shiyou University openly solicits exhibits from Chen Zhongzhong Literature Memorial Hall

A few days ago, Xi'an Shiyou University openly solicited exhibits from the Chen Zhongzhong Literature Memorial Hall. This move aims to inherit the spiritual quality of "learning to be a good person", strengthen the fundamental task of higher education to establish morality and cultivate people, and at the same time commemorate and cherish the memory of the famous writer Mr. Chen Zhongzhong. (Reporter Wang Jiayue) (Details: Xi'an Shiyou University openly solicits exhibits from Chen Zhongzhong Literature Memorial Hall)

Free admission No reservation required The Qin Xianyang Palace Ruins Museum opened

The newly renovated and upgraded Qin Xianyang Palace Ruins Museum reopened on May 16. The exhibition of "Great Qin Hub, Six-in-One Unification" unveiled on the same day exhibited 74 pieces (groups) of cultural relics, all of which were unearthed from the ruins of Qin Xianyang City, revealing the past and present life of Xianyang Palace for the audience. According to the staff, the museum is open from 9:30 to 17:00 every day, and admission ends at 16:30. The museum is closed all day on Tuesdays for renovations (except national holidays). Admission is free, no appointment is required. (Text/Reporter Zhang Xiao Photo/Reporter Li Ming) (Details: Free Visit, No Reservation Required, Qin Xianyang Palace Ruins Museum Opened)

5000 sheets! Tomorrow at 10 o'clock to grab →

Pets can be declared online through the mobile phone applet "Port Pet Pass".

A few days ago, Xi'an Customs' Guanzhong Customs instructed Ms. Gou to complete the personal declaration of outbound pet cats through the mobile phone applet "Port Pet Pass", and the customs issued an animal health certificate for Ms. Gou's pet cat after on-site quarantine, and the whole process took only ten minutes. (Photo provided by reporter Feng Xiaorui interviewee) (details: pets can be declared online through the mobile phone applet "Port Pet Pass")

5000 sheets! Tomorrow at 10 o'clock to grab →

Source: Xi'an release