
The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

author:Xi'an Net
The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

1. Japan Parasite Museum: This place is full of colorful beakers and test tubes arranged along the walls, all of which contain different human or animal parasites. In addition, there are detailed anatomical drawings showing the life cycle of the parasite in the host's belly, and there are even medical pictures showing the actual consequences of being infected by the parasite.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

2. Paris Sewer Museum, France: The "exhibition hall" of the Sewer Museum in Paris is actually part of the abandoned Paris sewer system, and the smell here is incredible. Exhibits here include photographs, maps, and specimens of sewer rats. As an added bonus, you'll actually be able to walk the sidewalks a few metres above the gushing wastewater, made by the stinking Parisians on the ground.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

3. International Toilet Museum of India: commode, toilet, toilet, flush toilet, open-air toilet...... These are all on display at the International Toilet Museum, and there are also a number of exhibits detailing toilet designs around the world, from "squatting and pulling" to "royal gilded" toilets.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

4. International Trailer Hall of Fame & Museum: Trailers are a serious business, as anyone who has ever seen Australia's fanatical trailer rescue companies fight over crashed scraps. The International Trailer Hall of Fame & Museum in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is also proof that it has generated its mission to "preserve the history of the trailer rescue industry," to educate the children of the world and society at large, and to honor those who have created significant change and dedicated their precious time to the industry.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

5. American Museum of Bad Art: Located in Massachusetts, the Museum of Poor Art aims to exhibit "the art of the Bad Art that cannot be ignored." The museum has more than 250 objects, including paintings and sculptures with severe perceptual perspectives, torsos with arms twisted like thighs, and some of the most colourful artworks ever used by a master painter like Ken Donne.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

6. Turkish Hair Museum: A Turkish ceramist decided to collect hair from women all over the world, and opened this hair museum. Housed in a cave in Avanos and featuring over 16,000 samples of women's hair hanging from the walls and roof, this hair cave looks more like a serial killer's lair than anything else, especially when the museum owner puts on an apron and pulls out scissors.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

7. Britannica Lawn Mower Museum: Go to Southport, Lancashire and go to the restaurant Britannia Lawn Mower Museum. Exhibitions there include "The Lawn Mower of the Rich and Famous", "The World's Fastest Lawn Mower" and the world's first solar-powered robotic lawn mower.

The most bizarre museum in the world You guess you can't think of it!

8. Azerbaijan Crutch Museum: Nafortalan, the famous sanctuary of health care, has the only museum in the world dedicated to the collection of old crutches, all of which are said to have been left behind by people who came here and were suddenly cured, and they no longer need these crutches, which is quite fantastical.

Source: Museums Worldwide

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